Goat milk yoghurt casein exhibited strong
antioxidant activity (4,52 µg/mL), and thus able to
prevent inflammation in the kidney. Administration
of goat milk yoghurt casein has the most effective
effect in 900 mg/kgBW/day dosage which could
lower oxidative stress level, indicated by the
inhibition of TNF-α level (12,9550 ± 4,826) increase
and IL-1β (21,615 ± 25,502) level increase. This
treatment showed highest difference compared to
positive control(K+), which showedTNF-αlevel
being 23,7467 ± 2,555and IL-1βlevel being 35,700 ±
0,000.The kidney protective effect exhibited by goat
milk yoghurt casein against TCDD was possible for
casein’s function as antioxidant. Milk fermentation
process by LABs produces bioactive peptides (Wan
et al., 2014). Goat milk yoghurt bioactive peptides
would stabilize superoxide radicals by donating
hydrogen atom (H). Superoxide radicals were
captured by bioactive peptides from goat milk
yoghurt casein and this prevented unstable radical
lipid from forming out of lipid molecules losing one
hydrogen atom (H). Moreover, bioactive peptides
also prevent oxygen molecule from transferring
electron to peroxyl radicals and thus prevents
propagation process, stopping free radicals from
reacting with oxygen (Kullisaar et al., 2003).
Goat milk yoghurt casein may prevent the rise of
proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α andIL-1β level in
animal modelRattus norvegicusexposed to TCDD
and thus can be used as alternative nutrition with
antioxidant that can prevent cell damage caused by
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