(174 people), and Quality Sub Unit (109 people). The
research sample was taken using the Proportional
Stratified Random Sampling technique, with a total
sample of 194 people.
As for the variables studied were the relationship
between gender, age, work period and level of
education on the incidence of workplace accidents in
the Phylon Injection Unit of PT. X. Data collection is
done by filling in the questionnaire given to the
leaders of each sub-unit with the number of
questionnaires given in accordance with the number
of samples that have been determined in each sub-
unit, which is then distributed to workers randomly in
their respective every sub-units.
Work accidents are unexpected or unintentional
events because they result in losses, both material,
and suffering for those who experience (Rezeki,
The classification of work accidents according to
Tarwaka (2014), can be broadly explained as follows:
1. Classification according to the type of accident,
such as falling, falling or falling objects or work
objects, tripping over objects or objects, bumping
into objects, sandwiched between two objects,
forced movements or excessive muscle stretching,
exposure to or contact with hot objects or
temperatures high, exposed to or hazardous
materials or radiation, etc.,
2. Classification according to the causative agent,
which is the cause of machinery, such as: driving
machines except for electric motors, transmission
engines, production machines, mining machinery,
agricultural machinery, etc., means of lifting and
conveying equipment for example, forklifts, rails,
wheeled vehicles other than trains, water
conveyance, air conveyance, etc., causes of other
equipment, such as pressure vessels, smelting
furnaces/kitchens, electric installations including
motors electricity, electrical hand tools, tools,
ladders, scaffolding, etc., causes of hazardous
materials and radiation, such as explosive
materials, dust, gas, liquids, chemicals, radiation,
etc., causes work environment, such as hot
pressure and cold pressure, high noise intensity,
vibration, underground space, and others.
3. Classification according to type of injury and
injury, such as fractures, sprains/dislocations/
sprains, muscle pain and spasms, concussion and
other internal wounds. amputation and
enucleation, cuts and other external injuries,
bruises and cracks, burns, acute poisoning, aspixia
or shortness of breath.
There are three main causes of work accidents
(Rezeki, 2015), namely:
1. Work equipment and tools, unavailability of
safety and protective equipment for workers,
2. The condition of the workplace that does not meet
the requirements.
3. Lack of employee knowledge and experience
about work methods and work safety as well as
physical and mental conditions of workers that are
not good.
From several theories about the factors that cause
accidents, accidents occur caused by three main
factors namely, humans, tools, and the environment
in accordance with the theory of Three Main Factors
(Sucipto, 2014).
1. Human Factors
a. Gender
Definition of gender is the division or division
of two human sexes that are biologically
determined that are attached to a particular sex
(Fakih, 2010). The types of work between men
and women are very different. The social
division of labor between men and women
causes differences in the types of jobs that
people receive, so work accidents are
experienced differently. There are more male
work accidents than women. Responsibly, the
concentration and prudence of men and
women differ so that adjustments are needed
in workload and work policies, including
when doing work that requires caution and
accuracy. These two things men need policy
adjustments in the work process (Erlina,
According to research conducted by Riyadina
(2014), it is found that male workers have
doubled the number of 647 workers compared
to female workers as many as 303 workers and
shows that p-value <0.05 which means there is
a relationship between sex with the incidence
work accidents with the risk of male workers
having work accidents 3.25 (95% CI: 2.29-
4.62) times compared to female workers due
to lack of prudence of male workers while
doing work.
b. Age
The age of workers is regulated by the Labor
Law, namely the Law of January 6, 1951, No.1
Article 1. Young workers generally have a
stronger, dynamic, and creative physique, but
are easily bored, lack responsibility, tend to be
absent, and turnover is low.