Effects of High Intensity Interval Training on Cardiovascular
Endurance and Speed among under 16 Hockey Players
Gunathevan Elumalai
, Prakash Subramaniam
, Fariba Hussien Abadi
, Mohansundar Sangkarevel
Fakulti Sains Sukan dan Kejurulatihan, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak Darul Ridzuan 35900, Malaysia
Keywords: High Intensity Interval Training, Skill Training, Cardiovascular Endurance, Speed and Hockey Players
Abstract: This study aims to see the effectiveness of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and skill training on
cardiovascular endurance and speed among Bukit Jalil Sports School under 16 hockey players. The sample
consisted of 40 male players aged 14 to 16 years old. This study was a quantitative research by using quasi
experimental method. The respondents were divided into two groups, treatment group (HIIT training) and
control group (skill training). The training program was conducted for eight weeks. “Bleep Test” (BT) and
“30meter Speed Test” (30ST) were used during pre-test and post-test to see the effectiveness of the training
in enhancing physical fitness capabilities. The paired sample t-test analysis between pre and post tests
showed significant differences after performing HIIT training in cardiovascular endurance (t = (19) = -
5.448, p = 0.000, (p <0.05) in speed (t = (19) = 3.313, p = 0.004, (p <0.05). While the independent t-test of
post-test after the intervention program showed no significant differences in the score among HIIT training
and skill training on cardiovascular endurance (t = (38) = 1.431, p = 0.161, (p>0.05) but showed significant
differences on speed (t = (38) = -3.303, p = 0.002, (p<0.05). The findings of this study clearly showed that
HIIT workouts have a positive effect on speed compared to skill training among under 16 years old hockey
players in Bukit Jalil Sports School. There was no significant difference between the two groups in
cardiovascular endurance. This means that the skill training also enhances cardiovascular endurance.
Further research needs to identify a better and holistic intervention program to enhance not only the hockey
players’ fitness level but the other sports players too.
In Malaysia, field hockey is considered a popular
sport with many followers and the high standard of
Malaysian Hockey League attracts many foreign
players to participate in this competition. In 1975,
Malaysia achieved its highest level as the fourth best
team in the World Cup which was held in Kuala
Lumpur. This achievement made the game popular
among school going children and also adults. Field
hockey gained more support from the government in
the form of funding which aims to promote this
game at grass root level. Today Malaysia’s men
team is ranked twelve in the world. This is due to the
hard work undertaken at the grass root level and
continued development programs with the juniors
and further development and enhancement at the
senior level. This continued long term development
program has made the men Malaysian team where it
is today.
Malaysian Hockey Confederation (MHC) has a
mission to break into the top ten ranking which
requires new training methodology and ideas to
which will benefit and improve the performance of
the team in the future. Malaysia’s men hockey team
qualified for the Men World Cup 2018 on December
in India. MHC has prioritized its mission to qualify
for the 2020 Olympic in Japan.
Expert performance identification between elite
and sub-elite players is mainly focused during the
time of transition in the adolescence life. Analysis
done on field hockey shows clearly that field hockey
is a high intensity non-continuous game which has
high physiological demands. The players’ action
involves explosive movements such as intermittent
sprinting together with many changes of direction,
cruising and dribbling the ball which can be
categorized as heavy load. If the players wish to play
at the highest level, they will need to improve and
develop their endurance capacity. By this, it means
Elumalai, G., Subramaniam, P., Abadi, F. and Sangkarevel, M.
Effects of High Intensity Interval Training on Cardiovascular Endurance and Speed among under 16 Hockey Players.
DOI: 10.5220/0009784202570261
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 257-261
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the players are able to perform high intensity
activities such as running and sprinting and still has
the ability to recover in time for the next action
(Jakeman, John, Judith McMullan, and John Babraj,
Hockey involves mainly intermittent high
intensity pattern of activity, demanding high aerobic
and anaerobic fitness which mainly involve frequent
short sprints, change of directions and accelerations-
decelerations that are very common in addition to
walking and jogging in order to cover large area of
the playing field (Barun Hanjabam, Jyotsna
Kailashiya, 2014). Field hockey is also known as an
invasive territorial and long duration playing game
that involves considerable aerobic energy
contribution superimposed with brief though
frequent anaerobic efforts (Gayatri, Pandey; Saon,
Sanyal; Gireesh, Pandey, 2016). The field hockey
players need to excel in the four pillars of training
which are physiological, technical, tactical and
psychological to achieve the high standard in the
The match analysis done by Barun Hanjabam
and Jyotsna Kailashiya (2014), on field hockey
games clearly showed that field hockey is a high
intensity game with a high demand on physiology
aspects. The physiological demand involves aerobic
and anaerobic capacity, strength, agility, speed and
flexibility. In field hockey, it is important that
intermittent running such as acceleration and
deceleration and the ability to do many changes of
direction while sprinting is so specific.
According to Jakeman, McMullan &
Babraj (2016), high intensity interval training (HIIT)
is the leading training method currently used by
team sports to improve the Vo2max uptake which
will enhance the athletes’ performance during
matches. HIITs are a common trend of training
method used by teams because of its time efficiency
and popularity with young children who are bored
with traditional methods such as long runs. HIITs
are among the most widely used technique
particularly in team sports because of the demand of
the sports which requires continuous intermittent
running in sports such as football and field hockey.
HIIT is widely considered as an exercise which
involved speed, agility, strength, explosive power
and the ability to repeat super maximal running
bouts and able to maintain it continuously during the
matches. HIIT is an important part of the training
which helps to develop maximal oxygen uptake
(Vo2max) and enable the players to repeat the
running bouts required by the sports during matches.
HIIT is increasingly becoming popular not only
with team sports but also with people wanting to
reduce their weight and has been prescribed to
diabetic patients as a form of exercise which would
help maintain the sugar level. HIITs are generating
considerable interest in terms of followers and usage
because of its time saving methods and the type of
exercises used in the program. More teams are using
HIITs because it produces quick results compared to
long steady continuous runs. HIITs are attracting
widespread masses due to information gathered
about the relationship between Vo2max and
repeated sprint ability which has shown the effects
of it on the recovery process and this has influenced
the game performance and the distance covered
during the games (Harrison, Gill, Kinugasa, Kilding,
HIIT not only improve the Vo2max capacity but
helps people with weight problem and inactive
individuals by helping to reduce the fat levels. HIITs
are considered fun and enjoyable activity which will
help develop a self- interest involvement which
could become a routine in their future (Roy, Brad,
2013). HIIT is responsible for technical and tactical
ability of the players to perform well during matches
according to the requirements and demands of the
sport. Exercise places an increased demand on the
cardiovascular system. Oxygen demand by the
muscles increases sharply. Metabolic processes
speed up and more waste is created. More nutrients
are used and body temperature rises. To perform as
efficiently as possible, the cardiovascular system
must regulate these changes and meet the body’s
increasing demands. High Intensity Interval Training
is a method of training which involves repeated
bouts of high intensities efforts that range from 5
seconds to 8 minutes followed by recovery periods
of varying lengths of time (Konopka & Harber,
Like any other team sports, field hockey players’
movements are typically characterized by short
bursts of very high-intensity activities combined
with low-intensity activities for recovery and periods
of inactivity both on the pitch and during
substitutions (White & MacFarlane, 2013). Although
male field hockey players spend most of a match
playing at low intensity such standing, walking, and
jogging the production of repeated actions at high or
sprint intensity is crucial for success in this sport
(Lythe & Kilding, 2011). The breadth of current
research has revealed that HIIT improves numerous
physiological parameters, often in less time when
measured against high volume continuous exercise
(Daussin et al., 2008).
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Anaerobic capacity is very much required by the
players in order to do many burst sprinting forward
and to chase back to repossess the ball. Aerobic
capacity plays a very important role in providing
efficient recovery during the short rest periods
(Barun Hanjabam and Kailashiya, 2017). In order to
identify the precise area of fitness and conditioning
to team sports performance, specific test should be
conducted instead of a widely holistic overview of
conditioning. Most of the reported studies are only
focusing on adult or elite athlete. There are very few
researches being done for the young or development
age team sports.
HIITs’ are more appealing to youth compared to
the traditionally long activities. By getting the youth
to involve in HITTs’, which they consider fun and
enjoyable, will continue to develop a self- directed
physical activity which could follow to their
adulthood. The ability to successfully performance
repeated high intensity intermittent bouts are
important in invasion team sports which last from 60
– 120 minutes. An athlete level of fitness determines
how well the athlete recovers during recovery to
delay the onset of fatigue whereby allowing the high
intensity exercise to be sustained during game
(Greig, Logan, Harris, Duncan and Schofield, 2014).
The achievement of Bukit Jalil Sports School
hockey team at the national level tournament is still
at a mediocre despite having achieved previous
glories. Among the factors that could have caused
this problem is the weakness in physical fitness
preparations. Therefore, more emphasis needs to be
given from the physical conditioning aspect of the
athlete. This is because apart from the aspect of skill
training in the technical and tactical aspects of the
game, importance of physical fitness should also be
considered as part of the important elements of the
Fitness enhancement training programs through
systematic conditioning training should be
conducted constantly so that their fitness level is
always at an optimal level. Through this study,
researchers found that to enhance the fitness level in
terms of cardiovascular endurance and speed, the
playersneed a well organised form of training using
the HIIT training program. HIIT is an effective
exercise to drill as it can improve aerobic and
anaerobic capacity. However, the exercise does not
give specific information regarding the optimum
distance or time needed for the exercise. We need to
know which type of HIIT exercise will benefit
young team sports players. HIIT is also expected to
improve weight management among young team
sports players.
The purpose of this study was to improve the
endurance level of the players’ towards the
components that have been identified; it is aimed to
ensure the players’ success in the Malaysian Junior
Hockey League 2019 and other competitions. The
researchers used HIIT training program to study the
effectiveness after eight weeks on VO2max and
speed. This research will provide valuable
information for athletes, coaches, Bukit Jalil Sports
School and other organizations about the advantages
and disadvantages of HIIT training programs
provided to improve the young hockey players’
This quasi experimental study was conducted among
40 hockey players from Bukit Jalil Sports School.
All the respondents are 14 to 16 years old. The
sample were divided to two groups randomly,
whereby the treatment group (n=20) performed the
HIIT program while the control group (N=20)
performed normal skills training. The treatment
group was systematically following a prepared
training program while the control group will follow
the regular training or skill based training. This
training program by the treatment group was
conducted two times a week over the span of eight
In this study, researchers used HIIT
program that was expected to enhance the players’
cardiovascular endurance and speed. An overview of
the respondents to this activity was given in this
study. The treatment group respondents were given a
HIIT program consisted of 400 meters run with four
repetitions done in three sets. The respondents were
given rest ratio 1:1 time between each repetition.
The respondents were also given a rest of six
minutes between each set as rest interval. A total
distance of 1600 meters was covered for each set.
The respondents covered a total distance of 4800
meters for completion of the three sets. Multi Stage
Shuttle Run (Bleep) test was used to monitor the
development of the athlete’s maximum oxygen
uptake (VO2 max) and speed was tested using 30m
Speed Test. The collected data were analysed using
Paired Sample T-Test and Independent Samples T-
Effects of High Intensity Interval Training on Cardiovascular Endurance and Speed among under 16 Hockey Players
The pair sample t-test result between pre and post-
test clearly showed that both groups had an
increasedVO2max uptake for cardiovascular
endurance. The descriptive analysis for the treatment
group using the HIIT training program provides a
higher increased in VO2max compared to the
control group that performs regular skill training.
Results from the independent t-test of post-test after
the intervention program showed no significant
differences in the score among HIIT training and
skill training on cardiovascular endurance (t = (38) =
1.431, p = 0.161, (p>0.05). The analysis for speed
showed significant differences on speed (t = (38) = -
3.303, p = 0.002, (p<0.05). The findings of this
study proved that HIIT workouts have a positive
effect on speed compared to skill training among
under 16 years old hockey players in Bukit Jalil
Sports School.
Based on the findings, it can be concluded that there
was a significant difference between the HIIT group
and the skill group after intervention program. HIIT
training group have a better impact on
cardiovascular endurance and speed than skills
training group. This research, proved that using this
systematic HIIT workout method by trainers can
develop the best performance in terms of speed and
cardiovascular endurance among Bukit Jalil Sports
School hockey players. Alexandra Hannah Roberts
(2016), also says the use of more systematic training
by coaches can have a positive impact on the fitness
level of sports players. The findings of this research
also supported by Charan Singh (2015) and
Cunanan, DeWeese, Wagle (2018). The research
done by both groups emphasize that systematic
training using HIIT will enhance the muscles
adaptation towards the intensity given through the
intervention program. Speed can be improved in
short-term training if the athlete is ready to undergo
the training without injury.
It is hoped that this study will be a guideline for
all coaches, especially in helping to choose the most
appropriate training to enhance the fitness level of
hockey players. To assist other researchers making
this method of research for the future, it is important
that the selected respondents are really all set to
carry out a specified intervention program and test.
The readiness of players or athletes is significant in
attaining any training program. In addition,
researchers should give priority to the safety and
comfort of the respondents in order to perform well
throughout the intervention program (Gharbi et.al
2015). This research also indicates that not only
specifically applicable to hockey players but also to
other sports players and athletics where they can
improve their cardiovascular endurance and speed
using this intervention program by considering all
the training principals such as frequency, intensity,
time and individual differences.
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players. International Journal of Sports Sciences &
Fitness., 6 (1): 57-69.
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repeated sprint ability in team sports athletes. Biology
of Sport, 32 (93): 35-43.
Hanjabam, B., Kailashiya, Y., 2014. Effects of Addition of
Sprint, Strength and Agility Training On
Cardiovascular System in Young Male Field Hockey
Players: An Echocardiography Based Study.IOSR.
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Lythe J, Kilding A E., 2011. Physical Demands and
Physiological Responses During Elite Field Hockey
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YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
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Effects of High Intensity Interval Training on Cardiovascular Endurance and Speed among under 16 Hockey Players