technique includes: 1) grip, 2) stance, 3) stroke and
4) foot work. The mastery of these techniques
requires regular, measurable and continuous training
in the guidance of the right trainer or sports teacher.
Having the right mastery of technique, someone will
be a reliable table tennis player (Damiri and
Kusnaedi, 1992).
The table tennis game also requires excellent
physical support, because playing the game requires
a fast, precise and high intensity motion. This is due
to the demands of the equipment and facilities used.
They are a table with a relatively narrow surface
area of ± 5 m
with a high reflective power to the
ball, a racket/ bat made of rubber coated wood that
has a fast reflecting power to the ball, a relatively
low net, and a ball made of material that has strong
reflective strength inside relatively small spherical
shape. Thus, it requires excellent physicality so that
the players can adjust to the nature of the tools and
facilities. In this case, the physical factors are the
nervous system, agility, speed, strength, endurance,
explosive power, accuracy, flexibility, precision and
awareness of motion. The most actual theoretical
performance analysis techniques in table tennis are:
performance indices, simulative approaches,
momentum analysis, footwork analysis, and finally
an approach which uses top expert knowledge for a
comprehensive technical-tactical analysis. (Michael
Fuchs, Ruizhi Liu, Ivan Malagoli Lanzoni, Goran
Munivrana, Gunter Straub, Sho Tamaki, 2018).
When beginner level table tennis players want to
master the technique well, they need to master the
technique of touching, bounce, and balancing first of
the ball. These exercises need to be studied in
advance so that the player is able to control the ball
correctly. Besides that, a good physical condition is
needed. The coaches need to do a survey on
anthropometric measures, physical performance, and
motor coordination skills, so that it can be used to
talent scouting (Robertson, K., Pion, J., Mostaert,
M., Wazir, MRWN., Kramer, T., and Faber, IR.,
2018). Developing the ball control in table tennis is
probably the most essential skil. It refers to the
ability to return the ball during the game.
In a table tennis game, technical and physical
abilities are very necessary to win the game. Having
good technique and good physical ability, they will
be able to deal with the challenges in table tennis
easily. In this case, the ability to control the ball and
to hit with various techniques is expected to be able
to contribute the performance of table tennis.
The table tennis sport for PJKR students is the
elective courses taken in the even semester. In the
current semester, many PJKR students take this
course. From the lecture attendance data, it is known
that 48 students took this course. The table tennis
courses provide the students the theory and practice
so that they can master the table tennis game. In
theory, the students are expected to be able to
understand the nature of table tennis, history, tools
and facilities, techniques, tactics, game and match
rules, the holding of table tennis matches and the
refereeing. While through practices, it is expected
that the students are able to play both single and
double table tennis with basic techniques and tactics,
as well as being able to host matches and to be a
referee correctly.
In fact, most students who take this course did
not know and were not skilled in table tennis so that
they can be categorized as beginner level. Thus, the
learning started from the basics, like the technique of
grip, punches, and foot exercises. Ball control
techniques were carried out at the beginning of the
lecture in a table tennis game so that the students
were able to master the bat and the nature of the ball.
By mastering the ability to control the ball, students
will be able to master the next level of technique
easily, especially in hitting the ball. In table tennis,
this hitting technique is important because by
acquiring the technique a, table tennis player will get
chance to win a match. The problems that arise in
this lecture were the ability to control the ball and hit
various balls. In this case, the ability to control the
ball well and the ability to hit the ball properly will
have a positive impact on playing table tennis. Since
the significant relation between the ability to control
ball and the ability to hit the ball in a table tennis
game in physical education college students was not
known empirically, the researchers were interested
in conducting research on the relation between ball
control and footwork with performance of table
tennis for physical education college students.
2.1 Participants
There were 25 female and 48 male college students
from physical education program, faculty of sport
science Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta as the
participants. They took table tennis class and
volunteered in this study. The participants were from
a range of outfield playing positions and were
involved in regular trainings and matches.