Speed and strength when jumping are also important
factors in volleyball.
Power training methods can use a variety of
strength training or plyometric exercises. Pliometrics
is one method of trainings to enhance the power of
legs and the height of jumping. Plyometric training
is very easy for athletes to do during training in the
field. However, the structured pliometric exercises
are rarely applied during training sessions.
Plyometric training has many benefits for
volleyball athletes, because volleyball games that
require good power. Thus, this training can help the
athletes when smashing and blocking by increasing
the jump height. Donald A Chu (2013: 36) explains
that proper pliometric movements have a large
impact on increasing power related to sports
involving Stretch-Shortening Cycle (SSC). Front
jumps and side jumps are the forms of pliometrics
that emphasize speed and height of jump.
Yuso is a volleyball team in Yogyakarta which
has a tiered coaching. The training program is
distinguished from the level of beginners, teens,
juniors to seniors. In its implementation the
pliometric training program has not been maximally
given to junior level athletes. In preparing an
exercise program, pliometric training needs to be
studied in terms of its dose of exercise that covers
the training load, number of sets, rhythm, repetition,
and recovery. Those elements are very influential to
determine the achievement of a training goal. The
preparation of a structured and systematic training
program has not been done by many trainers to
achieve the training objectives.
Based on the experience during microcoaching
and field practice education at the Yuso club, many
junior athletes have not got a good leap. In this case,
there are many factors which help athletes to have a
good leap, one of which is the athlete's physical
strength. The junior athletes in that club have not
got good physical strength so that they mostly
cannot make a good jump.
The forms and types of pliometric training are
needed to be presented by volleyball coaches to
avoid the athletes’ boredom. Plyometric front jump
and side jump exercises are the examples of
pliometric training to increase the leg muscle power
of volleyball athletes. Variations in this exercise are
needed when athletes feel bored with strength or
speed training.
Based on the underlying background above, a
research was conducted in Yuso volleyball club
Yogyakarta aimed at using pliometric front jump
and side jump exercises to increase the athletes’ leg
power. The research was entitled “The Effect of
Plyometric Trainings on the Leg Muscle Power
Enhancement of Women’s Volleyball Junior
2.1 The Type of Research
This research was a quasi-experimental research,
meaning that the sample was not quarantined or
dormant. According to Suharsimi Arikunto (2010:
36) experimental research is a study that is intended
to determine whether there is a result of something
imposed on the subject. The research design used in
this study was "Two Groups Pre-test Post-test
Design"; the design of the study that had a pretest
before being treated and posttest after being treated.
2.2 Time and Place of Research
The research was conducted on February 18 - March
29, 2018. The pretest was held on February 17, 2018
and posttest on March 30, 2018. The treatment was
carried out for 18 meetings with a frequency of
exercise of three times in a week; on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdayso at the Yuso volleyball
court in Yogyakarta.
2.3 Research Subject
The population in this study were Yuso Yogyakarta
volleyball athletes, totaling 35 athletes. According to
Sugiyono (2011: 120), sample is part of the numbers
and characteristics possessed by the population. The
sample can be taken from a population. According to
Sugiyono (2011: 126) purposive sampling is a
technique of determining samples with certain
considerations. The criteria for determining this
sample include the Yuso's female volleyball athletes:
(1) who has been training for more than 3 years, (2)
whose ages are between 14 to18 years old, (3) who
are willing to take the pretest, treatment and posttest.
Based on these criteria, 18 athletes were chosen as
they were suitable to be the research participants.
2.4 Instruments and Data Collection
The research instrument is a tool used by the
researchers in collecting data so that their work is
easier and the results are better, in the sense of being
meticulous, complete, systematic, and easy to
process (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2010: 192). The