consume because they still meet SNI 3818: 2014
requirements. One way to prevent/slow the increase
in the number of total plates is by giving an edible
coating layer that can be done by utilizing algae
Caulerpa sp. (Mailoa, Tapotubun, & Marutty, 2017).
In addition, the drying process also affects the total
plate count (Ruga, 2011).
From the results of hedonic quality tests and hedonic
tests that have been carried out, the best formulation
in F2 is most preferred by panelists and has the best
color, texture, taste and aroma quality compared to
other formulations. The selected product has a
vitamin B12 content of 6.67 mg / 100g, 9.25%
protein, 2.94% fat, carbohydrate 28.32%, water
56.72%, ash 2.69%, the total plate count is 2.3 x
104. It is proved that tempeh and vital wheat gluten
can produce a meat analog with high vitamin B12
content that also fulfills the minimum quality
requirements in SNI 3818:2014.
In future research, we suggest to analyze the
vitamin B12 levels using Microbiological Assay
method and identify the content of Pseudovitamin
B12 in selected products. Also, protein analysis
should be using the Kjeldahl method or quantitative
analysis for carbohydrate content analysis. We also
suggest to Conduct an analysis to see the product
storage time, factors that influence and also changes
related to nutrients that occur. And lastly to
intervene by giving products to increase plasma
vitamin B12.
The author declared that there is no conflict of
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