parent organizations of the sports branches were
concerned. It also includes carrying out and
coordinating the parents’ participation in the
national, regional and international multi events.
Added to this, they also carry out evaluation and
supervision to achieve consistency between policy
and implementation.
The national sports coaching system can run
well, especially in the regions, and it only requires
important components that run parallel to the
coaching path. The development of sports coaching
can be done in a regional or provincial scale such as
regional training. The training aims to find younger
generation to be sent to national training as athlete
representatives of their regions. The development of
sports in Indonesia can go through a coaching
process carried out by each region. In Indonesia
there are 33 provinces, each of which has a policy to
develop sports coaching in its area.
Coaching is an effort to organize or a way to
achieve a goal (Lutan Rusli et al, 2000). Coaching is
an effort or action taken to change a situation well to
get the goals to be achieved optimally (Kusnanik,
2013). Sports experts around the world agree that the
need for coaching stages is to produce high sports
achievements, which includes the stages of fading,
breeding and fostering achievement (Irianto, 2002).
Sports coaching that is carried out systematically,
persistently and continuously, is expected to be able
to achieve meaningful achievements (Harre, 1999).
Sports management shows an important role in
management of physical education and sports
activities, for example sports development generally
requires managerial ability to achieve the goals of
achieving sports coaching. Therefore,the guidance
must be carried out based on planning which is
divided into long-term, medium-term and and short
term. In broader terms, management is needed to
integrate various aspects, not only technical and
tactic interests but also economic and
communication aspects (Rusli Lutan, 2000).
A very important component in the achievement
training program in sports can be pursued through
competitions. Competition can be defined as a
situation where people compete against others in
organized physical activities (Mylsidayu, 2014).
Competition is an event to pit several participants or
competitors with the same goal (being a champion)
according to certain predetermined game rules
(Aditya, 2013). Efforts to organize professional
competition and to improve sports performance
coaching programs require management. Good
management is programmed and run by human
resource department who have professional and
responsible staff in their fields. Management is the
art of regulating the process of utilizing human
resources and other resources effectively and
efficiently to achieve a certain goal (Hasibuan, 2009.
Management is a process carried out to realize
organizational goals through a series of activities in
the form of planning, organizing, directing and
controlling people and other organizational
resources (Paturusi, 2012). The statement is
confirmed by Griffin's that management is a series
of activities (including planning and control)
directed at organizational resources (human,
financial, physical, and information) to achieve
organizational goals in an effective and efficient way
(Fahmi, 2011). These notions are aligned that
management is always applied to the collaborative
effort of a group of people in achieving its goals.
The conclusion of the author is that management is a
tool used in achieving the desired goals of a group of
people or organizations. Management has a function
that is divided into four stages, namely planning
(planning), organizing (organizing), implementation
(actuating), and supervision (controlling) (George R.
Terry in Harsuki, 2012). They are in line with
Husdarta, who found that 1) there is management
functions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness
of the program, 2) the terms management and
administration are interpreted the same, but
preferably to use management terms, 3) management
is a process that involves planning, organizing,
implementing and supervision (Husdarta, 2011).
Central Java e is one of the provinces in
Indonesia which has good sports potential. This is
evident from the Central Java achievement in the
event/multi-sport competition known as PON
(National Sports Week) which is always consistently
in the top 5 in the final standings. It is the highest
national level competition in Indonesia. One branch
of sports that persistently brings medals to
contingents / teams in Central Java at the PON event
is the paragliding sport. It was proven by the
achievements in the last three periods of the
implementation of PON (2008, 2012 and 2016),
where paragliding was consistently in the top three.
The achievement of these results is inseparable from
the successful implementation of the Central Java
Provincial Sports Week (PORPROV) event.
Provincial Sports Week or often referred to as
PORPROV is a multi-event sports competition /
event in Central Java, which is held every four years.
Central Java PORPROV matches sports branches
between regencies in Central Java. PORPROV event
/ competition is one of the benchmarks of sports
coaching in each district in producing outstanding