exploring local culture according to ideas and
lectures from the ancestors (Arlina, 2008).
Traditional games are believed to have better
impact on the development of children's potential; if
modern games prioritize individualization,
traditional games provide more opportunities for
children to socialize and collaborate in groups. This
is also reinforced by Bordova & Leong (2003) that
young children spend less time playing with their
peers and tend to spend their playing time alone,
moving on from educational toys to video and
computer games.
In the learning process, one way to make
children more interested and enthusiastic in
participating is to have variations. Variation in
learning process is a change in the process of
activities which aim at increasing students’ learning
motivation, as well as reducing boredom and
saturation (Mulyasa, 2010).
Therefore, in this research, to make motor skill
learning activities interesting and challenging for
children, some traditional games which have been
developed according to the rules and used tools were
utilized. In this case, it is believed that traditional
games involve physical activities which can improve
the players’ motor skills.
The problem faced by Physical Education
teachers in elementary schools is that children are
less enthusiastic and reluctant to do active sports
(involving gross motor skills), because of boring
learning activities. Children are more interested in
doing electronic games such as online games, play
stations, and other electronic games. Children feel
very comfortable to do those games without getting
bored for a long period of time. On the other hand,
the children themselves state that they only feel tired
and bored with what has been taught by the teachers
and do not like to do the activities of running and
jumping. Games which are carried out for a long
time (≥2 hours) without being balanced with good
physical activity will have a negative impact on
children’s physical and psychological health.
Griffiths (2010) states boys and girls who used
screen-entertainment for any duration but still
participated in sports had fewer emotional and
behavioral problems, but more pro-social behavior,
compared to those who used screen-entertainment
for 2 hours per day but did not participate in sport.
In this study, to attract and challenge children in
learning motor skills, the process needs to utilize
traditional games which have been developed
according to the rules and used tools. These
traditional games involve physical activities which
can improve the perpetrators’ motor skills. This is in
accordance with one of the objectives of Physical
Education, which is to develop individuals
organically; in the form of functional capacity,
namely strength, agility, speed, and others. Many
kinds of traditional games that can be used as tools
to play include: gobak sodor, fortified, cricket,
mouse and cat, jump rope and others. Those games
are very suitable to improve motor skills of the
children by stimulating them to move. Frequent
movement will stimulate the children’s organs to
work and to adjust to the intensity of their
movements, and this will affect his motor skills.
However, many elementary students have not
mastered the techniques and rules of traditional
games, because they prefer to play more modern
games. Therefore, children still make mistakes when
playing the traditional games.
2.1 Development Model
This type of research was Research and
Development that was research type used to produce
certain products, and test the effectiveness of the
product (Sugiyono, 2014).
The research using the development model is a
process used to develop or validate a process used in
education and learning. The steps of the
development research model according to (Borg &
Gall, 2007) namely (1) conducting preliminary
studies and information gathering (literature review,
field observations, research frameworks), (2)
planning (research objectives, order of learning,
various forms of participation), (3) developing the
initial product (preparing learning material, planning
the initial draft of the product), (4) validating and
revising product draft based on results from expert
validation, (5) conducting initial trials (small scale
tests) and revisions (6) conducting field trials (large
scale tests) and revisions (7) carrying out operational
test/ product effectiveness test (8) producing the
final product which is a traditional game-based
learning model to improve motor skills of the
elementary school students.
2.2 Target/ Subject of Research
The small- scale trial stage was held at Gejayan
State Elementary School involving 29 third grade
students. The large- scale trial stage was conducted
at Puren State Elementary School involving 32 first