The Analysis of Management Function of Sport Hall (GOR)
Yogyakarta State University
Ahmad Nasrulloh
, Sumaryanto
, Sumarjo
, Sigit Nugroho
Sport Science Study Program, Department of Sports Sciences, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Management function, Sport hall.
Abstract: Management of sport facility or in this case is sport hall needs to HAVE good management function, so that
it can run optimally. Management functions include planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and
controlling. This research was descriptive qualitative research. Data collection technique was done by
observation, interviews, and documentation. Research showed that all management functions of planning,
organizing, placement, transferring, and controlling of Sport Hall (GOR) Yogyakarta State University could
be done effectively and efficiently. However, the management of GOR UNY still needs a little
improvement; for the sake of improving the function of staffing, especially in terms of giving rewards to
excellent employees in order to afford motivation to work so that it can have positive impact on improving
the performance of each employee.
Sport is defined as all systematic activities to
encourage, foster, and develop physical, spiritual
and mental potentials (Law No. 3 of 2005). Sport
basically has very strategic role to establish and
improve quality of human resources. However, sport
activities done by using appropriate and available
sport facilities will result in better conditions. In
performing sport activities, one requires adequate
facilities and infrastructure to be comfortable.
Indonesian Dictionary defines facilities as
"everything used as tools in achieving meaning and
purpose and infrastructures as everything that are
main supports for the implementation of a process.
It can also be said that facility is physical tool for
delivering learning.
Sport hall is one of facilities and infrastructures
to do sport activities. In order to function properly, it
must also be managed well. Management is done in
the form of organizational management, leadership,
financial management, and management of facilities
and infrastructures. Good sport hall management is
part of national development process in developing
human resources, especially to facilitate athletes to
achieve national and international achievements.
Thus, sports goals can be effectively achieved if a
standardized sports infrastructure is met.
In Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), there are
several sports halls which are managed to support
sport activities both for academic and achievement
purposes. Sport halls in the DIY area are
Amongrogo Sport Hall, Klebengan Sport Halls,
Sihono Sports Hall, Pangukan Sport Halls, Wates
Sport Halls, and Yogyakarta State University Sport
Hall. The sport halls DIY area is managed
professionally by every institution with different
management systems.
Yogyakarta State University Sport Hall (GOR
UNY) is a sport infrastructure designed for national
and international sport competitions, and therefore it
requires professional management in order to be able
to benefit optimally. The sports hall management
always tries to make all sport hall operational costs
can be fulfilled by sport hall management business
itself by optimizing all the potential of the sports hall
in generating revenues. Maintenance of sport hall is
the most important factor in maintaining facilities
and infrastructures, with good care so that the
condition of the sport hall will always be well
According to Mulyasa (2004: 49), maintenance
of facilities and infrastructure is a process of
maintenance activities that are continuous and
gradual to continue to maintain each type of facility
to remain in good condition and ready to use. The
maintenance goal is so that the facility can last long,
Nasrulloh, A., Sumaryanto, ., Sumarjo, . and Nugroho, S.
The Analysis of Management Function of Sport Hall (GOR) Yogyakarta State University.
DOI: 10.5220/0009785202960302
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 296-302
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to maintain the safety of facilities to be safe, and
these facilities can be used to their age limit. In
addition, there is also a process of repairing and
procuring goods to provide added value to the
functions of sport halls.
Management of a sports facility or in this case
sport hall needs to pay attention to good
management functions in order to run optimally. The
management functions include planning, organizing,
placing, directing, and controlling. At this time it is
not yet known how far the implementation of the
management functions in sport hall (GOR)
management of Yogyakarta State University.
Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting
research on "The Analysis of Management
Functions of Sport Hall Management (GOR) of
Yogyakarta State University".
Research design used qualitative approach.
Qualitative research is research that intends to
understand a phenomenon of what is experienced by
research subjects holistically by describing it in
words and language according to the actual situation
in the field (Moleong, 2004). The research method
used in this research was descriptive qualitative
research method. Descriptive research is a form of
research aimed at describing existing phenomena,
both natural phenomena and man-made phenomena.
The research instruments were observation guides,
interview guides, and documentation. Data validity
was done with criteria and triangulation of data
through existing sources. Data analysis techniques
were performed by data reduction, data presentation,
verification or conclusion.
Organization of a management is an initial process
to achieve success of an organization. Similarly,
sport hall facility also requires management in order
to function optimally. In order for making Sport
Hall management run well, it must be able to
implement management functions properly.
(Wawan, 2002) states that management function is
process of planning, organizing, directing, and
controlling the business of members, organization,
usage, and control of human resources owned by
the organization. Meanwhile, a good management
organization process must meet management
function standards including (1) planning, which
consists of global planning, strategic planning, and
operational planning; (2) organizing, which consists
of determining resources & activities needed,
organizing a management or group work,
assignment of authority and responsibility and
delegation; (3) placement of employees, which
consists of human resource planning, employee
withdrawal, selection, employee orientation,
training, assessment, giving rewards; (4) direction,
which consists of leading, motivating, and
communicating; and (5) control, which consists of
personal controls, action controls, and result
Based on the data analysis that had been done,
the management function implemented at
Yogyakarta State University Sport Hall (GOR) can
be described in five functions as follows.
3.1 Planning
Planning is to set works that must be done by the
group to achieve targeted goals. Planning includes
decision-making activities, because it includes
choices of alternative decisions (Terry, 2003).
According to (Heri, 2016), planning includes
selection or determination of organizational goals
and determination of strategies, policies, projects,
programs, procedures, methods, systems, budgets,
and standards needed to achieve goals. All other
functions are very dependent on planning function,
while other functions will not be succeeded without
accurate planning and making careful and
sustainable decisions.
Planning principles are related to description of
vision and mission, the procedure to achieve the
vision and mission, actors, locations of the activity,
time perods, and resources needed. (Siswanto, 2005)
defines "planning as an integrative activity that
seeks to maximize overall effectiveness of
organization as a system, in accordance with the
objectives to be achieved". Another opinion is
expressed by (Harsono, 2010) mentioning that
planning can be interpreted as a process of setting
goals through appropriate and systematic ways or
methods to achieve goals.
Planning can give direction to where the
organization goals in every work unit, and to
individuals in the work unit. Planning supports all
organizational functions. Organization management
plans how many existing positions, how many
levels, and how many personals in one work unit
are, and supports other management functions, so
The Analysis of Management Function of Sport Hall (GOR) Yogyakarta State University
that it can be said that planning is the foundation of
management itself.
(Allen, 2005), says that planning consists of
activities operated by a manager to think ahead and
make decisions currently, which allows to overtake
and face challenges in the future. The planning
activities referred to are as follows.
a. Forecasting is a systematic effort to predict or
expect future time by drawing conclusions on
known facts.
b. Establishing objective is an activity to
establish something you want to achieve
through work implementation.
c. Programming is an activity done with the
intention to determine: the main steps needed
to achieve objectives, unit and members
responsible for each step and the sequence and
timing of each step.
d. Scheduling is the determination or
appointment of time according to a particular
chronology to perform various types of work.
e. Budgeting is an activity to make statements
about financial resources provided for certain
activities and times.
f. Developing procedures is an activity
normalizing ways, techniques, and methods of
doing a job.
g. Establishing and interpreting policies is an
activity done in setting conditions based on
situations in which the manager and the
subordinates will work. A policy is a decision
that always applies to problems that arise
repeatedly for an organization.
UNY sport hall (GOR UNY) is one of Sports
Halls in Sleman Regency. The function of planning
generally strives to optimize service system to
support academic and non-academic activities as
well as public services to improve the progress of
the institution. The function of planning is contained
in vision and mission. Background for GOR global
planning is to facilitate the institution in
implementing Higher Education Tri Dharma (Three
Basic Pillars of Higher Education) in the form of
Education, Teaching, Research, and Community
Service and services for community. The purpose of
planning globally is to provide direction in the
process of managing GOR facilities, so that it can
provide optimal benefits to academicians and people
in general. Strategic planning at GOR UNY is to
improve the quality of Human Resources and facility
services synergistically and continuously by training
HR and improving or adding facilities according to
national and international standards. Its purpose is to
improve the quality and quality of GOR services to
become the best sport hall in Indonesia that is
capable of serving academic, non-academic and
public activities. Operational planning is always
done by GOR UNY management in synergy with
Faculty of Sport Sciences in the form of RKPT/
Annual Expenditure Plan in each year. Background
of this operational planning is the need for
maintenance and addition of GOR facility in order to
provide best services to users. The purpose of this
operational plan is to be able to maintain and
improve all GOR facilities periodically continuously
along with the development of the era and also to be
able to provide optimal benefits for the academicians
and public.
3.2 Organizing
(Siswanto, 2005) argues that organizations are a
group of people who interact with one another and
work together to realize common goals. There are
three important elements in interconnected
organizations. A group of people join themselves
with bonds of norms, provisions, regulations, and
policies that have been formulated and every part is
ready to do it with full responsibility. Interaction and
cooperation are held in mutual relations, including
giving and receiving, and also cooperating with one
another to set and realize the purpose, objective, and
Organizing is process of compiling
organizational structure that is in accordance with
goals of the organization with resources that it has,
and the environment that surrounds it. Organizing is
the process of creating orderly use of all the
resources possessed by the management system.
Good organization is driven by appropriateness,
adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency attributes.
Every organization must have proper organizational
structure. The organizational structure is reflected in
the form of chart or graphic called the organizational
chart (Handoko, 2000).
(Harsono, 2010) states that organizing is the
process of forming cooperation between two
individuals or more in certain structures to achieve
goals or set of goals. Different goals require
different structures, so that efforts are needed to
structure the organization through proper
organizational design.
(Armstrong, 2002) divides the form of
organizing, namely a) determination of resources
and activities needed to achieve organizational
goals, b) design and development of organization or
working group that will be able to "bring" these
things towards the goals, c) assignment of certain
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
responsibilities, and d) delegation of authority
needed to individuals to do their duties. This
function creates formal structure where work is
defined, divided and coordinated. Managers need to
have the ability to develop and then lead the type of
organization that is in accordance with the goals,
plans and programs that have been set. Different
goals will require different types of organizations.
An organization has a structure that becomes the
body of the organization. Harsono (2010: 166-167)
says that organizational structures are task systems,
reporting, networking, and communication between
parts and layers (essential). Managers must strive for
the organization to survive in long term.
Organizational members need a stable and
understandable framework so that they can work
together to achieve organizational goals. Included in
the managerial process of organizing is making
decisions on how to shape the framework so that the
company/ institution can achieve better conditions in
the future.
Process of preparing GOR UNY organization is
done by the leader of Faculty of Sport Sciences
(FIK) UNY by proposing to UNY Rector on a
manager assigned to manage GOR UNY. Those
involved in preparing the work organization at GOR
include UNY Rector, UNY Vice Rector II, Dean of
FIK, Vice Dean II and Head of Administration in
FIK UNY. Preparation of working organization in
GOR can be done once a year by proposing Rector's
Decree every year. Organizations involved in GOR
are general manager, accounting manager, marketing
manager, administrative staffs, engineering, and
equipment staffs, cleaning staffs, and security staffs.
Determination of human resources is by conducting
a selection in accordance with capabilities in their
respective fields and has been adjusted to the needs
of the management of GOR UNY. Criteria set to
determine HR are "the right man on the right place"
determination, determination and placement of a
person must be in accordance with their respective
fields of expertise so that they are expected to work
optimally and professionally in performing their
duties. Process of supervising responsibility is done
by the manager as the manager been given tasks by
UNY Rector. If there is an abuse of the
responsibility, a verbal warning will be given,
conrinued by a written warning in the form of
Warning Letter 1, 2, to 3, decrease score of work
performance, or finally to dismissal with respect or
disrespect. Those who have the right to supervise on
management activities at GOR are the leaders of
UNY, the leaders of FIK UNY, SPI (Internal
Control Unit), Inspectorate, and BPK (Financial
Supervisory Institution) of Indonesia.
3.3 Staffing
Preparation of personnel, needed to complete the
task after the work structure has been compiled, is
understood in the fields of work to be done and the
placement of personnel in accordance with their
fields. Staffing is one of the management functions
in the form of personnel preparation in an
organization from the recruitment of workers,
development to business so that every workforce
provides maximum usefulness for the organization.
In compiling an organization, it is very necessary to
divide the best tasks and give the right authority, but
more important is to place people appropriately in
places according to the determined organizational
It needs to be realized that human resources are
the most important element in the success of an
organizational management. (Susanto, 2002) states
that the organization's most important assets and
must be considered by management are humans
(human resources). This leads to the fact that
humans are elements that always exist in every
organization. Humans make goals, innovations, and
achieve organizational goals. Humans are the only
resource that can make other resources work and
have direct impact on welfare of the organization.
(Tangkilisan, 2005) argues that learning must
have three qualifications, namely (a) inherenting in
loyalty characteristics, dedication, and work
motivation in performing their duties; (b) possessing
professional skills and expertise; and (3)
implementating mental attitudes oriented to work
ethics that are systematic, honest, disciplined,
productive, and work selflessly. (Rachbini, 2001)
says developments in organizations in the field of
staffing are not only administrative units in the
preparation of employees but also the development
of human resources. The addition of these functions
is expected to be able to assess the current and future
needs of employees so that the preparation of
employees is not considered routine work and an
effort to adjust the desires and tastes of the
leadership, but is more prepared to ensure the
sustainability of the organization in facing the
challenges of organization's external environment
such as extreme and uncontrollable changes.
Objectives of preparing personnel are the
realization of employee synergy in accordance with
all duties and obligations; the realization of
cooperative, effective, and integrated working
The Analysis of Management Function of Sport Hall (GOR) Yogyakarta State University
mechanism; the facilitaties given to employees with
expertise in their respective fields to complete their
tasks well; and the encouragement for employees to
provide maximum effectiveness and results for the
organization. (Parks, 2007)
(Parks, 2007) in placement applies main
principle that is "the right man in the right place and
time" meaning that every personnel is placed in a
work unit that is in accordance with his/ her
expertise and skills. Thus, a job or task in the work
unit is done by the right person and get optimal work
results. If this principle is not applied, and placing
personnel on tasks and types of work that are not
their expertise will obstruct efforts to achieve the
administrative goals themselves, because results of
these jobs tend to be less efficient for the
organization. This often occurs in work units that
lack employees, so forcing an employee to oversee
and work on several types of works that are not in
their field of expertise can occur because they place
someone on nepotism approach without regarding to
one's expertise, this nepotism will certainly open up
opportunities for collusion and corruption which
adversely affects the progress of the work
organization unit itself.
Human resource planning at GOR UNY is
needed to optimize services according to the needs
and demands of works. HR criteria that are
determined as employees of GOR UNY are someone
who has the ability in accordance with required job
qualifications. Process of recruiting employees at
GOR is done openly by opening job openings and
then selecting applicants who have applied in
accordance with their fields. After being determined
as an employee, the employee orientation will be
done so that the new employee has understanding of
his/ her main duties and functions as an employee
under the management of GOR UNY. Orientation is
done by providing training for at least 3 months of
working to adapt. Barriers during orientation are
difficulties in process of establishing the same
perceptions of their main tasks and functions as
employees because they have different backgrounds.
Finally, there is a need for more in-depth direction
and training so that all employees can understand the
main tasks and functions according to their fields.
The training provided to GOR UNY employees is
excellent service training, performance improvement
workshops, training in handling natural disasters and
fires. Obstacles experienced in employee training are
not scheduled in detail so that during training some
employees serve users of GOR because of the same
schedule. The efforts made to deal with these
obstacles are by making a well-planned schedule so
that management can arrange the schedule for the
use of GOR UNY so that all employees can
participate fully in the training. GOR UNY
Management always gives an assessment to all its
employees. The assessment is done for employees
by evaluating the daily notes SKP/ Employee
Performance Unit made by employees in doing their
daily tasks. The process of evaluating employees is
conducted once a year at the end of each year and
the performance of every day is evaluated every
month delivered at the monthly meeting. The points
of evaluation are about service, integrity,
commitment, discipline, teamwork, obedience,
attitude and leadership. After the assessment, a
service award will be given to assessment
employees. The criteria are employees who have
met the SKP assessment standards set by the
3.4 Directing
(Siswanto, 2005) states that directing is process of
guiding, giving instructions, and instructing
subordinates to work in accordance with targeted
plan. Direction is the process of directing and
influencing individual members of organization as a
whole or in performing various activities to achieved
goals or objectives, (Harsono, 2010). Similarly, the
opinion of (Amir, 2006) claims that directing is to
make employees do what should be done and
motivate them to achieve organizational goals. There
are those who regulate, direct, motivate, give
sanctions, and others. In this process, managers
motivate employees with leadership model they
dream of in the organization. By creating conducive
atmosphere and right leadership system, managers
can encourage employees to do their best work (do
their best).
(Siswanto, 2005) argues that in general, the
purpose of direction to be achieved in every
company and organizational system is as follows.
a. Ensuring Continuity of Planning
A plan is set to become normative guideline in
achieving goals. In other words, it can be
interpreted as determined plan even though it has
a flexible nature, but principles contained in it
must remain in continuity. Often middle
hierarchy managers or the first hierarchy and
other organizational leaders are less confident
about set planning so it is commonly to change
plans in the middle of progress. This is due to the
emergence of influence of community structure
and changes in the environment and lure of
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
b. Cultivating Standard Procedures
With the direction, it is expected that established
work procedures can be done properly, so that it
gradually becomes a habit. If it is used, expected
system can be habituated in environment system
c. Avoiding absenteeism
Absenteeism can be given as a condition when
someone is not at work outside the obvious cause
and without prior notice. Employees who do not
come to work in accordance with the usual day,
without notifying supervisor/ leader are called
absent employee. With the implementation of
this directional function, it is intended that
existing employees avoid unnecessary
absenteeism. An absenteeism will mean little if
the employee who does not work during his or
her absence takes part in working outside office
work or helping to solve the problems facing his
d. Developing Work Discipline
Work discipline concerns the essence of its
existence as an employee. Basically, employees
must question their routine duties and how to do
these tasks as well as possible. The work
discipline that is developed will have positive
impact on the company/ institution that is the
increase in work productivity, both concerning
quality and quality.
e. Developing Focused Motivation
Implementation of directional function also has
the aim of developing the work motivation of
targeted employees. That means employees
doing works while being guided and directed to
avoid procedural errors that have impact on their
Directing function of all management facilities is
duty and responsibility of GOR UNY manager.
GOR UNY Manager always monitors, evaluates,
and provides work motivation to duties and
responsibilities given to employees. The criterium
for leadership run by managers is to be leaders who
are open, creative, innovative, responsible, smart,
and trustworthy. If there are employees who have
bad attitude, as the leader will make personal
approach to employees and provide direction or
warning for the attitude so that he or she can behave
properly. In overcoming problems of GOR,
managers always prioritize communication with
related people to be able to sit together to find
solutions in solving these problems. Managers
always provide motivation to employees once a
week on Mondays in a briefing. If there are
employees who are not good at performing their
duties, they will be called by the manager to be
given direction, guidance, and motivation to work in
order to work well. In addition, managers also
always implement two-way communication done
both vertically and horizontally, both directly and
indirectly. To minimize problems caused by
communication, managers always provide
opportunities for employees to always be open in
communicating both directly and through social
3.5 Controlling
Controlling can be interpreted as a process to apply
what work has been done, assess it, and if necessary,
correct it with intention that the implementation of
work is in accordance with the original plan
(Armstrong, 2002). Controlling or supervisory
function is one part of the management process that
is very important as an evaluation and controlling
material, because if supervision is not done, it is
possible that the errors will continue and become
wider. The function of supervision is to prevent
occurrences of various deviations or errors, to
correct various irregularities or errors that occur, to
dynamically the organization and all management
activities, and to strengthen the sense of
Considering the attention to existing
understanding and supervisory functions and so that
supervision can succeed in accordance with what is
expected, there needs to be basic principles in
supervision. Supervision system contains following
principles: 1) it can reflect the nature and needs of
activities that must be monitored, 2) it can
immediately report deviations, 3) be flexible, 4) it
can reflect organizational patterns/ systems, 5)
economic, 6) it can be understood, 7) it can
guarantee the holding of corrective actions.
In implementing its supervisory function, GOR
UNY managers always communicate and coordinate
intensively with every field. There are often
complaining customers caused by uncontrolled
employee condition while working. The efforts done
by the management in overcoming the problems
caused by employee actions who are not fast enough
are that managers going directly to the field to do
supervision, evaluation, and execution so that
problems in the field can be resolved immediately.
The way the manager conducts an evaluation is by
checking main tasks and functions of every
employee to be presented at evaluation meeting held
every month.
The Analysis of Management Function of Sport Hall (GOR) Yogyakarta State University
From the results of discussion above, it can be
concluded that all management functions at sport
hall in Yogyakarta State University consisting of
planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and
controlling have been applied and can be
implemented properly. However, the management of
GOR UNY still needs a little improvement in order
to improve the function of staffing, especially in
terms of giving rewards to excellent employees, so
that they can get motivated more to work that can
have positive impacts on improving the performance
of every employee.
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YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)