that they can meet their child's food needs, especially
nutritional needs. The level of education also
determines whether or not easy to absorb and receive
information. A high level of education will increase
the knowledge of mothers about good nutrition for
their children so that mothers can provide nutritious
The results of this study where the attendance of
children who are not active but the nutritional status
is less due to the age of a child under five where age
can affect the level of attendance to the posyandu.
This can be seen from mother who do not bring their
children to the posyandu that have a child aged two
years and older, actually, it is important to be active
in attendance the posyandu to monitor the growth and
development of their child so that mothers will find
out whether their children are experiencing growth
disorders or not. In addition, mothers with low
education and knowledge indirectly influence the
presence of children to the posyandu. This is in line
with research conducted by Lanoh et al., (2015) the
p-value 0.012 (p<0.05), so it is concluded that is a
relationship between the use of posyandu with
nutritional status of children under five in the work
area Puskesmas Ranotana Weru.
Posyandu has various types of services provided
including weight weighing, immunization,
supplementary feeding, nutrition counseling, and
health. Therefore, the effort mothers of a child under
five to bring children into the posyandu is a positive
activity so that awareness bring children to health
services can prevent the occurrence of nutrition and
health problems for child under five. The existence of
weighing at Posyandu allows mothers to monitor the
growth and development of child under five, which
can be seen from the results of each weight
measurement recorded in the Card Towards Health or
Mothers and Child Health Book, from these results it
will be seen whether the child has a growth disorder
or not. If there is growth disturbance then efforts
should be made in the form of counseling,
supplementary feeding, nutritional supplementation,
and referral to prevent worsening nutritional
conditions in the community. Growth disorders in this
case such as twice coming to the posyandu weight not
rising or below the red line can be referred to the
health center so that it can be overcome earlier and
already handled before the occurrence of
malnutrition. The level of attendance at an active
posyandu has a major influence on monitoring
nutritional status and mothers of children under five
who come to posyandu will get the latest information
about health that is useful in determining healthy
lifestyles every day (Destiadi et al, 2015).
The characteristics of mothers and the attendance of
children under five to the posyandu are indirect
factors that affect the nutritional status. Therefore,
children under five need to active in attending to the
Thank you to the Head of the Nutrition Study
Program at Esa Unggul University, Supervising
Lecturers, Parents, Puskesmas Kebagusan, Posyandu
Cadres and Mothers of Child Under Five who has
been willing to respondents in this study.
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