The Effect of Holding Ball Game on the Backstroke (Streamlined
Position) Swimming Skill of the Swimming Extracurricular
Participants at Kentungan Public Elementary School
Claudia Megawati Suyanto
, Suharjana
Yogyakarta State University, Colombo Street, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Sport Science, Graduate School
Keywords: Holding Ball Game, Backstroke Swimming, Streamlined Position.
Abstract: Swimming is one of extracurricular activities offered by Kentungan Public Elementary School. On the
implementation of this extracurricular activity, some participants are only able to master few of swimming
styles. It means that they need to learn more styles. Under the reason that they are still elementary school
students, playing game on the water is needed to make them learn the styles including backstroke swimming
style easily. One of the games which can be used is holding ball game. This research aimed to improve the
backstroke swimming body position (streamlined position) of the extracurricular participants which include
the members of class II, III, IV at Kentungan Public Elementary School through holding ball game. The
type of this research is quasi-experimental. The instrument of this research is in the form of observation
sheets showing the successful indicators of backstroke swimming. The subjects of this research are the
representative students of grade II, III, IV who join swimming club at Kentungan Public Elementary School
Yogyakarta. They consisted of 15 students; 11 male students and 4 female students. The data were collected
and then analyzed using hypothesis testing with t-test analysis (paired sample t-test). The data result in the
score of t
(13,315) > t
(2,132), and score p (0,000) < from 0,05. These show that the score t
bigger than t
, and can be concluded that there is a significant effect of holding ball game on backstroke
swimming body position of those extracurricular participants.
Swimming is one of the sports firstly known by
Indonesians through invaders who came to
Indonesia. Its swimming organization was firstly
formed on 21
March 1952 which was named PRSI
(Persatuan Renang Seluruh Indonesia) at that time,
the organization was led by Poerwo Soedarmo.
Swimming is a sport branch that can be taught to all
ages, starting from babies, children, adults, until
elderly (Dwijowinoto, 1979).
The swimming is the floatation of an object in a
liquid due to its buoyancy or lift (Badruzaman
2007). In other words, swimming means the
floatation effort or lift the body into the surface of
water. Bompa (2000: 35) adds that ideally, learning
to swim can be started around 3 to 7 years old. Then,
the age of 10 to 12 years old is the age for
specialization, and the age of 16 to 18 years old is
considered as the golden age for swimmers.
The ideal arm coordination in crawl stroke and
backstroke is that they should be in the same stroke
as the opposite coordination model in which the two
arms must have the power to push (Maglischo,
The successful swimming indicator of the
elementary school students is not determined on how
fast they swim the specified distance and how many
swimming styles that they have mastered, but it is
determined on how many indicator skills they
Basic motor skills of swimming sport consist of
six components, namely (1) getting into the pool, (2)
floating, (3) moving the limb, (4) balancing in the
water, (5) moving the arms, (6) breathing control
(Langendorfer & Bruya, 1995: 8).
Backstroke swimming is considered as an
advanced swimming style. It means that swimmers
can learn backstroke if they have mastered other
swimming styles like breaststroke and freestyle. To
make sure that swimmers do not have difficulties in
Suyanto, C. and , S.
The Effect of Holding Ball Game on the Backstroke (Streamlined Position) Swimming Skill of the Swimming Extracurricular Participants at Kentungan Public Elementary School.
DOI: 10.5220/0009784302620267
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 262-267
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
learning backstroke styles, trainers or coaches must
be able to arrange or set the swimming lessons
starting from the easiest to the hardest ones in order
to achieve the goals in learning backstroke style.
There are two factors which influence the
success of mastering backstroke swimming
techniques properly; internal and external factors.
The internal factors are the influenced factors
coming from the swimmers, such as their physical
and mental conditions, techniques, strategies. On the
other hand, the external factors are the quality of
coaches or trainers, the availability of facilities and
infrastructures, and the environmental conditions
where the teaching and learning process takes place.
From those factors, it can be concluded that the
internal factors are the dominant factors that affect
the ability to swim with backstroke style, one of
which is technique factor.
The technique factor in this case includes the
body position, arm movement, limb movement,
breathing technique and coordination movement. If
the swimmers can master those movements properly,
it can be concluded that the swimming ability of
those swimmers is good enough. The difficulties
come up because the swimmers find it difficult to
master the backstroke swimming technique well so
that mistakes come up and those can cause the
difficulties in doing backstroke swimming
One way to collect the data in this research was
using field observation. From the conducted
observation, there were various mistakes which were
made by university students, such as on the body
position. Mostly, the body position of the swimmers
is not in a line with the water surface or the body
position is not streamline and the sight is not straight
up so that the swimmers’ body cannot float well on
the water surface. It causes the swimmers to find
difficulty to swim using this style.
The mistakes on the limb movement are caused
by the source of limb power that is not from groin.
The movement is not balanced with the rotation of
the shaft body and the knee position rises above the
water level so that it does not produce fast forward
The mistakes on the hand movement are caused
merely by the paddling which is begun by the bent
elbow. It is also caused by hands’ paddling which is
too deep or the head does not rotate with the body
properly so that the purpose of paddling to push the
body forward cannot be achieved perfectly.
The mistakes on the breathing technique is
caused by lifting the head too high, focusing the
eyesight on looking at the feet, and letting water to
get into the face from above the head so that it
causes difficulty to take a breath.
On the other hand, the mistakes on the
coordination movement is when both hands are
straight above the head and the limbs do not make
any movements and the swimmers perform
accomplice movements simultaneously so that the
swimmers’ body cannot slide forward fast.
Learning the basic movements of swimming with
the supplementary tools on the learning process at
school is determined by some factors, such as
students, teachers, learning methods, facilities and
infrastructures, environments and learning
conditions. Learning the basic movements cannot be
separated from those factors in order to achieve the
learning goals. In fact, the willingness and
participation of the students are needed to succeed in
learning process. The roles of the teachers also have
effects in terms of delivering materials, teaching
methods, and facilitating the students.
Many obstacles are experienced by students in
learning the basic swimming movements, such as
fear of water, depth, and sinking, lack of conducive
learning atmospheres, boring learning processes
because of too much drilling and etc. One of the
learning approaches to create a cheerful and
enjoyable atmosphere so that students will not be
afraid is by implementing supplementary tools.
The use of the supplementary tools aims to
introduce the general movement problems of
swimming, especially on the basic swimming
movements and how to swim properly based on the
anatomical review. Correcting the basic gestures and
improving the motivation of students through the
learning process are needed in order to improve the
physical fitness of the students. The specific
purposes of the supplementary tools usage in
learning basic swimming movements are increasing
concentration, resisting power, moving reaction,
accelerating students’ movement, as well as
improving confidence and bravery on doing
swimming movement.
The representative students of Kentungan Public
Elementary School Yogyakarta have got a good
swimming skill. It is because the students are
accustomed to do that kind of water sport.
Therefore, the students are believed to have good
fitness because they used to frequently make body
movements. In the case that the students find it
difficult to adapt to swimming sport, it is due to the
fact that they must understand how to inhale and
exhale the breath properly when swimming. The
participants of the swimming club at Kentungan
Public Elementary School are mostly able to master
The Effect of Holding Ball Game on the Backstroke (Streamlined Position) Swimming Skill of the Swimming Extracurricular Participants at
Kentungan Public Elementary School
few of the swimming styles. There are only few of
them who are able to swim in backstroke style
Based on the conducted preliminary observation,
it can be concluded that the average students who
join the swimming extracurricular club mostly find it
difficult to perform the streamlined body position
while their bodies, bottoms, and limbs are sunk.
Through water games, it is believed that the
extracurricular participants are helped to learn
backstroke swimming easily.
Basically, students like playing games and they
will be more excited in doing that activity. Thus,
games can help to improve their intelligence to
understand a movement that they have not mastered
before. Here, one of the games which can be applied
to help the students is holding game.
According to Dwijowinoto (1979: 1) swimming
is one of the sports that can be taught to all ages,
both children and adults. (Badruzaman, 2007: 13)
adds that it is the floatation of an object in a liquid
due to its buoyancy or lift. Therefore, it also means
the floatation effort or lift the body into the surface
of water.
Basically, the technique or the mechanical
principle of backstroke swimming is the same as
other swimming styles. According to Thomas (2002:
25) the techniques of backstroke swimming can be
divided into some parts; a) body position, b) limb
movement, c) arm movement, d) breath taking
movement, e) movement coordination, f) buoyancy.
In addition, based on Hurlock (2010: 320) there is
none of other fields more proper but to learn how to
be a social being because to socialize depends on the
opportunity to be connected with peer group,
especially occurs in playing activities.
Holding ball game is a game that is played by
students by using a ball as the supplementary tool to
improve backstroke swimming skill. This game is
played by using a big ball as big as 15 cm at the
average water depth (not too deep and not too
shallow). How to play this game is by asking
students to supine facing up and showing a strong
leg kick while crossing the pool, then asking them to
hold the ball with both hands while firstly putting
the ball on the stomach, then after several foot
strokes placing the ball on the chest, finally after
several foot strokes placing the ball above the head
using both straight hands. The position of the body
tries to be on the water surface and the bottom
should not drown. The position of the head tries to
straight up and should not drown too, if the head is
drowned, it will be hard for students to breath.
According to Sukadiyanto (2011: 1) practicing is
a process heading to a better goal that is to improve
the physical condition, functional abilities of body
equipment, and psychic qualities of the training.
Backstroke swimming practice is still rare to be
implemented around the elementary schools in
Based on the underlying background above, a
research entitled “The Effect of Holding Ball Game
on the Backstroke (Streamlined Position) Swimming
Skill of the Swimming Extracurricular Participants
at Kentungan Public Elementary School”.
2.1 Research Type
This research belongs to an experimental research.
In this research, two kinds of tests were held; pre-
test (before) and post-test (after) treatments. The
differences between pre-test and post-test results
were assumed as the effects of the treatments.
Therefore, the results of the treatments are expected
to be known more accurately because there are some
comparisons between the condition before and after
the treatments. The treatments given in this research
is in the form of practicing by using holding ball
game on backstroke swimming body position
(streamlined position) for the representatives of
swimming extracurricular participants at Kentungan
Public Elementary School.
2.2 Research Time and Place
This research was held at Tirta Sari swimming pool.
The pre-test was held on 29
September 2018 and
the post-test was held on 11
November 2018. The
treatments were held on 1
October 2018 until 9
November 2018.
2.3 Research Subject
Population is the chosen objects or subjects that
have certain qualities and characteristics determined
by researchers to be studied and then conclusions
can be drawn (Sugiyono, 2012: 117). This research
uses the representative population from the members
of grade II, III, IV who participate on swimming
club at Tirta Sari swimming pool. The members of
grade IV are the dominant population on this
research. The total number of the research
participants is 15. Then, the teachers of Kentungan
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Public Elementary School wanted to improve their
students’ backstroke swimming position.
2.4 Research Procedure
The treatments were held 3 times in a week; on
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for 60 minutes
as the time allocation for each. The treatments of
this research were held for 16 meetings in which 3
meetings were used for pre-tests and post-tests. The
60 minutes for each meeting were allocated into
several steps of practicing. Firstly, the treatment was
begun with 7 minutes of warming up, then 45
minutes for the core practice, and the rest is or the
cooling down and evaluating the whole activity.
After the pre- and post-tests were conducted, then
the results were finally compared using t-test.
2.5 Instrument and Data Collecting
According to Sugiyono (2010: 348) “Research
instrument is a tool that is used to measure natural
and social phenomena observed”. Then, the data in
this research were collected using backstroke
swimming test. The research process was begun by
instructing the students to do warming up. After
giving the instructions of how to do backstroke
swimming position with both hands straight next to
the ears to make sure that the students understood
and did not make any mistakes in doing the test. The
tools used for the backstroke swimming body
position test were a whistle, scoring forms and
stationeries. This data collection process was also
supported by some parties; a note taker, a timer, a
whistle-blowing giver, and a test-runner. The
followings were the procedure: a) Test-takers stood
by the pool by sticking to the wall while waiting for
the whistle signal; b) After the whistle sounded, the
extracurricular participants were doing backstroke
swimming with both hands aligned beside the
distance head as best as they could.
Instrument used in this research was the
observation sheets of successful indicator on
backstroke swimming done by elementary school
students that was validated by the experts.
The data collection of this research was done
by using the backstroke swimming skill tests. The
extracurricular participants would get the treatments
in the form of basic practicing technique and holding
ball game for 16 meetings. The measurement
included pre-tests and post-tests.
2.6 Data Analysis Technique
This research did not employ prerequisite test
because this research was a population research
where the data were analyzed using t-test. The effect
of holding ball game on the backstroke swimming
body position (streamlined position) of the
swimming extracurricular participants at Kentungan
Public Elementary School Yogyakarta was analyzed
as follows. T-test
This research used the paired sample t test with a
significance level of 0,05.
The results of the pre-test and post-test of holding
ball game on the backstroke swimming body
position (streamlined position) of the swimming
extracurricular participants at Kentungan Public
Elementary School Yogyakarta research could be
described as follows:
3.1 The Pre-test Data
The pre-test results of backstroke swimming with
both hands aligned beside the ears done by the
extracurricular participants were obtained a
minimum score of 11, maximum score of 21,
average score of 12.86, median of 11, mode of 11
and standard deviation of 3.27. Those results can be
seen on this following table:
Table 1: The Frequency Distribution Pre-test on The
Backstroke Swimming with Both Hands Aligned beside
the Ears Done.
3.2 The Frequency Distribution of the
The post-test results of backstroke swimming with
both hands aligned beside the ears done by the
extracurricular participants at Kentungan Public
Elementary School Yogyakarta were obtained a
minimum score of 17, maximum score of 24,
average score of 18.6, median of 18, mode of 17
and standard deviation of 2,09.
The Effect of Holding Ball Game on the Backstroke (Streamlined Position) Swimming Skill of the Swimming Extracurricular Participants at
Kentungan Public Elementary School
Table 2: The Frequency Distribution of Post-test on The
Backstroke Swimming with Both Hands Aligned beside
the Ears Done.
3.3 Data Analysis
The data analysis of this research aimed to know the
t-test result. T-test results could be seen as follow:
Table 3: The Results of Hypothesis Testing (t-test).
T table
T count
Sig 5 %
Based on the data analysis, it can be obtained
that the score of t count (13.315) > t table (2.132),
and p (0.000) is < 0.05. Those results showed that
score of t count is bigger than t table and p is smaller
than 5%. Those results mean that Ha: accepted and
Ho: refused. Those results can be interpreted that
there is a significant effect of holding ball game to
the backstroke swimming body position (streamlined
position) of the extracurricular participants at
Kentungan Public Elementary School Yogyakarta.
3.4 Discussion
Based on the data analysis, it can be obtained that
the score of t
(13.315) > t
(2.132), and p
(0.000) is < 0.05. Those results showed that score of
is bigger than t
and p is smaller than 5%.
Those results mean that Ha: accepted and Ho:
refused. Those results can be interpreted that there is
a significant effect of holding ball game to the
backstroke swimming body position (streamlined
position) of the extracurricular participants at
Kentungan Public Elementary School Yogyakarta.
This result is in line with the definition of the game.
According to Santrock (2006: 273), a game is very
useful form of human self-adjustment. It is helping
children master anxiety and conflict. Because
pressures are fulfilled in the game, children can
overcome life problems. It could be seen from
children who previously had difficulties to swim
backstroke style, but after the ball game was
implemented, they could change their mindset.
Practicing backstroke style was not difficult, but
it was easy and fun to do. The extracurricular
participants practice based on what Ambarukmi, et
al. (2007: 1) claims that sport training is the sport
improvement process through a scientific approach
based on the principles of practice; regularly and
planned. This is to enhance the ability and readiness
of the sportsman. Therefore, the extracurricular
participants get the opportunity to practice and play
holding ball game within 16 meetings. Moreover, by
this intensity, according to the principles of practice
stated by Irianto, (2000: 19), those extracurricular
participants experienced the improvement on the
backstroke swimming body position.
4.1 Conclusion
Swimming is a kind of sports which has various
styles. One of them is backstroke style. Backstroke
style has distinctive characteristics and different
techniques to be able to train body position,
breathing method, limb movements, and arm
movements to get maximum results.
The observation was conducted in the beginning
prior to the research in order to observe and identify
the problems found. From the observation, it turned
out that the extracurricular participants could not
swim in backstroke style correctly because their
bodies were not in streamlined position. It could be
seen that their bodies, bottoms, and limbs were
The research was conducted using a treatment in
the form of the holding ball game to improve the
backstroke swimming body position (streamlined
position) of the extracurricular participants at
Kentungan Public Elementary School Yogyakarta.
This research applied an experimental research with
16 meetings and 2 meetings for conducting the pre-
test and post-test.
The swimming practices in the treatment were
held 3 times a week, every Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays. The duration on every meeting was 60
minutes. The treatments were held at Tirta Sari
swimming pool, Kaliurang Street km 8.5. The total
number of extracurricular participants was 15
including the representative students from grade II,
III and IV.
Based on the research on chapter 3, it can be
obtained that the score of t
(13.315) is > t
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
(2.132), and score of p (0,000) is < 0.05. Those
results can be interpreted that there is a significant
effect of holding ball game to the backstroke
swimming body position (streamlined position) of
the extracurricular participants at Kentungan Public
Elementary School Yogyakarta with the increasing
value of 44,6%.
4.2 Suggestion
a) The swimming extracurricular participants who
still need to improve their backstroke swimming
style can improve their abilities by practicing more,
one of them is by using holding ball game; b)
Teachers need to always pay attention on the ability
of students in swimming by providing learning with
a variety of effective training methods. Hopefully,
extracurricular participants will be able to perform
proper backstroke swimming style; c) The next
researcher can conduct a research by taking the
wider sample and population so that the ability to
swim backstroke style can be widely known as well;
d) The next researcher can conduct a research with
the different training methods so that the training
methods that affect backstroke swimming skills can
be widely identified.
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The Effect of Holding Ball Game on the Backstroke (Streamlined Position) Swimming Skill of the Swimming Extracurricular Participants at
Kentungan Public Elementary School