Implementation of Health Care Service Program (PKPR) Puskesmas
Kecamatan Pulogadung Jakarta Timur in 2019
Sela Irawati
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sciences, Universitas Esa Unggul,
Jl. Arjuna Utara No.9, Jakarta 11510, Indonesia
Keywords: Program Implementation, Health Service, Caring for.
Abstract: Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia in 2017, the Indonesian population aged 10-19 years amounted to
around 44 million people or around 20% of the total population. PKPR began in 2003 at the Puskesmas.
PKPR is a special health service for teenagers to deal with problems that exist in adolescents. The number
of adolescent health problems in the Pulogadung District Health Center in 2018 is still high. The purpose of
this study was to analyze the implementation of the Youth Health Care Services (PKPR) program at the
Pulogadung District Health Center. This research uses a descriptive type with a qualitative approach and
tests the validity of the data by triangulating methods, sources, and data. Data were collected using in-depth
interviews, observation and document review. The results of the study revealed that human resources did
not have permanent doctors in the PKPR program, facilities were still lacking in the absence of IEC media,
and the expansion of the PKPR program was still lacking. It is expected that the puskesmas will assign one
PKPR polyclinic doctor to facilitate patient monitoring as well as additional means to promote the PKPR
program to adolescents who still do not utilize the PKPR in the puskesmas.
According to WHO, adolescents are residents in the
age range of 10-19 years. According to the Republic
of Indonesia's Minister of Health Regulation number
25 of 2014, adolescents are residents in the age
range of 10-18 years. Meanwhile, according to the
National Population and Family Planning Agency
(BKKBN), the age range of teenagers is 10-24 years
and not yet married. The different definitions
indicate that there is no universal agreement
regarding the limits of the adolescent age group.
However, adolescence is associated with the
transition from childhood to adulthood. This period
is a period of preparation for adulthood that will pass
through several important stages of development in
life. In addition to physical and sexual maturity,
adolescents also experience stages towards social
and economic independence, building identity,
acquisition of abilities (skills) for adult life and the
ability to negotiate (abstract reasoning) (WHO,
Adolescence is a transition from childhood to
adulthood. Teenagers' lives are crucial for their
future lives. Teenagers also have very complex
problems along with the transition experienced by
adolescents. Complex teen problems such as
education, friendship, love and one of them are
unhealthy lifestyles. Unhealthy lifestyles among
adolescents occur as a result of a transition period in
adolescents characterized by physical,
psychological, and social changes. This change
makes adolescents seem emotionally unstable. This
unhealthy lifestyle certainly raises various health-
related problems and the emergence of juvenile
delinquency. Adolescents experience health
problems due to the influence of environmental
factors on the incidence of risky behavior such as
information that is easily accessible, harmful
substances easily obtained and the decline in social
values. The impact caused not only health problems,
but the preparation of an immature adult such as low
education due to dropping out of school due to
premarital sex resulting in teenage pregnancy
resulting in increased unemployment due to
inadequate skills.
Based on data from the Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia in 2017, Indonesia's
population aged 10-19 years amounted to around 44
million people or around 20% of the total
Irawati, S.
Implementation of Health Care Service Program (PKPR) Puskesmas Kecamatan Pulogadung Jakarta Timur in 2019.
DOI: 10.5220/0009593002660271
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 266-271
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
population. This is in accordance with the proportion
of adolescents in the world, where the number of
adolescents is 1.2 billion or about 1/5 of the world's
population. The large population of adolescents is an
asset to the nation in the future. So they play a very
important role in the future survival of their people.
Therefore we need quality teenagers both in physical
and spiritual health to make a nation develop and
progress. Teenagers are a vulnerable age, where they
have a high sense of curiosity and want to try new
The results of the 2018 Riskesdas show the
prevalence of smokers in the population aged 10-18
years which is 9.1%. About 3% of the population
aged 10 years and over have consumed alcoholic
beverages with various types of drinks, such as
whiskey, traditional drinks, mixtures, wine-wine,
beer and so forth. Meanwhile according to the 2017
IDHS the percentage of men who smoke increases
from 56% (IDHS, 2012) to 57%. About 31%
(women) and 21% (men) in adolescents, smoking
for the first time before age 13 years and half of the
men smoke more than 10 cigarettes in 24 hours. The
percentage of women who first drink alcohol at the
age of fewer than 14 years is 27% higher than men
16%. Health Demographic Survey Results in 2017
Book Teenagers about attitudes toward premarital
sexual relations, the percentage of teenage boys aged
15-19 years who agree with premarital sexual
relations is 5.4% higher compared with young
women which are 3%. The reason for premarital
sexual relations is mostly because of curiosity or
curiosity (57.5% of men), just happened (38% of
women) and forced by a partner (12.6% of women).
Among women and men who have had premarital
sexual relations, 59% (women) and 74% (men)
report having first sexual intercourse at the age of
15-19 years. The highest percentage occurred at the
age of 17 years (19%), both men and women. This
evidence reflects the lack of understanding of
adolescents about the risks of sexual relations and
the ability to reject relationships that they do not
The number of deviant behavior done by
adolescents, of course, becomes a major problem in
adolescent health. For this reason, special handling
is needed for adolescents to reduce negative
behavior. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia has developed the Youth Health Care
Program (PKPR) since 2003 at the Puskesmas. The
PKPR program at the Puskesmas then promotes
health to schools, youth clubs, and other youth
groups. Puskesmas work closely with the UKS in
every existing school. PKPR is a health service
aimed at and reached by teenagers with a pleasant
impression, accepting teens with open arms, keeping
secrets, counseling with needs related to adolescent
health to meet those needs. With the PKPR program
being implemented at the puskesmas, adolescents
are scouted into creative teenagers without a record
of juvenile delinquency. Counseling services are a
feature of PKPR considering that adolescent
problems are not only related to physical but also
psychosocial. Outreach efforts to adolescents are
carried out through information and education
communication and counseling to schools and
adolescent groups.
Pulogadung Sub-district Health Center is one of
the Community Health Centers that has conducted
PKPR programs and works closely with schools in
East Jakarta. The PKPR program at the Pulogadung
District Health Center has run well but health
services at productive age have not reached the
target of 56.1% with the target supposed to be 100%
according to the provisions set by the puskesmas. As
a result of the program that is not going well, the
number of health problems in adolescents in the
Pulogadung District Health Center is still high.
Based on reports of visits to cases of adolescent
health services in the Pulogadung District Health
Center in 2018 namely 225 cases of obesity, 188
cases of smoking, 98 cases of pregnancy in
adolescents, 70 cases of premarital sex, 49 cases of
menstrual disorders, 39 cases of anemia, 26 cases of
childbirth, 22 cases of problems psychiatric, 19
cases of alcohol, and 2,254 other cases such as
tuberculosis, ARI, diarrhea, and others. This case
can increase because not all cases are reported to the
This research was conducted at the Pulogadung
District Health Center. This study used descriptive
qualitative method. The population is health workers
who carry out the PKPR program at the Pulogadung
District Health Center. Informants are selected based
on the principle of the subject who mastered the
problem, has data and is willing to provide complete
and accurate information.
There are three types of informants in this study,
namely key informants, key informants, and
supporting informants. The key informants were the
head of the puskesmas, the main informants were
health workers in the PKPR poly (program
responsible, doctors, nurses) and supporting
informants were UKS supervisors.
Implementation of Health Care Service Program (PKPR) Puskesmas Kecamatan Pulogadung Jakarta Timur in 2019
Data collection techniques used by in-depth
interviews, observation and document review.
Interviews were conducted based on the interview
guidelines. Observations were made by researchers
of the activities carried out in the implementation of
adolescent health care programs carried out both
within the puskesmas and outside the puskesmas.
Data collection through document review was
carried out by researchers with documents contained
in PKPR, both planning documents, budgets,
methods, and recording PKPR activities both within
the puskesmas and outside the puskesmas.
In this research, triangulation is done, namely
method triangulation, source triangulation, and data
triangulation. Method triangulation is done by
comparing information in different ways namely
interviews, observation and document review.
The triangulation of sources is done by
examining the results of several in-depth interviews
with different informants. Data triangulation is done
by comparing primary data obtained through in-
depth interviews and observations with secondary
data obtained through the document review process
related to the PKPR program.
3.1 Overview of PKPR Input
3.1.1 Human Resources
Based on the results of research on human resources,
it was found that the human resources in charge
consisted of doctors, nurses and the person in charge
of PKPR at UKS. Health workers have also received
special training on youth as a condition of being
PKPR officers. The problem that occurs in human
resources is that the PKPR poly officers need
psychologists and permanent doctors who only serve
PKPR poly at the Pulogadung District Health
3.1.2 Infrastructure
Based on the results of research on the infrastructure
available in the Pulogadung District Health Center
on PKPR that is good enough with a room that is
already privacy with a separate room and
soundproof from the outside and is designed as
comfortable as possible for patients. However, the
room is not available for media and materials for
IEC such as posters and leaflets.
3.1.3 Method
Based on the results of the research obtained
regarding the method or guidelines used are specific
guidelines on adolescents that refer to the Ministry
of Health's PKPR National Standards and a
combination of several government regulations on
adolescents. There is a disconnect between health
workers in the PKPR policymakers regarding the
socialization and review of the method used. This is
because there are officers who are not familiar with
the reviews and outreach carried out in connection
with the PKPR program.
3.1.4 The Budget
Based on the results of research on the budget
obtained that the budget comes from the government
namely BLUD for puskesmas and BOP and BOS for
schools. There are no restrictions on the use of the
budget supported by the existence of the Work Plan
and Budget report (RKA) and the School Activity
and Budget Plan (RKAS).
3.2 Overview of the PKPR Process
3.2.1 Preparation
Based on the results of research on preparations in
PKPR Puskesmas Pulogadung District, it is done
once a year and is made one year later or planning is
running. The expansion of the PKPR program that
has been carried out by puskesmas is conducting
health promotion to schools covering the working
area of the Pulogadung District Puskesmas,
conducting IEC activities and training students to
become peer counselors.
3.2.2 Health Services
Based on the results of research related to health
services consisting of health checks, treatment,
counseling and counseling obtained from
examinations in patients aged 10-19 years with any
complaints. Then anamnesis was performed in the
form of patient data and medical record data such as
height, weight and blood pressure followed by
counseling services in the form of complaints felt by
patients. Treatment is done by treating clinically and
referring to the agency needed by the patient if the
problem cannot be handled by the health center.
Counseling is carried out by nurses with questions
asked to patients. Counseling is not done specifically
for adolescents in the health center environment but
is done through health promotion in schools.
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
3.2.3 Monitoring and Evaluation
Based on the results of research on monitoring and
evaluation conducted every quarter through
meetings called minilok. The meeting was attended
by various cross-sectors in the community. The
matter discussed was in the form of achievement and
problem solving that occurred within the PKPR
3.2.4 Recording and Reporting
Based on the results of the study found that the
recording is done to patients who visit by collecting
data to patients. The recording is done manually and
network systems. Enumeration was also carried out
before and after PKPR activities in the school. After
the recording will be reported to higher parties such
as schools that report to the puskesmas then proceed
to the health department.
3.3 PKPR Output Overview
Based on the results of the study it was found that
the impact of the existence of the PKPR program
both in health centers and schools provides a very
good impact on adolescents. Apart from being a
place for health examinations, PKPR is also a place
to learn about adolescent health and a place for
counseling in accordance with complaints that are
often felt by adolescents.
4.1 Overview of PKPR Input
4.1.1 Human Resources
Based on the results of the study that the existing
PKPR poly health human resources are quite good
with officers who already have special training for
adolescents as stipulated by PKPR officers and peer
counselors who also receive training. The absence of
permanent doctors in PKPR has led to the
monitoring of every patient who needs a little
problematic monitoring so that the high rate of
juvenile delinquency around the Pulogadung District
Health Center area.
4.1.2 Infrastructure
Based on the results of the study note that the PKPR
poly room is placed in a separate room with another
poly. But in the room, there are no restrictions
between doctors and nurses to separate the
examination and counseling services that are
conducted and IEC media that are not available.
4.1.3 Method
Based on the results of research related to the
method or guidelines, it is found that the guidelines
used to refer to the Ministry of Health's SN-PKPR
and regulations from the government. The method of
socialization was still minimal by the Pulogadung
District Health Center because there were still health
workers who did not know of the review in the
guidelines. This can cause health workers to not
understand the existing guidelines.
4.1.4 The Budget
The budget used in PKPR comes from the
government and before making a budget request a
budget planning is made to clarify the use of the
budget so that there are no problems that can
interfere with the implementation of the PKPR
4.2 Overview of the PKPR Process
4.2.1 Preparation
Good preparation is done once a year at the
beginning and end of the year to determine the
setting of goals and strategies on PKPR in order to
run the program and produce good output. To
develop PKPR, puskesmas need to expand to
adolescents to increase PKPR access in the future.
4.2.2 Health Services
Based on the results of research that a clear path
makes it easier for patients to visit and be handled
quickly in patients aged 10-19 years. And if the
problem cannot be handled by the health center will
be referred to the agency required by the patient.
Patients will then be counseled about complaints that
are felt and given counseling individually in
accordance with the issues that are proposed. In
addition to individual counseling, the puskesmas
also conducts group counseling to schools that work
together with the Pulogadung District Health Center.
4.2.3 Monitoring and Evaluation
Based on the results of research that monitoring and
evaluation have been well done to monitor the
Implementation of Health Care Service Program (PKPR) Puskesmas Kecamatan Pulogadung Jakarta Timur in 2019
implementation of PKPR to achieve the target or
not. But there are still officers who are not aware of
the monitoring and evaluation activities carried out.
This shows that if socialization is still not
maximized and can cause health workers not to
understand the progress and targets to be achieved
by PKPR.
4.2.4 Recording and Reporting
Based on the results of research that recording and
reporting in accordance with the existing National
Standards PKPR and run well even though there are
problems in the form of a network system that is
sometimes an error.
4.3 PKPR Output Overview
Based on the results of research that teenagers still
do not know clearly the actual PKPR program even
though they have participated in several activities
included in PKPR. The unclear information about
the use of PKPR supports why teenagers do not use
the service.
1. PKPR Poly does not have a permanent doctor
program that handles specifically PKPR Poly
and psychologists in handling counseling
2. Still lack facilities and infrastructure in PKPR
poly in the form of poly space and IEC media
3. Lack of socialization on standard operating
procedures to other PKPR health workers.
4. The budget used in the PKPR program comes
from the government so that there are no
restrictions on the use of PKPR activities in
puskesmas and schools.
5. The Puskesmas has carried out planning
activities on the PKPR program to determine
targeted activities and expansion of the
programs carried out to improve PKPR access
in the future.
6. PKPR poly health services with a clear
examination flow, treatment and referral
activities, counseling services and counseling
services through health promotion in schools.
7. Monitoring and evaluation conducted by POL
PKPR through the Minilok meeting with the
aim of monitoring the achievement targets of
the PKPR program and solving problems that
occur to improve service quality in the next
8. Recording every PKPR activity carried out
both inside the puskesmas and outside the
puskesmas aims to obtain data on adolescent
health in the puskesmas area and planning
interests, the results of the recording will be
reported to the higher-level agency.
9. Poly PKPR provides great benefits for
adolescents because of special services
provided to adolescents. The benefits of PKPR
include information about health and how to
look after it and a place for a consultation.
1. It is hoped that the puskesmas will establish a
special doctor program in PKPR to facilitate
the monitoring of patients who need follow-up
and add a psychologist to help solve
psychological problems in patients.
2. It is expected that the PKPR poly room is
placed in a separate place and access to the
poly does not go through other poly poles and
the addition of insulation in the room between
inspection and counseling. The addition of
IEC media such as leaflets is also very needed
for teenagers to find out information or
information about adolescent health problems
or about PKPR policymakers.
3. Good socialization is needed for all health
workers regarding the standard operating
procedures and how to review them. This is
done so that health workers can carry out
services in accordance with established
standards that will make the service have good
quality in the eyes of patients.
4. To develop poly PKPR better known by
adolescents, puskesmas are expected to expand
their activities to PKPR. This can increase
access to PKPR in the future so that more
teenagers will know and know about
polyclinics that provide adolescent health
5. Puskesmas are expected to carry out special
youth counseling conducted at the puskesmas
so that adolescents will know that the PKPR
poly is not only dealing with sick patients and
reducing the number of existing adolescent
health problems.
6. It is expected that the puskesmas will conduct
socialization of every monitoring and
evaluation activity to other health workers so
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
that health workers understand the progress
and targets to be achieved in the PKPR poly.
7. Enumeration conducted by the UKS is
expected to guide the UKS to monitor when
counseling has been done so as not to forget in
recording the results of counseling that will be
reported to the puskesmas.
8. It is expected that the puskesmas will conduct
socialization to adolescents and involve youth
in the implementation of PKPR to improve
and introduce that the PKPR poly is not only
dealing with sick people.
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Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional.
Kementerian Kesehatan, 2018. Data dan Informasi Profil
Kesehatan Indonesia 2017. Jakarta: Kementerian
Kesehatan RI.
Kementerian Kesehatan, 2018. Hasil Utama Riskesdas
2018. Jakarta: Kementerian Kesehatan Badan
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan.
Kementerian Kesehatan, 2018. Profil Kesehatan Indonesia
Tahun 2017. Jakarta: Kementerian Kesehatan RI.
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Remaja. Jakarta: Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga
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Implementation of Health Care Service Program (PKPR) Puskesmas Kecamatan Pulogadung Jakarta Timur in 2019