3.2 Discussion
3.2.1 Univariate Analysis
Description of Safety Behavior of Iron
Workers in the Thamrin Nine Phase II
Project PT. Total Bangun Persada Tbk in
Based on the results of research that has been done
regarding safety behavior, the results obtained are
the opinions of respondents. Based on the results of
the study, the highest proportion of safety behavior
variables are workers with good safety behaviors as
many as 47 people (54.7%). This is in accordance
with research conducted by Halimah (2010) that the
largest number of respondents were respondents
who behaved safely namely 109 (83.9%).
Based on the results of a questionnaire stating
that the safety behaviors that they often do with
good safety behaviors are that my colleague and I
always use all the PPE that is needed at work who
have bad safety behaviors as many as 23 people
(60.5%), while the highest proportion of workers
who have good supervision are workers who have
good safety behavior as many as 32 people (66 7%).
Based on the chi-square test by showing a P-
value of = 0.022 (p-value <0.05), it can be
concluded that there is a relationship between
supervision of safety behavior in the Thamrin Nine
Phase II Project PT. Total Bangun Persada Tbk in
2019. The prevalence ratio value in this analysis is
1.816 meaning that workers who have poor
supervision are 1,816 times more likely to behave in
bad safety than good supervision.
Based on chi-square by showing the value of P-
value that is equal to = 0.124 (p-value <0.05), it can
be concluded that there is no relationship between
regulations on safety behavior in the Thamrin Nine
Phase II Project PT. Total Bangun Persada Tbk in
2019. The prevalence ratio value in this analysis is
1.632 meaning that workers who have poor
supervision are 1,632 times at risk of behaving
poorly compared to good regulations.
Description of the Attitudes of Iron Workers
in the Thamrin Nine Phase II Project PT.
Total Bangun Persada Tbk in 2019
Based on the results of research that has been done,
it is known that the proportion of respondents
(96.54%), my colleague and I use procedures that
are appropriate to my job (95.58%), my colleagues
and I always use full-body harness when working at
height (94.41%), I first check the work environment
before starting work (90.69%), if the protection
system is not installed, I report to the safety
supervisor (88.60%).
Based on field observations related to safety
behavior, many ironworkers behave well because
there is a toolbox meeting program, in the toolbox
meeting it is said that workers are always
remembered to work with good safety behaviors and
if there are workers who behave poorly, they will be
subject to reprimands and sanctions in the form of
fines or stop work.
Based on the results of the highest safety
behavior questionnaire that uses procedures that are
appropriate to the job, therefore researchers suggest
in the toolbox meeting program to provide additional
material on procedures for how to work with good
safety behavior according to the type of work with a
good attitude is higher than that of a bad attitude.
The highest proportion of respondents with a good
attitude is 47 respondents (54.7%).
The results of this study are in accordance with
research conducted by Surianti, where it is known
that the largest number of respondents are
respondents who have a good attitude, 34 (60.7%).
Based on the results of a questionnaire stating
that the attitude that they often do with a good
attitude is to work in accordance with procedures
because they follow existing regulations and policies
(88.37%), working by following procedures can
create conditions that are safe for yourself, others,
and the environment (83.43%), I do not use PPE
because my friend does not use PPE either
(81.39%), working while joking and chatting are
actions that can endanger ourselves or our friends
(75%), I use PPE so as not to be scolded or
reprimanded by supervisors (60.46%).
Based on the results of researchers' interviews
with the company, the majority of respondents who
have a good attitude is possible because of the
background of respondents who have experience
working in construction projects of PT. Total
Bangun Persada. This is because the subcontract is a
permanent partner of PT. Total Bangun Persada in
the next project. So that workers who continue to
work in the same conditions of the company form
the attitude of the workers more positively because
they already recognize how the company's
conditions in applying OHS.
Based on the results of the highest attitude
questionnaire that is working in accordance with
procedures because it follows the existing
regulations and policies, therefore the researcher
suggests in the safety induction program, PT. Total