Based on table 7 t test results (partial), it can be
explained as follows:
The results of the statistical test analysis revealed the
significance value (P-Value) of the knowledge
variable amounted to = 0.014. Because the P-value
=0.014 <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a
significant influence between clinical coder
knowledge and clinical coding quality.The results of
this study support previous research conducted by
Alias (2018) that knowledge has a positive and
significant effect (p-value = 0.039) on the
performance of employees at the Makassar Branch
BPJS Employment Office(Alias and Serang 2018).
The results of the statistical test analysis revealed the
significance value (P-value) of the attitude variable
amounted to = 0.034. Because the P-value = 0.034
<0.05, it can be concluded that there is a significant
influence between the clinical coder attitude and the
quality of clinical coding.This is in line with
research conducted by Wahyudi (2011) showing that
attitude significantly influences the quality of
medical records with a significant value of
0.001(Wahyudi 2011).
Based on the results of the F test
(simultaneously) it can be seen that the value of F =
6.547 and the significance value (P-value) is equal to
0.013. Because the P-value of 0.013 <0.05, it can be
concluded that there is a significant influence
between knowledge and attitudes simultaneously on
the quality ofclinicalcoding.Based on research by
Tamara (2019)also states that there is a significant
influence between knowledge, attitudes and work
experience of employees simultaneously on the
performance of employees of Islamic microfinance
institutions in Tulungagung with a significance
value = 0,000(Tamara 2019).This is in line with
research conducted by Suprapti (2004)showing that
of the three variables tested namely knowledge,
skills and attitude variables jointly influence (p-
value = 0,000) on performance variables with
indicators of quality, quantity, ability , initiative and
collaboration(Suprapti 2004).
It is found in Table 7 Value (a) = -94,664 and the
value of the regression coefficient (b1) = 8.360 and
the regression coefficient (b2) = 4.490 to obtain the
regression equation, namely:
Y = a + b1.X1 + b2.X2
Quality of Clinical Coding =
-94,664+ 8,360(Knowledge) + 4,490 (Attitude)
Based on the results of the above equation can
predict the quality of clinical coding using clinical
coder knowledge and attitudes. The meaning of the
coefficient, namely:
Every knowledge of a clinical coder increases
by 1 point on condition that the value of a
constant attitude, then the quality of clinical
coding will increaseby8.360.
Every attitude of a clinical coder increases by
1 point on condition that the value of
knowledge remains constant, then the quality
of clinical coding will increaseby4,490.
In the above results it can be concluded that the
variable with the greatest effect on the quality of
clinical coding is the knowledge variable.
The results of the scores of 14 respondents who
filled out the questionnaire regarding knowledge
obtained an average score of dataof8.21 with an
estimated interval at a 95% confidence level
ranging from 7.12 to 9.30 with a standard
deviation of 1.888. The median value is 9 and the
minimum value is 4 and the maximum valueis11.
The results of the score of 14 respondents who
filled out questionnaires about attitudes obtained
an average score of 21.86 data with an estimated
interval at a 95% confidence level ranging from
20.18 to 23.53 with astandard deviation of 2.905.
The median value is 22.50 and the minimum
value is 16 and the maximum value is 25.
The results of the scores of 14 respondents who
filled out the questionnaire regarding training
obtained an average score of dataof4.07 with an
estimated interval at a 95% confidence level
ranging from 2.78 to 5.36 with a standard
deviation of 2.235. The median value is 3.00 and
the minimum value is 0 and the maximum value
The results of the BPJS claim file assessment of
the quality of clinical coding from 14
respondents obtained an average data
scoreof72.14 with an estimated interval at a 95%
confidence level ranging from 56.96 to 87.32
with a standard deviation of 26.291. The median
value is 75.00 and the minimum value is 0 and
the maximum value is100.
The influence of variable knowledge and clinical
coder attitude partially on the quality of clinical
coding for BPJS claims at the "Dharmais"
Cancer Hospital, with a significance value of