results showed patients who visited Puskesmas
where Prolanis activities carried out more that had a
home distance of > 1 km, where the respondents
visited the Puskesmas only to take medication when
they were sick so they To visit when important
circumstances. Access to transportation to reach the
health center of respondents can only use Ojek
transportation because there is no public
transportation from the city through the front or
around the north ban Puskesmas when reached on
foot can take 18-30 minutes. Based on the results of
observation conducted by the researcher's
geographic location of North ban Puskesmas more
leads near the border with district Ciledug. The
location of a beautiful prohibition Kelurahan
different from the 3 other Kelurahan that is built by
the Puskesmas ban North is further away and
integral areas with large highways that make the
public access the city general vehicles 2 times the
vehicle is the first by public transportation in the
second city by using Ojek. This becomes most of the
respondents easy to feel tired, nobody drove and
need to charge a community barrier to come to visit
the Puskesmas North ban.
3.3.2 Family Support
A family is a group that has a very important role in
developing, preventing, adapting and or correcting
health problems found in families. To achieve the
healthy behavior of the community, it must begin in
each family order. A family is a conducive place for
the growth of healthy behavior for children as a
candidate for the community, the promotion is a role
(Notoatmodjo, 2010). Nearly 85% of elderly
activities were conducted at home, in the family. It is
not easy for the elderly to change the way life adapts
to the state of record. They need time to understand,
understand and accept different conditions than ever
before. Positive support from the family is
encouraged by the elderly (Permenkes, 2015).
Family support is essential to the Manifesting the
prosperous and inner elderly. Birth support can be
met or played by anyone but the emotional and inner
needs of the elderly require intensive involvement of
their families and even strengthening
intergenerational relationships (Suardiman, 2011).
Based on the results of interviews conducted with
the charge of Prolanis at Puskesmas Ban North, the
Puskesmas has been doing good cooperation with
the family of participants where the family
participants participated in motivating participants to
follow Prolanis activities such as reminding
schedules, giving direction and understanding and
driving elderly to Puskesmas. However, according to
family respondents do not support to follow Prolanis
by reason only knowing that Prolanis form activities
for the elderly with hypertension and do not know
all information about Prolanis in terms of benefits,
types of activities and free fees in the responsibility
of BPJS. According to respondents who have
entered the age of seniors, their families have their
own busyness such as working, caring for infants,
and having other affairs that make respondents
almost never accompanied by families during
Prolanis activities Last.
3.3.3 Gender
Gender is one of the predisposing factors of the
exact sociodemography factor. According to the
Green theory (2005), It is mentioned that
sociodemographic factors such as social status
(based on income, education, occupation, living
area, and others), age, gender, ethnic groups, family,
and history affect the behavior related to Health.
Gender variables can be used in grouping goals or
individuals for planning purposes. According to
Tawakal and Nadjib (2015), Female-type
respondents have a greater chance of utilizing
chronic disease management programs because
women have higher levels of awareness of their
illness so that Women are more utilizing chronic
disease management programs to prevent the
severity of the disease suffered. Based on the results
of the study, female-type respondents had a greater
chance than men. It is also supported by the age
number of female life expectancy according to the
year 2018 BPS which is 73.19 years different from
the age number of life expectancy of 69.3 years.
Other factors besides genetics and male work and
behavior are more prone to cause death because
women have higher levels of awareness of the
illness so that women will go straight to the ministry
Health programs in Puskesmas to prevent the
severity of the illness.
3.3.4 Health Officer
According to Prolanis Handbook, Home Visit is a
health service activity by visiting the House of
participants to give information/health education and
environment for the participants of Prolanis and his
family (BPJS, 2015). According to LAW RI No. 36
the Year 2014 health workers, health workers should
give motivation in the form of providing important
information about chronic diseases as well as how
complications will occur if not performed
prevention. Prolanis activity itself has been active