2.2 Physical Activity
and health activities have very close
correlation and are the basis when a child or adult can
enjoy daily physical activity (Weiyun Chen, et al.,
2016). High level of physical activity will have
influence at the end of life when it is associated with
the risk of several chronic diseases and all causes of
death (Nelson, et al., 2007). A person who has passive
lifestyle or is not physically active is prone to diabetes
and other diseases that can cause death (Tao Chen, et
al, 2015). The results of Taras’s study (2005) reveal
that physical activity will improve learning
achievement. Physical activity is related to improving
overall health and can improve socialization and
mental health skills.
2.3 Physical Fitness
Cardiovascular endurance is the ability
of a person to
do physical activities in relatively long time with sub-
maximal weight (Nurhasan, 2005). Cardiovascular
endurance is the ability of lungs, heart, and blood
vessels to convey oxygen and nutrients to cells to
meet the needs of physical activity that lasts for a long
time (Hairy, 2007). Cardiovascular fitness is very
important to support muscle work by taking oxygen
and channeling it to all active muscle tissues, so that
it can be used for metabolic processes. Therefore,
cardiovascular fitness is considered the most basic
component of physical fitness and the most important
component that must be improved so that physical
fitness is always in a good condition (Hairy, 2007).
Cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability of the heart
and lungs to take oxygen and deliver the amount of
oxygen adequately to working muscles used in
performing activities that involve large amount of
muscles (for example: running, swimming and
cycling) for a long time. Based on the opinions above,
it can be concluded that what is meant by
cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart
and lung muscles to supply oxygen optimally
throughout body in relatively long time. This means
that functional cardiovascular can improve quality of
Department of National Education (Depdiknas,
2000) states that factors which affect heart and lungs
endurance are as follows: (1)
heredity (Genetic),
From research conducted, it is concluded that 93.4%
ability of VO
Max is determined by genetic factors
which can only be changed by training/ exercise.
Genetic factors that play role can distinguish capacity
of heart, lungs, red blood cells, and hemoglobin;
from children up to about 20 years old age, the
endurance of heart (cardiovascular) increases. It then
reaches its maximum limit on the age of 20-30 years.
The endurance is then inversely proportional to the
age, meaning that people who are 70 years old have
resistance of 50% of those who are aged 17 years old.
This is caused by the decrease in the organ transport
and the use of O
as the results of increasing age.
However, this decline can be reduced if people do
aerobic exercise; (3) Sex
until the age of puberty,
there is no difference in pulmonary heart endurance
(cardiovascular) between men and women. After that
age, the women endurance is 15-25% lower than men.
This difference is caused by difference in maximal
muscular power related to body surface, body
composition, muscle strength, hemoglobin amount,
lungs capacity, and so on; and (4) Physical activity
rest in bed for 3 weeks will reduce heart's endurance
(cardiovascular). Doing aerobic exercise for 8 weeks
after rest shows an increase in endurance of the lungs
and heart. The type of physical activity will affect the
capacity of higher cardiovascular endurance
compared to those who do gymnastic and fencing. In
obese patients, directed physical activity also
increases physical fitness in addition to weight loss.
Various types of tests to measure endurance of
heart and lungs or cardiovascular endurance as
follows (Suharto, et al., 2000):
(1) 4,800-meter Brisk
the 4800-meter brisk test aims to measure ability
and willingness of someone's physical work. This
method measures travel time needed to complete
4,800-meter brisk walk (fast walking). On the 4,800-
meter brisk test, several officers are required, namely
the officer who gives the sign to start; some
timekeepers; several field supervisors; security
officers; health workers; liaison officer; general
assistant. For timekeepers, the number is adjusted to
the needs. Facilities and infrastructure needed include
4,800-meter flat line / track; stopwatch or other time
meter that can show time, either hours, minutes, or
seconds; start flag; chest number, form and
stationery; and other supporting infrastructures. In
this test, there are several requirements that must be
met by participants and its organizer. For the
participants, their ages must be over than 13 years old,
having healthy condition, prepared for the test, and
wearing sport clothes. The test should be done in the
morning, no more than 11.00 a.m. In term of the rules,
the participants should walk as fast as possible, but
they are not allowed to run; during the test,
participants are not allowed to stop or take a rest; (2)
2,400-meter run test
, the aim of 2,400-meter run test
is to measure ability and readiness of someone's
physical works. This method measures travel time