18 to 24-year-old, according to Hidayah (2002),
students at early adulthood have similar
responsibilities for their education, so that their fear
of failure is also at similar level. In addition,
according to Sunkarapalli and Agarwal (2017), there
is no fear of failure on early adults from 18 to 27-
year-old. Sunkarapalli and Agarwal (2017) also state
that there is no difference of fear of failure among
early adulthood shows that the level of fear of failure
does not change despite age, the change starts at 40-
year-old in which the failure is not important thing
for that group of age, it is because all achievements
have obtained by 40-year-old individuals. Other
study that is in accordance with this research is by
Coreira, Marco, Rosado, Serpa, and Ferreira (2017)
that showed that there was no difference of fear of
failure based on age. Analysis result of difference of
fear of failure based on major is showed in table 9.
Table 9: Analysis Result of Difference of Fear of Failure
Based on Major.
Table 9 shows that there was no difference of
fear of failure on undergraduate students of
Engineering Faculty based on major with significant
score (p) = 0.943. The reason behind that can be
explained based on level of fear of failure.
According to Nelson, Newman, McDaniels and
Buboltz (2013), factor that affect level of fear of
failure among engineering students is students‘ fear
of having uncertain future career at engineering
field. According to Hersh (2000), an individual
working at engineering field tends to have proper
career and income. Therefore, every students at
various engineering major did not have difference of
fear of failure due to the absence of fear of uncertain
This study is in accordance with research
conducted by Hartati (2018) that showed that there
was no difference of fear of failure based on major.
Hartati (2018) explained that the absence of
difference of fear of failure based on major was
caused by students‘ perception on their tasks which
were mostly similar despite their major, the
perception on easy or difficult tasks depends on an
Research result showed that there was no difference
of fear of failure between men and women studying
in Engineering Faculty of Universitas Syiah Kuala.
The result also showed that there was no difference
of fear of failure between men and women based on
age, year of fstudy and major. Futhermore. The
result showed that there was difference of fear of
failure between men and women based on dimension
of fear of devaluing of one‘s self-estimate, while
there is no difference of fear of failure on other
dimensions namely dimensions of fear of
embarrasment and shame, fear of having uncertain
future, fear of losing social influence and fear of
upsetting important others.
Several limitations of this study were first short
time, which cause unequal number of subject based
on majors, second only one faculty. Future
researcher, who is interested in conducting research
with similar variable to this research, is better to use
qualitative approach in order to deepen research
result, especially the topic related to dynamic and
description of fear of failure on students of
Engineering Faculty. Moreover, future researcher
can conduct research on fear of failure at other
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Major Total % Sig.
Chemical Engineering
5.71 0.943
Architectural Engineering
Civil Engineering 13 18.57
Mechanical Engineering
Planology Engineering
Geophysical Engineering
Industrial Engineering 15 21.43
Geological Engineering
Electro Engineering 10 14.29
Mining Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering
Total 70 100