well-being of women victims of sexual abuse. With
forgiveness can be an indicator of psychological
welfare in humans (Sapmaz, et.al, 2016). Forgiveness
is important not just to fulfill religious teachings or
moral teachings. Forgiveness becomes important
especially for the victims themselves because if they
do not forgive, they will forever be a victim and suffer
the consequences of this painful cases, they will lose
their sense of peace and can turn into a bitter and full
of internal conflict (Arif, 2016 ).
Research results matching that of (Toussaint &
Friedman, 2009), shows that forgiveness brings great
influence to the individual's subjective well-being.
Forgiveness has a very good effect on health. The
stress levels of people who are able to forgive are
lower and their hostility will also be reduced.
Meanwhile, if it does not forgive it will disrupt the
functioning of our body's hormones, and inhibit the
body's response to deal with bacteria, infections and
various other types of health problems (Arif, 2016).
The results of this study indicate that forgiving
therapeutic intervention can improve the well- being
of women victims of sexual abuse. This is evidenced
by an increase in forgiveness and welfare scores for
The limitation in this study is the relatively small
number of subjects so that less can be generalized to
all cases.
For further research, it is recommended to add
more subjects so that the results will be generalized
in various cases.
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