Relationships of Mother’s Characteristics, Frequency of Children
Attendance in Posyandu with Nutritional Status of Children
under Five Years at Puskesmas Kelurahan Kebagusan
Kecamatan Pasar Minggu 2019
Rani Ariyani, Vitria Melani, Rachmanida Nuzrina, Lintang Purwara and Laras Sitoayu
Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Health and Sciences, Universitas Esa Unggul, DKI Jakarta, 11510, Indonesia,
Keywords: Children under Five Years, Education, Knowledge, Nutritional Status, Occupation, Posyandu.
Abstract: The important thing that must known in the children under five years nutritional status is each parent needs
to pay attention to child growth because malnutrition causes negative effects such as slow growth,
susceptibility to disease. According to data 2017, community participation coming to the Posyandu at
Puskesmas Kelurahan Kebagusan by 62.26%. This shows community participation in bringing children to
posyandu is still lacking. The aim of this study is determine the relationships of mother’s characteristics,
frequency of children attendance in posyandu to nutritional status. The type of research with cross-sectional
approach. The sampling technique used was the proportionate stratified random sampling with a sample of
88 people. Data analysis using chi-square. The results showed there was relationship between mother’s
education (p = 0,0001), mother’s knowledge (p = 0,0001), frequency of attendance to posyandu (p = 0,0001)
with nutritional status. There was no relationship between the mother's occupation (p = 0,196) with nutritional
status. The conclusion of this research was the characteristics of mothers and the attendance of children under
five years to the posyandu are indirect factors that affect the nutritional status. Therefore, children under five
years need to active in attending to the posyandu.
The availability of quality human resources will
determine the success of development in a nation.
One factor that is very influential on the quality of
human resources, especially related to intelligence
productivity and creativity, namely nutritional status.
Therefore, at the child under five which is the golden
age as the next generation of the nation is expected to
become a quality human resources in the future
(Adriani and Wirjatmadi, 2012).
Based on Riskesdas data, nationally the
prevalence of children under five years in Indonesia
who experienced u malnutrition in 2013 was 19.6%
and decreased in 2018 by 17.7%. Although the data
showed a decrease in the incidence of malnutrition
compared to the previous year, but the figure is still
quite high. The prevalence is still above the 2019
National Medium Term Development Plan target of
17% (Kemenkes RI, 2018).
The most important thing that must be known in
the nutritional status of a child under five is that every
parent needs attention for their children's growth and
development because if malnutrition can cause some
negative effects such as slow growth, susceptibility to
disease, decreased level of intelligence (Widjaja,
2009). Factors that affect the nutritional status of
child consist of direct causes include food intake and
infectious diseases, as well as indirect causes, include
the availability of food in this case by knowing the
work, income of parents, parenting children, health
services and environmental health (Adisasminto,
Each region has different potential causes of
malnutrition, so it is necessary to know the main
problem. The government in this is trying to combat
malnutrition, among others through posyandu
revitalization in increasing the coverage of under-
fives weighing, counseling, supplementary feeding,
increasing access and health service, prevention of
infectious diseases and community empowerment
Ariyani, R., Melani, V., Nuzrina, R., Purwara, L. and Sitoayu, L.
Relationships of Mother’s Characteristics, Frequency of Children Attendance in Posyandu with Nutritional Status of Children Under Five Years at Puskesmas Kelurahan Kebagusan Kecamatan
Pasar Minggu 2.
DOI: 10.5220/0009593402780284
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 278-284
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
through nutrition-conscious families (Kemenkes RI,
2011). Posyandu is held for benefit of the community
so that its formation, organization and utilization
require community participation in the form of
participation weighing every month so as to improve
the nutritional status of the child (Sumiasih and Ulvie,
The attendance of children in Posyandu is an
indicator of the reach of basic health services for
posyandu which includes monitoring of development
and growth. The level of attendance at an active
posyandu has a major influence on monitoring
nutritional status, and mothers of a child under five
who come to posyandu will get the latest information
about health that is useful in determining healthy
lifestyles on a daily basis. Children under five who
come to the posyandu and weigh regularly will be
monitored for their nutritional and health status
(Welasasih and Wirjatmadi, 2012).
One of the objectives of implementing the
posyandu program is to maintain posyandu and
improve the nutritional status of health for mothers
and children, so the community is expected to
participate in posyandu activities. Increased
community participation is marked by the arrival of
mothers to the posyandu regularly every month. In
posyandu activities, the level of community
participation in an area can be measured by looking
at the comparison between the total number of
children under five in the Posyandu work area (S) and
the number of a child under five who come weighed
on each specified schedule (D). D/S figures illustrate
the coverage of children under five who are weighed.
This figure is also an indicator of the level of
community participation (Aprianti et al, 2014).
The results of a study in the working area of the
Puskesmas Kecamatan North Jakarta in 2014,
Kelurahan Rorotan is the lowest kelurahan in terms
of weighing. In Rorotan Village only 76.9% of
children under five want to weigh in the Posyandu
(D/S). Children under five who are weighed were
only 55.4% who have increased weight on the
weighing scope (N/D) (Hasanah, 2015). This problem
if not addressed will have an impact on nutritional
problems in children, namely not knowing the child's
Based on preliminary data obtained from
Puskesmas Pasar Minggu in 2017, the utilization of
posyandu services at Puskesmas Pasar Minggu
District found that out of 181 posyandu in Puskesmas
for the level of achieving a weighing program (N/D)
only reached 59.16% of the target of 87%. The level
of community participation (D/S) to come to
posyandu is only 73.37% of the target of 87%. The
working area of the Puskesmas Pasar Minggu is in
charge of 7 villages namely Jati Padang, West
Pejaten, East Pejaten, Kebagusan, Pasar Minggu, East
Cilandak and Ragunan. According to the data from
the Puskesmas Kecamatan Pasar Minggu in 2017,
Kebagusan Village has 28 posyandu with the lowest
community participation coming to other Posyandu,
which is 62.26%. In this village, the achievement of
the weighing program was only 51.85%. This shows
that community participation is still lacking to bring
their children to the posyandu. The purpose of this
study was determine the relationship between
mother’s characteristics, frequency of children's
attendance to posyandu with nutritional status
children under five years in the Puskesmas Kelurahan
Kebagusan Kecamatan Pasar Minggu.
This research was conducted in June-July 2019 in 28
posyandu working areas of the Puskesmas
Kebagusan. This study uses an observational analytic
design with a cross-sectional approach. The
population in this study was child under five aged 8-
59 months. The sample was 88 children under five
years with a proportionate stratified random sampling
technique. This research has only been tested by the
Ethics Committee of Esa Unggul University and has
been approved by No: 0168-19/ 149/ DPKE-
The initial stage of data collection is to visit the
posyandu based on a schedule and then interview the
posyandu cadres to obtain data on mothers carrying
children under five in each posyandu activity. Then
measure the weight at the posyandu with the
weighing scales aided by the cadre. Data analysis
includes univariate analysis and bivariate analysis
using tools in the form of Statistical Product and
Service Solution (SPSS) 22 software. Bivariate
analysis of maternal characteristics (education,
occupation, knowledge), frequency of attendance of
children to posyandu with nutritional status of
children can use the chi-square test.
3.1 Univariate Analysis Results
Age according to the Ministry of Health (2009) is
categorized into late teens (17-25 years), early adult
(26-35 years) and late adult (36-45 years). In table 1
Relationships of Mother’s Characteristics, Frequency of Children Attendance in Posyandu with Nutritional Status of Children Under Five
Years at Puskesmas Kelurahan Kebagusan Kecamatan Pasar Minggu 2
the age of most mothers aged 26-35 years was 64.8%.
Mother's education is categorized as low education,
including completing elementary school/equivalent,
completing junior high school/equivalent, and higher
education including completing senior high
school/equivalent, completing Diploma/Bachelor's
degree. Mother's education more with higher
education by 85.2%. Mother’s occupation is
categorized as mothers who do not work and mothers
who work. Mothers do not work more (89.8%)
compared to those who work (10.2%). Mother's
knowledge is said to be less knowledge if ≤ 80% and
good knowledge > 80%. Mothers who are
knowledgeable both more numerous (73.9%) than
mothers with less knowledgeable (26.1%).
Table 1: Characteristics of respondents.
Mothers characteristic
n (%)
17-25 years 10 (11,3)
26-35 years 57 (64,8)
36-45years 21 (23,9)
Low education 13 (14,8)
High education 75 (85,2)
Not work 79 (89,8)
Work 9 (10,2)
Less (≤ 80%) 23 (26,1)
Good (> 80%) 65 (73,9)
Children under five characteristic
0-23 months 31 (35,2)
24-59 months 57 (64,8)
Men 43 (48,9)
Women 45 (51,1)
Children's attendance
Inactive (<8 times/years) 31 (35,2)
Active (≥8 times/years) 57 (64,8)
Nutritional status
Underweight (< -2 SD) 19 (21,6)
Good ( ≥ -2 SD) 69 (78,4)
Based on table 1, children under five years are
categorized as 0-23 months and 24-59 months. In this
study samples taken age 8-59 months. The results in
this study were more than half aged 24-59 months at
64.8%. The number of children under five in this
study was more women by 51.1%. The frequency of
attendance of children to posyandu is categorized into
the category is inactive if it is less than 8 times in one
year and the category is active more than or 8 times
in one year. The attendance of children to posyandu
with active categories (64.8%) is greater than those
who are not active (35.2%). Nutritional status
according to BB/U is categorized into two,
underweight nutritional status (<-2 SD) and good
nutritional status (≥ -2 SD). Table 1 it can be seen that
the nutritional status of children under five according
to BB/U is more with a good nutritional status of
78.4% compared to the underweight status of 21.6%.
3.2 Bivariate Analysis Results
The results of statistical test in table 2 show that the
education of mothers with good nutritional status is
more in mothers with high education as many as 65
people (86.7%). While the education of mothers with
nutritional status less occurred in mothers with low
education (69.2%). These results indicate the p-value
of 0.0001 (p<0.05), it is concluded that is a
relationship between maternal education with
nutritional status of children under five years. The
result of the statistical test shows that the occupation
of mothers with good nutritional status is more in
mothers who do not work as many as 60 people
(75.9%). These results indicate the p-value of 0.196
(p> 0.05), it is concluded that is no relationship
between mother’s occupation with the nutritional
status of children under five years. As well as the
knowledge of mothers with good nutritional status is
more in mothers with good knowledge as many as 65
people (100%). These results indicate the p-value of
0.0001 (p <0.05), it is concluded that is a relationship
between mothers' knowledge with the nutritional
status of children under five years.
Table 2: Relationship of mother characteristics with
nutritional status children under five years.
Nutritional status
Less Good Total
n (%) n (%) n (%)
9 69,2 4 30,8 13 100,0
10 13,3 65 86,7 75 100,0
Not work
19 24,1 60 75,9 79 100,0
0 0,0 9 100,0 9 100,0
19 82,6 4 17,4 23 100,0 0,0001
0 0,0 65 100,0 65 100,0
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
Table 3: Relationship of frequency of child's attendance to
posyandu with nutritional status children under five years.
Attendance to
Nutritional Status
Less Good
n (%) n (%) n (%)
(<8 times/years)
17 54,8 14 45,2 31 100,0
(≥8 times/years)
2 3,5 55 96,5 57 100,0
The results statistical test in table 3 show the
frequency of attendance of children to posyandu with
good nutritional status is more frequently in children
who are active in attending posyandu as much 55
people (96.5%). These results indicate the p-value of
0.0001 (p<0.05), it is concluded that is a relationship
frequency attendance children into posyandu with
nutritional status of children under five years.
4.1 Characteristics of Mother
Mother's education contributes importantly to the
growth of children ranging from food consumed
every day, foods that are liked, eating habits and how
children eat according to balanced nutrition. The
results showed that mother’s education with the
largest percentage in the higher education group was
75 people (85.2%). The higher a person's education
the easier it is to receive information, education is
needed to get information, for example in supporting
health so as to improve the quality of life.
Mothers who do not work have more time to pay
attention and interact with their children, this will
affect the growth and development of children
properly (Anida et al, 2016). While working mothers
can be directly and assisted with other family
members in caring for children so that the nutritional
status of children can be monitored properly
(Purwoastuti and Walyani, 2015). The results showed
that the occupation of mothers with the largest
percentage was 79 mothers, not work (89.8%).
Furthermore, in this study, there were 9 people work
(10.2%), mother's work including as a teacher and
private employee. Mother's knowledge is
indispensable in an effort to improve the nutritional
status of children under five, the higher the mother's
knowledge the more that is done in regulating food to
be more useful for the body of the children under five
(Susanti et al, 2018). The results of this study indicate
the knowledge of mothers with the largest percentage
are mothers with good knowledge of 65 people
(73.9%). Good knowledge about nutrition, people
will know and try to regulate food consumption
patterns in such away.
4.2 Frequency of Children's
Attendance to Posyandu
From this study, most of the mothers bring their
children to the posyandu because mothers of children
under five do not work. So that mother of a child
under five who is not working allows more time to
come to the posyandu. This shows that the mother
already has an awareness of the importance of
attending posyandu activities for their children so that
mothers routinely bring their children to posyandu
(Indriati and Lidyawati, 2017). Mothers who are
active in visiting the posyandu will affect the
nutritional status of their children, so that if
abnormalities are found in the growth chart then it
will be immediately detected and will easily make
improvements to the nutritional status of children
(Susanti et al, 2018). Mothers who are not active in
bringing their children to the posyandu can be caused
by busy mothers at home that have not been resolved,
mothers forget the posyandu schedule and working
mothers. Several factors that can influence the
behavior of mothers of children under five in
weighing their children to posyandu include the age
of children, number of children, level of education,
mother's knowledge (Aswadi et al, 2015). The results
of this study are mothers who are not active to the
posyandu because they have less knowledge and
education, the age of under five is over two years.
4.3 Nutritional Status
Based on the results of the frequency distribution of
children with good nutritional status as many as 69
people (78.4%) and less nutritional status of 19
people (21.6%). From these data, it can be seen that
most children have good nutritional status.
Characteristics of mothers associated with parenting
include education and knowledge of the mother. As
in this study shows that a high level of maternal
education (85.2%) and good maternal knowledge
(73.9%), as evidenced by the higher education of
mothers then it is likely to have good knowledge
about nutrition in children, this can be a supporting
factor so that most children in this study have good
nutritional status. In this study the nutritional status
was lacking because the mother did not actively bring
her children to the posyandu, the mother had low
knowledge and education.
Relationships of Mother’s Characteristics, Frequency of Children Attendance in Posyandu with Nutritional Status of Children Under Five
Years at Puskesmas Kelurahan Kebagusan Kecamatan Pasar Minggu 2
4.4 Characteristics of Mothers with
Nutritional Status Children under
Five Years
The results of this study indicate that is a relationship
between mothers education with nutritional status
(p<0.05). Mothers with a good education will be more
receptive to information so they can increase their
knowledge and be able to apply it in their daily lives.
A mother has an important role in the health and
growth of children. This is in line with the research of
Jannah and Maesaroh (2015) finding that is a
relationship between the level of mother's education
with nutritional status of children under five, where
the p-value 0.001 (p<0.05). Education is one of the
important points in life that are very necessary to form
positive behavior. Educated housewives will tend to
choose foods that are better in quality and quantity
compared to mothers with lower education (
and Maesaroh, 2015)
Occupation of mothers with good nutritional
status is more in mothers who do not work as many
as 60 people (75.9%). The results show that is no
relationship between mother's occupation with
nutritional status (p>0.05). Working and non-
working mothers have children under five with good
nutritional status. Most mothers who do not work
have children under five with good nutritional status.
Mothers who do not work have more free time to take
care and pay attention to the nutritional needs of
children so that the child's growth and development
can be controlled properly. Mothers who do not work
to have children under five with malnutrition can be
caused by lack of education and knowledge of
mothers, education can affect mothers' knowledge in
caring for their children. In addition, mothers who do
not work and those mothers who do not actively bring
children to the posyandu indirectly affect the
nutritional status of children, whereas by bringing
their children to the posyandu, the mother will know
the nutritional status of her child through growth
charts. Working mothers who have a child under five
with good nutrition can be caused because working
mothers can increase family income so that it affects
families in meeting food needs especially the
nutritional needs of the child and their families. This
is in line with Labada's research (2015) which states
that is no relationship between mother's work with the
nutritional status of children under five, where the p-
value is 0.432 (p>0.05).
Knowledge of mothers with good nutritional
status of children under five years is more in mothers
who have good knowledge of 65 people. The results
of this study indicate that is a relationship between
mothers knowledge with nutritional status (p<0.05).
The level of knowledge of mother’s nutrition is very
necessary especially for mothers who have children
under five, where the adequacy and nutritional needs
of children depend on the consumption of food
provided by the mother. Lack of a mother’s
nutritional knowledge will result in reduced mother’s
ability to apply information in daily life and be one of
the causes of nutritional disorders. This is in line with
the research of Susilowati and Himawati (2017)
which states that is a relationship between the level of
mothers knowledge about nutrition with nutritional
status of children under five, where the p-value is
0.006 (p<0.05). The togetherness of the mother with
her child is greater compared to that of other family
members so that she understands better the needs of
the child. Mother's knowledge of nutritional needs
that are well understood will be accompanied by
nutritious feeding behavior for chid under five
(Susilowati and Himawati, 2017).
4.5 Frequency of Children's
Attendance to Posyandu with
Nutritional Status Children under
Five Years
In this study, the majority of children who actively
attended posyandu with good nutritional status were
57 people (96.5%). These results indicate p-value of
0.0001 (p <0.05), it is concluded that is a relationship
the frequency attendance of children into posyandu
with nutritional status. This proves the more active
the presence of children to the posyandu, the better
the nutritional status of children. From the results of
this study the presence of children who are active to
posyandu with good nutritional status is caused by
mothers of children under five who are mostly
housewives. Mothers who do not work allow more
time to come to the posyandu and also mother has an
awareness of the importance of attending posyandu
activities for her child so that they routinely bring
their children to the posyandu. As for children under
five years who have less nutritional status but are
actively present in posyandu activities, this can be
influenced by children's psychological, health, and
social conditions.
The presence of a child who is not active in the
posyandu but good nutritional status from the results
of the study due to working mothers and high mothers
education. Mother worked in this study as many as
nine people. Working mothers do not have free time
to bring their child to the posyandu because the
posyandu is organized on working days and hours.
But working mothers can increase family income so
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
that they can meet their child's food needs, especially
nutritional needs. The level of education also
determines whether or not easy to absorb and receive
information. A high level of education will increase
the knowledge of mothers about good nutrition for
their children so that mothers can provide nutritious
The results of this study where the attendance of
children who are not active but the nutritional status
is less due to the age of a child under five where age
can affect the level of attendance to the posyandu.
This can be seen from mother who do not bring their
children to the posyandu that have a child aged two
years and older, actually, it is important to be active
in attendance the posyandu to monitor the growth and
development of their child so that mothers will find
out whether their children are experiencing growth
disorders or not. In addition, mothers with low
education and knowledge indirectly influence the
presence of children to the posyandu. This is in line
with research conducted by Lanoh et al., (2015) the
p-value 0.012 (p<0.05), so it is concluded that is a
relationship between the use of posyandu with
nutritional status of children under five in the work
area Puskesmas Ranotana Weru.
Posyandu has various types of services provided
including weight weighing, immunization,
supplementary feeding, nutrition counseling, and
health. Therefore, the effort mothers of a child under
five to bring children into the posyandu is a positive
activity so that awareness bring children to health
services can prevent the occurrence of nutrition and
health problems for child under five. The existence of
weighing at Posyandu allows mothers to monitor the
growth and development of child under five, which
can be seen from the results of each weight
measurement recorded in the Card Towards Health or
Mothers and Child Health Book, from these results it
will be seen whether the child has a growth disorder
or not. If there is growth disturbance then efforts
should be made in the form of counseling,
supplementary feeding, nutritional supplementation,
and referral to prevent worsening nutritional
conditions in the community. Growth disorders in this
case such as twice coming to the posyandu weight not
rising or below the red line can be referred to the
health center so that it can be overcome earlier and
already handled before the occurrence of
malnutrition. The level of attendance at an active
posyandu has a major influence on monitoring
nutritional status and mothers of children under five
who come to posyandu will get the latest information
about health that is useful in determining healthy
lifestyles every day (Destiadi et al, 2015).
The characteristics of mothers and the attendance of
children under five to the posyandu are indirect
factors that affect the nutritional status. Therefore,
children under five need to active in attending to the
Thank you to the Head of the Nutrition Study
Program at Esa Unggul University, Supervising
Lecturers, Parents, Puskesmas Kebagusan, Posyandu
Cadres and Mothers of Child Under Five who has
been willing to respondents in this study.
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