Table 1: Descriptive Calculation Results
Active Recovery & Massage Group
Passive Recovery & Massage Group
This research is an experimental research using pure
experimental design - Pretest-Posttest Randomized
Control Group Design. The data were calculated by
using t-test paired statistical analysis and SPSS 18.0
for windows software version.
2.1 Subject
The subjects used in this study were the Volleyball
Women's Team in preparation for the Provincial
Sports Week Championship (PORPROV VI). The
team contained15 athletes. The first group is the
recovery group with massage and active recovery
(i.e. jogging). The second group is the recovery
group with massage and passive recovery (i.e.
sitting). The third group is the control group.
2.2 Procedure
Each subject filled in a letter of willingness to be
a part of this study. Each group participated in an
endurance measurement test (VO2 max) twice at the
beginning and end of the study. VO2 max
measurement was done using MVT test. First, the
subjects took the VO2 max data. Then, each subject
was treated according to the group that had been
determined. In the final stage, the data were taken
back to see the difference after the treatment.
The description of the results of the study is shown
in table 1. From table 1, VO2 max increased in all
three groups. The first and second groups
experienced a significant increase (p <0.05).
Meanwhile, the third group did not have a
significant increase.
Based on the results of measurements in table 1
above, especially in the active and massage recovery
groups, it could be seen that there was an increase in
the mean value between pretest 39.40 ± 3.05 and
posttest 46.40 ± 1.82. In the passive and massage
recovery group, there was also an increase in the
mean value between pretest 34.60 ± 1.52 and
posttest 39.80 ± 4.97. In the control group, there was
also an increase it was mean pretest value of 29.60
and post-test of 29.80. The standard value of the
deviation was pretest 29.60 ± 3.21 and post-test
29.80 ± 3.11. From the average results of the three
groups, it was concluded that by giving treatment of
VO2 Max, there was an increase from the three
groups, although the control group gave the smallest
Doing certain work or sport activities can cause a
person to be exhausted and to face a decline in the
quality and quantity of work or sport Decreasing the
quality and quantity of work or sports is caused by
the intensity and duration of work or exercise that
causes disruption of homeostasis. This condition is
subjectively perceived as fatigue. Such fatigue must
be prevented and immediately recovered by an
athlete. Recovery is a return to the condition of
homeostasis to its normal condition. Recovery can
indeed occur spontaneously, but it can be
accelerated through engineering efforts (Giriwijoyo
and Sidik, 2013).
There are two forms of fatigue in humans,
namely mental fatigue and physical weakness. This
study focused on the handling of physical fatigue as
a means of recovery for athletes while carrying out
volleyball training activities in increasing VO2 Max.
Physical fatigue is caused by physical work or
muscle work, and is considered as an attractive
problem to physiological experts. It should be
understood that physical fatigue is the fatigue of
ergosistema-I (ES-I). ES-I functions actively as
nervous system and muscular system. The
combination of the two is better known as the neuro-
muscular system, so that fatigue can occur in one of
them or a combination of the those systems. It can
be concluded that fatigue can occur on both the
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)