oxygen, the level of hemoglobin in the blood and the
binding process of hemoglobin to oxygen. Zullies
Ikawati (2014: 1) suggested that O2 will be bound
by hemoglobin in the blood and transported to body
cells through a network of blood vessels, while CO2
will be released.
The ability of the lungs to hold oxygen is called
the vital lung capacity. Saryono in Giri Wiarto
(2013: 11) states that people who have a large vital
capacity will be more fortunate because the
frequency of breathing is not too fast, ventilation
(the process of air exchange) tends to quickly meet
the needs of oxygen. The role of the lungs is to
exchange oxygen with carbon dioxide through the
respiratory process. The purpose of breathing is to
provide oxygen to the tissues and remove carbon
dioxide. The vital lung capacity level is thought to
have a contribution and a close relationship with the
body. Having a good lung vital capacity causes
students to run sports optimally. The higher lung
vital capacity a person has, the more oxygen that can
be used for the cardiorespiratory system and the
better for cardiorespiratory endurance.
Lungs and heart endurance has an important role
in everyday life. The lungs and heart play a role in
supplying oxygen for muscle work for a long period
of time, meaning that the better the endurance of the
heart's lungs the better the physical fitness of a
Based on the results of the correlation, it was
proven that there is a significant relationship
between hemoglobin and lung vital capacity with
cardiorespiratory endurance of 51% with a sign
value of 0.006. The more hemoglobin in the body
and the greater the vital capacity of a person the
more helpful it will be to transport the large volume
of oxygen in the body.
4.1 Conclusion
Based on the research findings and discussions, the
following conclusions can be drawn as follows: a)
There is a significant relationship between the
hemoglobin levels and the cardiorespiratory
endurance of basketball extracurricular participants
at SMP Negeri 4 Banguntapan, Yogyakarta; b)
There is a significant relationship between lung the
vital capacity and the cardiorespiratory endurance of
basketball extracurricular participants at SMP
Negeri 4 Banguntapan, Yogyakarta; c) There is a
significant relationship between the hemoglobin
levels and the vital lung capacity with
cardiorespiratory endurance for basketball
extracurricular participants at SMP Negeri 4
Banguntapan, Yogyakarta. This is indicated by the
results of p <0.05.
4.2 Suggestion
Based on the research conclusions above, there are a
number of suggestions that can be delivered,
namely: a) Trainers and students should pay
attention to the factors that affect the condition of
the students’ body before conducting a trial; b) The
ability of vital lung capacity and cardiorespiratory
endurance of students who joined basketball
extracurricular activities at SMP Negeri 4
Banguntapan Yogyakarta is considered low, due to
the lack of training. Therefore, further research can
take into account the factor of sample training; c)
There were still many shortcomings in this research.
Consequently, the next researcher should develop
and improve this research by adding variables and
research subjects.
The authors would like to thank Universitas Negeri
Yogyakarta for the given supports.
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