Based on the results of the study the highest
proportion of smoking variables found in respondents
who did not smoke as many as 59 (60.8%). The
results of this study are in line with research
conducted by Sutriana (2018) of employees at PT
Pins Indonesia, of the 112 respondents obtained the
highest proportion of respondents who did not smoke
as many as 89 (79.5%).
Cigarettes can cause thickening and hardening
resulting in narrowing of the arteries. Smokers are
those who smoke every day for a minimum period of
6 months during their lifetime still smoking when the
survey was conducted (MOH, 2004). Based on the
results of interviews with respondents, it is known
that the high proportion of respondents who do not
smoke is caused by some respondents who have not
been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or who have
stopped smoking after being diagnosed with Type 2
diabetes. In addition, the history of hypertension that
some respondents have is one of the factors causing
the respondent do not smoke.
Description of Hypertension History in Patients
Age 60 - 69 Years at the Working Area of
Puskesmas Kecamatan Taman Sari in 2019.
Based on the results of the study the highest
proportion of respondents who had a history of
hypertension were 60 (61.9%) respondents. In this
study, the proportion of respondents who had a
history of hypertension was more dominant compared
to the proportion who did not have a history of
hypertension. The results of this study are in line with
research conducted by Kistianita et al., (2017) at the
Kendalkerap Health Center in Malang City, from 88
respondents the highest proportion was obtained by
respondents who had a history of hypertension of 45
Based on the results of research conducted at the
Taman Sari District Health Center, most respondents
have a history of hypertension, some respondents still
consume salt for their food needs in large quantities,
in addition to consuming salt that does not match the
amount of some respondents also experience stress
due to economic problems. Efforts to reduce
hypertension by reducing salt consumption, taking
the medication regularly and managing stress.
The program that has been carried out by the
Taman Sari sub-district health center staff is an
integrated post-training program (Posbindu), an effort
undertaken with the posbindu program that is
monitoring and early detection of hypertension,
counseling, and providing counseling to the public to
know and understand the risk factors can cause
3.2.2 Bivariate Analysis
The Relationship Between Family History with
DM with the Occurrence of Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus in Patients Age 60 - 69 Years at the
Working Area of Puskesmas Kecamatan Taman
Sari in 2019.
Statistical test results state that there is a significant
relationship between patients who have a family
history of DM with the incidence of type 2 diabetes
mellitus (p-value = 0,000). Based on research
conducted at the Taman Sari District Health Center,
most respondents have a family history of DM, many
respondents have a family history of DM one of
which is due to lack of parental knowledge so it is not
informative enough to inform their offspring, who are
at risk of having a family history of DM. therefore the
researchers suggest respondents do a screening of
sugar levels, regulate diet 3 times a day and multiply
eating fruits and vegetables, not smoking and
routinely doing physical activities doing sports.
The Relationship Between Smoking and The
Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients
Aged 60-69 Years at the Working Area of
Puskesmas Kecamatan Taman Sari in 2019.
Statistical test results state that there is no significant
relationship between smoking and the incidence of
type 2 diabetes mellitus (p-value = 0.177 & 0.224).
According to Action on Smoking and Health (2015),
a lot of evidence shows that smoking is a risk factor
for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Smoking has been
identified as a possible risk factor for insulin
resistance. Smoking has also been shown to reduce
glucose metabolism which can cause type 2 diabetes
mellitus and smoking has also been linked to the risk
of chronic pancreatic and pancreatic cancer,
indicating that cigarette smoke can be toxic to the
pancreas. People who smoke about 20 cigarettes per
day have a higher risk of developing diabetes mellitus
than nonsmokers.
Based on research conducted at the Taman Sari
District Health Center, most respondents do not
smoke. This is one of them because some respondents
did not smoke from before being diagnosed with
Type 2 DM, besides that some respondents had a
history of hypertension and stopped smoking after
being diagnosed with DM Type 2.
The Relationship Between Hypertension History
and the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in
Patients Aged 60-69 Years at the Working Area of
Puskesmas Kecamatan Taman Sari in 2019.