properties immunological.The formation of CRP due
to an inflammatory response in the heart whichproves
that induction of a high cholesterol diet increased
ROS production. Protein with a molecular weight of
70 kDa is the HSP protein (Heat Shock Protein). The
HSP is a protein which results from genetic based
responses to induce genes encoding molecular
chaperons, proteases and other proteins that are
important in recovery and defense and cell response
from various physiological disorders and
environment. The appearance of protein with BM 70
kDa in hypercholesterolemia rat were an
inflammatory response from free radicals due to the
induction of a high cholesterol diet.In therapy 1
protein bands with molecular weights of 23 kDa and
70 kDa are still formed, however,the band formed is
thinner than the protein band formed in rat
hypercholesterolemia. This showed that
hypercholesterolemia rat + 1 mL fermented milk
therapy. Fermentation has the effect of reducing
cholesterol levels so that protein bands were formed
not as thick as a hypercholesterol rat. Therapy 2 did
not show the formation of protein bands at a
molecular weight of 23 kDa and 70 kDa. This
happened due to the active biopeptides that played a
role as an antioxidant suppresses inflammation that
occured so that the rat proteins band profiles
hypercholesterolemia treated with 2 mL of fermented
milk approached normal rat protein band profiles.
This showed that 2 mL of fermented milk therapy has
a decreased effect which is more effective so as not to
form protein bands with molecular weights of 23 kDa
and 70 kDa.
Based on the results of this research, it can be
concluded that the higher the Lactobacillus casei
fermented milk therapy, the greater MDA levels
decrease. The best dose of therapy is 2 mL of
fermented milk. Lactobacillus casei fermented milk
therapy can suppress the expression of CRP and HSP
so that the therapeutic protein profile resembles the
normal rat protein profile.
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