2.2 Family
According to the WHO regional director for the
Southeast Asia region, Dr. Samlee Plianbangchang,
the family is a basic unit on a social level and
provides a basic physical and psychological
environment when children begin to grow and
develop. The family also plays a very important role
in caring for and socializing children as well as
influencing adolescent development (WHO, 2013, p.
The word "family" itself is full of images. In
general, the term "family" refers to the motto or call
to the activities of family members, for example
hard working families, togetherness, or those who
prioritize the welfare of the group over the
individual. Another reason, the word "family"
embodies a set of values that distinguish normal
individuals from abnormal people and right people
from wrong people (Bahfiarti, 2016, p. 65).
2.3 Family Communication
Family communication is important to learn. This is
due to the constitutive relationship between
communication with family. To know the
description of the activities of a family, a social
interaction is needed, in which in the process the
ability to communicate between family members is
needed. Quoted from Hurlock (1997, p. 198), family
communication is defined as the formation of family
life patterns in which there is an element of
education, the formation of attitudes, and behavior
of children that affect the child's development.
From different sources, family communication is
explained as an activity that must occur in family
life. This explanation is obtained because without
communication in the family, life in the family will
become lonely due to the loss of speaking, dialogue,
exchanging ideas so that it will cause vulnerability
between family members. An example of this
explanation is the communication held between
husband and wife, as well as communication
between parents and children need to be built in
harmony in order to build good relationships in the
family (Bahfiarti, 2016, p. 70).
2.4 Health Communication
As we all know, health communication is a scientific
field that is growing rapidly in recent decades. As a
scientific field, health communication is a field that
is rich in studies, amazing and relevant to the study
of communication between humans and media
communications relating to health efforts and health
promotion efforts (Junaedi & Sukmono, 2018, p. 2).
Based on the eight points set out in the Toronto
Consensus Statement, Rogers in Harrington (2015,
p. 8) defines health communication as a multi-aspect
and multi-disciplinary approach to reach different
audiences and share information related to health
with the aim of getting involved influence, and
support individuals, communities, health experts,
special groups, policy makers and the public to
defend, introduce, adjust, or maintain behavior,
practices, or policies that will ultimately improve
their health outcomes.
In addition to definitions from experts, the NCA
(National Communication Association) provides a
definition that health communication is the science
of communication related to experts and health
education, including the interaction science of
providing clients, as well as the diffusion of health
information through public health campaigns. While
the ICA (International Communication Association)
explains that health communication is
communication that is primarily involved with the
role of communication theory, practice, and research
in terms of health promotion and health care
(Mulyana, 2018, p. 38).
2.5 Cronic Kidney Disease
Chronic renal failure or what is commonly called
CKD (cronic kidney disease) is a fatal progressive
kidney damage in which the body's ability to
maintain metabolism and fluid and electrolyte
balance, causing azotemia (urea retention and other
nitrogenous waste in the blood). This disease is also
known as end stage renal disease (ESRD). Apart
from the continuation of acute kidney failure,
chronic kidney failure can be caused by several
conditions such as: (1) systemic diseases, especially
Diabetes Mellitus, hypertension, lepitopirosis; (2)
chronic kidney infections (glomerulonephritis,
pyelonephritis); (3) autonomal genetic makeup; (4)
obstruction (disturbance) in the urinary tract; (5)
drugs and nefrotoxic chemicals, and; (6)
environmental factors, such as the presence of
cadmium, mercury, and chrome exposure (Diyono &
Mulyanti, 2019, pp. 43-44).
2.6 Health Belief Model Theory
If interpreted language and separately, this theory
has three main words as concepts, namely health,
beliefs, and models. The word health (health) refers
to the perfect condition that is owned by a person, be