3.2 Discussion
Teacher competence is a requirement that must be
owned by a teacher or an educator. Teacher
competence education must be started to be taught to
the prospective teacher in the college and in the
teacher training programs so that they will have an
adequate capability to carry out the teaching and
learning process effectively and efficiently. This
study reveals the level of satisfaction of high school
physical education teachers who already held
teacher certificate towards the internship teaching
programs done by the student-teachers. The
competencies examined in this study were
pedagogical competence, professional competence,
personal competence, and social competence.
Based on the results of research, it turns out that
the social competence of the student-teachers has the
highest average score, which falls into the excellent
category. The high social competence of the
Internship 2 student-teachers seems to be influenced
by their good abilities in socializing with the school
environment. Moreover, in the lecture process, the
student-teachers are required to be able to interact
with the surrounding community, both through
sports tournament activities and social service
activities. The effect of community activities to
strengthen social competence is supported by the
results of research done by Ashsiddiqi which states
that social competence can be improved through
community activities (Ashsiddiqi, 2012).
Student-teachers’ pedagogical competence in
this study falls into the category of good. Generally
speaking, pedagogical competence is the ability to
educate students or manage the learning process. In
the lecture process, the student-teachers are given
the task to lead the class as a basis of managing
learning activities. From this learning experience,
they have experience in classroom management, and
to improve pedagogical competence, an internship or
a professional training program (PLP) is needed
(Suherman, 2014).
Student-teachers’ professional competence falls
into the good category. In general, to improve his or
her professional competence, a teacher must have a
linear educational basis which is included in the
graduate program (Teachers, Competence, Within,
and Program, 2014). The results of this previous
study are in accordance with the results of this
research, that the Internship 2 student-teachers have
joined teacher training program for 6 semesters so
that they already have good professional
Good personal competence means that a teacher
must become a role model for his or her students
(Ma'arif, 2017). In line with the results of previous
studies, this study finds that the personal
competence of the Internship 2 student-teachers are
in the good category, regardless the fact that in
general, they have the lowest average scores. their
personalities are generally good, but in some cases,
there were several things which could not be set as
examples for the students in the schools.
Based on the results of this study, in general, the
competence of the Internship 2 student-teachers at
the physical education program falls into the good
category. Good teacher competence can help
students develop their potential. Good teacher
competence is also able to solve all the problems
that are owned by students (Polat and Arif, 2012).
Based on the results of the research, it can be
concluded that: (1) the social competence of
Internship 2 student-teachers of physical education
program falls into the category of good, (2) their
pedagogical competence falls into the good
category, (3) their professional competence falls into
the category of good, and (4) their personal
competence falls into the good category. In general,
the lecture process in the physical education study
program of FKIP Bengkulu University has provided
a good level of satisfaction for users of graduates.
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