population. This is in accordance with the proportion
of adolescents in the world, where the number of
adolescents is 1.2 billion or about 1/5 of the world's
population. The large population of adolescents is an
asset to the nation in the future. So they play a very
important role in the future survival of their people.
Therefore we need quality teenagers both in physical
and spiritual health to make a nation develop and
progress. Teenagers are a vulnerable age, where they
have a high sense of curiosity and want to try new
The results of the 2018 Riskesdas show the
prevalence of smokers in the population aged 10-18
years which is 9.1%. About 3% of the population
aged 10 years and over have consumed alcoholic
beverages with various types of drinks, such as
whiskey, traditional drinks, mixtures, wine-wine,
beer and so forth. Meanwhile according to the 2017
IDHS the percentage of men who smoke increases
from 56% (IDHS, 2012) to 57%. About 31%
(women) and 21% (men) in adolescents, smoking
for the first time before age 13 years and half of the
men smoke more than 10 cigarettes in 24 hours. The
percentage of women who first drink alcohol at the
age of fewer than 14 years is 27% higher than men
16%. Health Demographic Survey Results in 2017
Book Teenagers about attitudes toward premarital
sexual relations, the percentage of teenage boys aged
15-19 years who agree with premarital sexual
relations is 5.4% higher compared with young
women which are 3%. The reason for premarital
sexual relations is mostly because of curiosity or
curiosity (57.5% of men), just happened (38% of
women) and forced by a partner (12.6% of women).
Among women and men who have had premarital
sexual relations, 59% (women) and 74% (men)
report having first sexual intercourse at the age of
15-19 years. The highest percentage occurred at the
age of 17 years (19%), both men and women. This
evidence reflects the lack of understanding of
adolescents about the risks of sexual relations and
the ability to reject relationships that they do not
The number of deviant behavior done by
adolescents, of course, becomes a major problem in
adolescent health. For this reason, special handling
is needed for adolescents to reduce negative
behavior. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia has developed the Youth Health Care
Program (PKPR) since 2003 at the Puskesmas. The
PKPR program at the Puskesmas then promotes
health to schools, youth clubs, and other youth
groups. Puskesmas work closely with the UKS in
every existing school. PKPR is a health service
aimed at and reached by teenagers with a pleasant
impression, accepting teens with open arms, keeping
secrets, counseling with needs related to adolescent
health to meet those needs. With the PKPR program
being implemented at the puskesmas, adolescents
are scouted into creative teenagers without a record
of juvenile delinquency. Counseling services are a
feature of PKPR considering that adolescent
problems are not only related to physical but also
psychosocial. Outreach efforts to adolescents are
carried out through information and education
communication and counseling to schools and
adolescent groups.
Pulogadung Sub-district Health Center is one of
the Community Health Centers that has conducted
PKPR programs and works closely with schools in
East Jakarta. The PKPR program at the Pulogadung
District Health Center has run well but health
services at productive age have not reached the
target of 56.1% with the target supposed to be 100%
according to the provisions set by the puskesmas. As
a result of the program that is not going well, the
number of health problems in adolescents in the
Pulogadung District Health Center is still high.
Based on reports of visits to cases of adolescent
health services in the Pulogadung District Health
Center in 2018 namely 225 cases of obesity, 188
cases of smoking, 98 cases of pregnancy in
adolescents, 70 cases of premarital sex, 49 cases of
menstrual disorders, 39 cases of anemia, 26 cases of
childbirth, 22 cases of problems psychiatric, 19
cases of alcohol, and 2,254 other cases such as
tuberculosis, ARI, diarrhea, and others. This case
can increase because not all cases are reported to the
This research was conducted at the Pulogadung
District Health Center. This study used descriptive
qualitative method. The population is health workers
who carry out the PKPR program at the Pulogadung
District Health Center. Informants are selected based
on the principle of the subject who mastered the
problem, has data and is willing to provide complete
and accurate information.
There are three types of informants in this study,
namely key informants, key informants, and
supporting informants. The key informants were the
head of the puskesmas, the main informants were
health workers in the PKPR poly (program
responsible, doctors, nurses) and supporting
informants were UKS supervisors.