activities can reduce body fat mass and increase
body muscle mass through burning calories.
The description of chronic diseases that have
been carried out on 59 workers in the PT Multikarya
Asia Pacific Raya Workshop in 2019, the proportion
of workers who did not have chronic illnesses was
higher at 89.8% of workers who had a chronic
illness at 10.2%. This shows the similarity between
research conducted by Tumbol (2018) and Septiani
(2017) which shows that the proportion of workers
who do not have a chronic illness is higher than
workers who have a chronic disease. The high
number of workers who do not have chronic
illnesses can be caused by information bias at the
time of the interview, this is because the retrieval of
research can be done in this variable only through
questionnaires and no physical examination by
medical personnel.
Description of hydration status that has been
carried out on 59 workers in the PT Multikarya Asia
Pacific Raya Workshop in 2019, the proportion of
workers who are hydrated is higher at 62.7% of
workers who are dehydrated at 37.3%. This shows
the similarity between research conducted by
Septiani (2017) which shows that the proportion of
workers who are hydrated is higher than workers
who are dehydrated. The proportion of workers who
experience hydration is higher than workers who are
dehydrated. This is because the company has
provided drinking water for all workers, namely in
the second-floor office area. Based on this study,
there are still workers who are dehydrated. That is
because there are some workers who work in hot
pressure environments.
4.2 Bivariate Analysis
The relationship between heat stress and heat strain,
based on the results of the study the results of
statistical tests indicate that there is a relationship
between heat stress and heat strain. Based on the
results of research conducted, workers in the heat
stress area experienced the most heat strain, this is
because workers who are in the heat pressure area are
jobs related to several production machines such as
cutting tools, welding machines, and other fabrication
machines apart from that mobilization of workers can
also increase core body temperature so there is a
potential for heat strain. The condition when
conducting research in the PT Multikarya workshop
did not have a rest area with cooler room conditions.
The relationship between age and heat strain,
based on statistical test results showed that there was
a significant relationship between age and heat strain
in workers. This is in line with research conducted
by Septiani (2017) and Tumbol (2018) which shows
there is a relationship between age and the incidence
of heat strain. Workers who have age over 40 years
experience the most heat strain (68.4%), this is
because workers with age at risk of having the
ability to pump blood by the heart tend to be worse
so that the body's ability to channel heat from the
body to the surface of the skin also becomes
hampered and the group of workers with age at risk
will increase the indication of the occurrence of heat
strains. The current state of research at PT
Multikarya Asia Pacific Raya's workshops still
employed several workers of high-risk age in areas
of high heat stress because the workers had a good
experience in their fields.
The relationship between obesity and heart
strain, based on the results of the study, the results of
statistical tests showed that there was no significant
relationship between obesity and heart strain. This is
in line with research conducted by Tumbol (2018)
which shows no significant relationship between
obesity and heat strains in workers. the proportion of
obese workers is more likely not to have heat strains.
and there is no difference between obesity and heat
strain, this is because in the obese group and most in
the non-obese group have the workload that tends to
be the same so there is no difference in the heat
strain in the obese group and the non- obese group
so that no difference is found. The situation at the
time of doing research in the workshop of PT
Multikarya Asia Pacific Raya had not yet
implemented a nutrition program both food catering
and canteen for workers.
The relationship between chronic diseases and
heat strains, based on the results of the study showed
that there was no significant relationship between
chronic diseases and heat strains in workers. This is
in line with research conducted by Tumbol (2018)
and Fadhilah (2014) which show no significant
relationship between chronic disease and heat strains
in workers. The proportion of workers who have
chronic diseases is the most among workers who
experience heat strains, but there is no significant
relationship between chronic diseases with heat
strains, this can be due to the least known results in
workers suffering from chronic illnesses, this can
also be due to Other factors are more influential on
workers experiencing heat strains.
The relationship between hydration status and
heat strain, based on the results of the study showed
that there is a relationship between hydration status
and heat strain in workers. This is in line with
research conducted by Septiani (2017) which shows