Factors Associated with the Participation of Hypertensive Patients on
Chronic Disease Management Program (Prolanis) in Puskesmas
North Larangan Year 2019
Awani Ceria Luksita and Gisely Vionalita
Public Health Department, Esa Unggul University, Health Sciences Faculty,
H. Holil Street, Kreo, South Tangerang, Indonesia
Keywords: Prolanis Participation, Distance, Family Support, Gender, Health Worker.
Abstract: Prolanis is a health service system and discusses proactivity by participants supported by health facilities
and BPJS. Prolanis will encourage participants to get disease protection to achieve optimal quality of life
with an indicator of 75% having good results on specific examinations. Prolanis activities include
medical/educational consultations, reminders, home visits, club activities, and health status monitoring.
Based on data obtained from the Puskesmas North Larangan, there were 230 hypertension sufferers in
February 2019. In February 2019 the number of participants participating in the prolanis club was only 24
people with hypertension. This research to know factors related to the participation of hypertensive patients
in Program Pengelolaan Penyakit Kronis (Prolanis) in Puskesmas North Larangan 2019. The type of this
study is quantitative with Case-Control design, to obtain data on the data carried out by observation and
interviews with 72 respondents with total sampling technique for case respondents and purposive sampling
technique for control respondents. The results of the Chi-Square test showed a relationship between distance
(ρ = 0.005), family support (ρ = 0,000), health workers (ρ = 0,000) with participation in Prolanis.
Based on WHO reports in 2015, showing about 1.13
billion people in the world suffer from hypertension.
That is, 1 in 3 people in the world diagnosed with
hypertension, only 36.8% of them take medication.
The number of patients with hypertension in the
world continues to increase annually, estimated in
2025 there will be 1.5 billion people affected by
hypertension (WHO,2015).
Indonesia is a country that is included in shifting
health trends is from infectious diseases to
untransmitted diseases. Data on the disease is not
contagious, from the results of Riskesdas year 2018
the prevalence of hypertension based on the
diagnosis of doctors or taking antihypertensive drugs
on the population of > 18 Tahum by 8.8%.
(Kemenkes, 2018).
Data from the Tangerang City Health Office
(2015) hypertension in the Regency and city of
Tangerang ranked first in the category of major
diseases suffered by the population of Tangerang
Regency/city. The problem of hypertension disease
every year has an increased number of sufferers. So,
there is an effort done to lower the hypertension
number. The number of patients with hypertension
in Karo district in 2015 is 53,708 people.
In order to improve public health status and
make a successful social Security program in
accordance with presidential Regulation number 19-
year 2016 about health Insurance article 21
paragraph 1, one of the benefits obtained by the
participants BPJS Healthcare is a promotive and
preventive health service, one of which is Prolanis.
The main purpose of the Prolanical program in
Puskesmas is to encourage participants with chronic
illnesses to achieve optimum quality of life with an
indicator 75% of registered participants and visit to
the first Level healthcare facility (FKTP) with good
results on Specific examination of the disease type
DM II and hypertension to prevent complications of
Puskesmas North Larangan has a Prolanis health
program that has been running since October 2017
and has a regular schedule of the second week in
each month with the number of participants 21
Luksita, A. and Vionalita, G.
Factors Associated with the Participation of Hyper tensive Patients on Chronic Disease Management Program (Prolanis) in Puskesmas North Larangan Year 2019.
DOI: 10.5220/0009589202150219
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 215-219
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
hypertension patients, Along with the time the
number of participants experienced fluctuation
where it can happen because of the provisions of the
puskesmas on hypertension patients who must
follow the club Prolanis and supplemented by the
number of patients with hypertension in Handled by
the Puskesmas. Currently recorded in February year
2019 number of participants who attended club
Prolanis as many as 24 people with patients with
hypertension. Activity that is always done club
Prolanis Prohibition of Northern Prohibitions are the
following first participants are given education
through counseling and health materials that is an
activity to improve health knowledge in the effort
Restoring illness and preventing disease and
improving health status for participants thereafter
continued with gymnastics activities in an effort to
improve physical condition through sports
activities/healthy gymnastics and activities that The
last medical examination has been monitored since
the participants attended the club Prolanis.
According to researchers, the utilization of prolanis
activities is not carried out well, because the number
of participants is very slightly compared with the
numbers of people visiting the hypertension each
month in Puskesmas more than 100 people and the
presence of permanent participants who make
increasingly narrow opportunities for other
hypertensive patients by having other diagnoses
such as uric acid, cholesterol, and high blood sugar
to follow Prolanis so that it can make the patient
experience other complications of diseases, as well
as the lack of health promotion conducted by
officers such as absence of banners and leaflets.
This type of quantitative research aims to obtain an
overview by studying the correlation or the
relationship between independent variables and
dependent variables. This research uses case-control
by identifying case groups and control groups and
then researched retrospective. The research uses the
quantitative approach, where the study uses
statistical analyses that emphasize hypothesis
testing. The design of the research used is Case-
Control where independent variables and dependent
variables are measured or collected simultaneously
or at the same time. The samples needed for this
study amounted to 72 respondents, with comparisons
to the cases and controls in this study being 1:2,
which meant it required 24 cases and 48 controls.
3.1 Univariate Analysis
Table 1: Overview of each variable on hypertension
patient participation in Prolanis year 2019.
Variable Frequency Percentage
Participation hypertensive
Not Participant 48 66,7
24 33,3
45 62,5
Near 27 37,5
Family Support
38 52,8
Good 34 47,2
Woman 47 65,3
25 34,7
Health Officers
40 55,6
Good 32 44,4
Based on the results of the study of 72 respondents
known that the participation of hypertensive patients
in Prolanis there are as many as 48 hypertension
patients (66.7%) Not a participant who never
participated in Prolanis and 24 hypertension patients
(33.3%) Who are currently a participant of Prolanis.
When viewed based on the distance of the house of
Hypertension patients with the North Prohibition
Puskesmas has a remote home as much as 45
patient’s hypertension (62.5%) and has a close-
quarter of 27 hypertension patients (37.5%). In
addition, from a total of 72 respondents, the number
of hypertensive patients 38 hypertension patients
(52.8%) Received poor support from his family and
the number of hypertensive patients as much as 34
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
hypertension patients (47.2%) Received poor
support from her family. According to the gender of
25 patients (34.7%) with man and female gender as
much as 47 patients (65.3%) woman gender. Out of
a total of 72 hypertensive patients were known that
the number of hypertensive patients who had bad
treatment from health officers of 40 patients (55.6%)
and the number of hypertension patients who
received good treatment from health personnel as
much as 32 patients (44.4%).
3.2 Bivariate Analysis
According to table 2, in the variable distance
proportion in the control group is from 72
respondents, obtained in the participation of
hypertensive patients on Prolanis the highest
proportion of the highest hypertensive patients with
a distance from the Puskesmas, namely As many as
36 patients (75%) and obtained in the participation
of hypertensive patients on Prolanis the highest
proportion in the case of the group is hypertensive
patients with a close home distance from health
centers, namely as many as 15 patients (62.5%). In
the family support variables of 72 respondents on
The participation of hypertensive patients on
Prolanis the highest proportion in the control group
is a hypertensive patient who does not have a family
support well that is as much as 38 patients (79.2%)
And in the participation of hypertensive patients on
Prolanis the highest proportion in the case of the
group is a hypertensive patient who had good family
support as much as 24 patients (100%). In the
gender variable of the 72 respondents, obtained on
the participation of hypertensive patients on Prolanis
the highest proportion in the case of the group is
hypertensive patients with female gender as much as
19 patients (79.2%) And in the participation of
hypertensive patients.
In Prolanis the highest proportion in the control
group is patient hypertension with female gender as
much as 28 patients (58.3%). In a health personnel
variable from 72 respondents, obtained in the entry
of hypertensive patients on Prolanis The highest
proportion of the case is hypertension patients who
have good category for health personnel as much as
24 patients (100%) and obtained in the participation
of hypertensive patients on Prolanis the highest
proportion in the control group is a hypertensive
patient who has bad category for health personnel as
much as 40 patients (83.3%).
3.3 Discussion
3.3.1 Distance
Utilization of healthcare services according to
Kemenkes (2010) can be influenced by several
factors such as the affordability of the location of
services, types, and quality of services available, as
well as the affordability of information. Access to
the health services referred to in this case is the
distance that is far away from the house or place of
residence into the center where the activities of
health services for the community in the region.
According to the (Ministry of National Education
(2005), the distance is the space of the gap (long or
distant) between two objects or places that is the
distance between the house and Puskesmas. The
Table 2: Proportion of hypertension patient participation in Prolanis year 2019.
Variabel Participation Hypertension Patient
Participant Not a participant P-Value OR
N % N % (95% CI)
Much 9 37,5 36 75 0,005 5,000
Near 15 62,5 12 25 (1,744-
Family Support
Good 0 0 38 79,2 0,000 0
Bad 24 100 10 20,8
Woman 19 79,2 28 58,3 0,137 2,714
Man 5 20,8 20 41,7 (0,868-
Health officers
Bad 24 100 8 16,7
Factors Associated with the Participation of Hypertensive Patients on Chronic Disease Management Program (Prolanis) in Puskesmas North
Larangan Year 2019
results showed patients who visited Puskesmas
where Prolanis activities carried out more that had a
home distance of > 1 km, where the respondents
visited the Puskesmas only to take medication when
they were sick so they To visit when important
circumstances. Access to transportation to reach the
health center of respondents can only use Ojek
transportation because there is no public
transportation from the city through the front or
around the north ban Puskesmas when reached on
foot can take 18-30 minutes. Based on the results of
observation conducted by the researcher's
geographic location of North ban Puskesmas more
leads near the border with district Ciledug. The
location of a beautiful prohibition Kelurahan
different from the 3 other Kelurahan that is built by
the Puskesmas ban North is further away and
integral areas with large highways that make the
public access the city general vehicles 2 times the
vehicle is the first by public transportation in the
second city by using Ojek. This becomes most of the
respondents easy to feel tired, nobody drove and
need to charge a community barrier to come to visit
the Puskesmas North ban.
3.3.2 Family Support
A family is a group that has a very important role in
developing, preventing, adapting and or correcting
health problems found in families. To achieve the
healthy behavior of the community, it must begin in
each family order. A family is a conducive place for
the growth of healthy behavior for children as a
candidate for the community, the promotion is a role
(Notoatmodjo, 2010). Nearly 85% of elderly
activities were conducted at home, in the family. It is
not easy for the elderly to change the way life adapts
to the state of record. They need time to understand,
understand and accept different conditions than ever
before. Positive support from the family is
encouraged by the elderly (Permenkes, 2015).
Family support is essential to the Manifesting the
prosperous and inner elderly. Birth support can be
met or played by anyone but the emotional and inner
needs of the elderly require intensive involvement of
their families and even strengthening
intergenerational relationships (Suardiman, 2011).
Based on the results of interviews conducted with
the charge of Prolanis at Puskesmas Ban North, the
Puskesmas has been doing good cooperation with
the family of participants where the family
participants participated in motivating participants to
follow Prolanis activities such as reminding
schedules, giving direction and understanding and
driving elderly to Puskesmas. However, according to
family respondents do not support to follow Prolanis
by reason only knowing that Prolanis form activities
for the elderly with hypertension and do not know
all information about Prolanis in terms of benefits,
types of activities and free fees in the responsibility
of BPJS. According to respondents who have
entered the age of seniors, their families have their
own busyness such as working, caring for infants,
and having other affairs that make respondents
almost never accompanied by families during
Prolanis activities Last.
3.3.3 Gender
Gender is one of the predisposing factors of the
exact sociodemography factor. According to the
Green theory (2005), It is mentioned that
sociodemographic factors such as social status
(based on income, education, occupation, living
area, and others), age, gender, ethnic groups, family,
and history affect the behavior related to Health.
Gender variables can be used in grouping goals or
individuals for planning purposes. According to
Tawakal and Nadjib (2015), Female-type
respondents have a greater chance of utilizing
chronic disease management programs because
women have higher levels of awareness of their
illness so that Women are more utilizing chronic
disease management programs to prevent the
severity of the disease suffered. Based on the results
of the study, female-type respondents had a greater
chance than men. It is also supported by the age
number of female life expectancy according to the
year 2018 BPS which is 73.19 years different from
the age number of life expectancy of 69.3 years.
Other factors besides genetics and male work and
behavior are more prone to cause death because
women have higher levels of awareness of the
illness so that women will go straight to the ministry
Health programs in Puskesmas to prevent the
severity of the illness.
3.3.4 Health Officer
According to Prolanis Handbook, Home Visit is a
health service activity by visiting the House of
participants to give information/health education and
environment for the participants of Prolanis and his
family (BPJS, 2015). According to LAW RI No. 36
the Year 2014 health workers, health workers should
give motivation in the form of providing important
information about chronic diseases as well as how
complications will occur if not performed
prevention. Prolanis activity itself has been active
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
but there are still many patients with hypertension
who do not utilize the program, this is because the
sufferers who are not interested in the activities or
officers who are less socialize activities Prolanis.
Based on interviews with health workers themselves,
they claim that Prolanis is a new program and does
not have a specific SPO regarding the
implementation of the program. This makes the
health worker does not make Prolanis as a priority
program so that there is no special activity to
socialize the benefits of this program to the
community. Officers stated that they will give the
activity if the patient has repeated treatment.
4.1 Conclusion
Hypertension patient participation in Prolanis
obtained the proportion of hypertension patients not
participants as much as (66.7%). Distance to the
participation of hypertensive patients on Prolanis
obtained the proportion of hypertensive patients with
a remote home distance of (62.5%). Family support
for the participation of hypertensive patients on
Prolanis obtained the proportion of hypertension
patients who received poor support as much as
(52.8%). Gender to the participation of hypertensive
patients on Prolanis obtained the proportion of
hypertension patients with the gender of women that
is as much (65.3%). Health officers on the
participation of hypertensive patients on Prolanis
obtained the proportion of hypertension patients did
not get the good treatment from the health officers as
much as (55.6%). Based on the results of the study
stated that there is a relationship between distance,
family support and the role of health officers with
the participation of hypertensive patients on
4.2 Advice
PHC can cooperate with the village for the
implementation of this Prolanis can run in the office
of the village that is built by Puskesmas ban North in
order to be closer to the participant's house and also
can attract more participants. The PHC can also
include families in a program so that families can
better understand health and care about the health of
their family members. Health officers are expected
to expand information about the activities and
benefits of Prolanis activities can be a pamphlet or
animated advertisement that can be displayed on the
TV waiting room Puskesmas so that it can spur
patients motivated to Follow the activities of
Bpjs. (2015). The practical Guide to Prolanis (chronic
disease management Program).
Department of National Education. (2005). Great
Dictionary of Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: The worship
of Husada.
Tangerang City Health Office. (2015). Health profile of
Tangerang City. Tangerang.
Green, L. W. (2005). Health Program Planning an
Educational and Ecological Approach. New York:
McGraw-Hill Companies.
Kemenkes. (2010). Optimization of public health services
in the development of health degrees.
Notoatmodjo, S. (2010). Health Behavioral Sciences.
Jakarta: Rhineka Cipta.
Permenkes. (2015). Maintenance of the elderly health
services at the Public Health Center. Jakarta.
Suardiman, S. (2011). Elderly psychology. Yogyakarta:
Gajah Mada University Press.
Tawakal, I., & Nadjib, M. (2015). Utilization of Chronic
Disease Management Program (Prolanis) In Bpjs
Health Branch Office Tangerang.
Factors Associated with the Participation of Hypertensive Patients on Chronic Disease Management Program (Prolanis) in Puskesmas North
Larangan Year 2019