because... they always think of playing and playing.
Even though in the class they seem to pay attention,
their views are empty like... It’s like they are not
focused.” From the statement, it can be analyzed that
the teacher did not only teach, but also observed and
analyzed the problems of the children with special
needs. Furthermore, Mr. MR gave a statement that
represents the teacher’s point of view, “For instance,
if we, the normal people, can live our life together
with the children with special needs, and cover up
their lacks.” From the point of view of Mr. MR, he
did not only teach about learning materials, he also
had the principle to provide life values for all his
The teacher's knowledge of the inclusive school was
very influential to the meaning that he built. In this
research, all participants had different meanings.
Despite the difference, all the meanings were
positive. There were participants who considered
learning to be a challenge, a heavy burden, or a
reality, etc. However, they had a foundation with
their respective meanings. None of the participants
isolated or ignored the children with special needs.
This is in accordance with the concept of inclusive
education in the form of organizing education that
provides opportunities for all students who have
abnormalities and have the potential for intelligence
and / or special talents to take part in education or
learn in an educational environment with students in
general (Kustawan, 2012).
The experienced participants would obtain the
meaning of learning. The minimum teaching
duration of one year for new teaching participants
allowed them to have enough time to create and
construct meaning. The meaning they attached to the
experience added to the purpose of inclusion,
physical education inclusion, and inclusive learning.
Although not all participants succeeded in
understanding the concept through education
without professional development activities, they
could produce an ideology of inclusion, like the one
from the participants who interpreted inclusion as a
child's freedom, not from coverage.
The other method used in this study was photo-
elicitation. By using artistic photos, participants
could express their meaning. They chose photos that
represented what they felt inside. However, the
picture did not participate directly with inclusion,
but through the picture the participants could reveal
the meaning they had, as explained by one of the
participants who accepted the meaning of inclusion
like a newborn child. Caring for a young child can
be easy. It needs patience, more time, and energy.
One of the meanings obtained from the
participant who likened the game of cats was that the
only silence occurred when the children were free to
do anything. This participant compared a child with
special needs as a cat. The participant tried to feel
what was felt by the student. From his experience,
he considered that it was very difficult for children
with special needs to be the same as the others. That
was the goal of inclusive schools. One of the best
learners should study together without seeing any
difficulties they might have.
In its implementation, the participants had
succeeded in correcting the weaknesses or strengths
of the students. One of the participants said that this
created particular indicators for children with special
needs. He did this because the participants wanted
the children with special needs to get satisfying
grades as the results of his hard work. The emphasis
of the inclusive curriculum about getting a school
must be adapted to the curriculum regarding the
talents and potential the students have.
The participants’ opinion of the meanings
revealed that they theoretically did not deepen it.
Yet, the fact shows that there are similarities in
principle with what has been written in scientific
researches, especially in terms of inclusion. “The
most important thing in assessment is that they can
do what they are told. If they can’t, they try to do
their best; they will get a score just right of the
minimum criteria of mastery learning.” This is one
of the main ideas in the concept of inclusion.
Competent teachers will be better in creating an
effective learning environment and in managing
their class so that students get optimal learning
outcomes (Usman, 2006).
It can be concluded that that the meaning of physical
education learning in inclusive schools was strongly
influenced by the teaching experience and the
educating instinct of a teacher. Lots of experience of
teaching in inclusive classes was an important factor
in building meaning by teachers on physical
education learning in inclusive schools. Therefore,
the meaning that had been built would affect the
teachers’ behavior in inclusive learning. Many
teachers did not have comprehension of inclusion,
and not many of them joined the professional
development activities for inclusive learning. Yet in
fact, from the meaning implied by the teachers, the