type of fungi can infect grains directly which can later
cause aflatoxin accumulation. This can cause health
problems in animals and even humans due to
contamination of feed ingredients by aflatoxins. A.
flavus fungi can also be used as antibacterial
metabolites. A. flavus can inhibit the growth of
Echercia coli which is a bacterium that causes
Based on the results of Hidayati's research (2010)
the selection of six endophytic fungi isolates
produced antibacterial metabolites using the Kirby-
Bauer test method where the results were all isolates
could form inhibitory zones against the test bacteria.
A. flavus fungi can inhibit the growth of E. coli
bacteria by 9.33 mm. Research Raharjo et al. (2007)
said that this fungus is able to dissolve phosphate
which cannot be dissolved so that plants can be used
in growth.
Gandjar et al. (1999) describe the fungi of
Penicillium sp. has a surface with a velvety texture
although sometimes like cotton. The colours in the
colonies are sometimes yellow to brownish, greyish-
green to yellowish-green and greyish green.
Conidiophores in fungi arise from the substrate and
generally has many branches and smooth-walled.
Habitat from this fungi is very common in various
food products, as well as food items that are low in
the water. Penicillium sp. used in industry to produce
antibiotics (Crystovel, 2017).
These fungi are known as fungi that produce
antibiotic metabolites. Amaria et al. (2013) said that
Penicillium, Trichoderma and Aspergillus are fungi
that can release antibiotic-like substances that can
inhibit the growth of pathogens so that these fungi are
antagonistic fungi that can be used as biopesticide and
biofertilizer fungi. Subowo (2015) explains that the
fungi of Penicillium sp. able to decompose cellulose
and lignin compounds into simple carbon compounds
needed by soil microbes as an energy source so that
this fungi is very good for soil fertility.
The results of isolation and identification of
endophytic fungi from Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
mangroves taken from the Sembilang National Park,
South Sumatera are known that there are two types of
fungi from the Aspergillus genus namely Aspergillus
niger and Aspergillus flavus, and one of the
Penicillium genera namely Penicillium sp.
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