at the beginning? Because if it is done in the middle
of the semester, there are things related to
inappropriate behavior the teachers cannot control
since there is not any clear rule regarding the
behavior. On the other hand, if the rules have been
explained from the beginning, everything will go
well. Therefore, it is suggested that teachers need to
explicitly teach the rules and routines and to
constantly monitor them, and make these activities
as their routine afterward.
Rules refer to general expectations for behavior
in specific tasks. We identify appropriate and
inappropriate behavior and situations in certain
behaviors that are acceptable or unacceptable.
Routines are procedures which need to be followed
in daily classroom activities. In particular, routines
refer to specific procedures for carrying out tasks in
the class. The teacher must establish routines
frequently and make them as assignments so that
more time can be dedicated to the substantial part of
the lesson. If we do not have rules and routines, our
time will be wasted because it is only spent to
remind students of their attitude (behavior).
Siedentop explained in Mawer (1995) that rules
and routines are the foundation of a "managerial
work system" which is a structure that is
unambiguous and clearly defined, and which
regulates the limits of behavior and expectations of
the teacher. Meanwhile, Tannehill (2013) explained
that an effective management system have a
beginning from the development of routines and the
determination of class rules for appropriate behavior.
The two experts above explain that rules and
routines are an important unity and are a foundation
for managing classes in order to create behavior as
desired. Applying clear rules and routines will
certainly create an effective learning atmosphere
while forming student behavior or character.
According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia
(KBBI) rules are the order (instructions, rules,
provisions) that are made to regulate things. Hurlock
(1978) argues that rules are a pattern which is set for
behavior. Rules or orders are something to regulate
behavior that is expected to occur to someone
(Ekosiswoyo and Rachman, 2002). Rules and orders
are something to regulate the behavior expected of
students. Arikunto (1993) also suggests that class
rules are applied to provide control of student
behavior expected by the teacher. Likewise,
Ambarita (2006) defines classroom rules as
guidelines agreed upon between the teacher and all
class members which are used to manage all
available resources in the class.
Based on the above understanding, it can be
concluded that rules are things provided to regulate
something as desired. Therefore, the application of
rules in the classroom is a key to control a class that
is expected by the teacher so that the learning can
take place efficiently. The learning process in
physical education classroom is slightly different
from other learning classes. Physical education
learning process is often done outside the room or at
the sports hall / gymnasium, so the rules that must be
applied are of course a little bit different. Rink in
Evridiki, et al. (2010), provides the following
guidelines for teachers in preparing rules: (1) rules
should be developed cooperatively with students
when it is possible, (2) rule should be communicated
in language that is age appropriate, (3) rules should
be few (four to seven) so the students will remember
them, (4) state rules positively and provide both
positive and negative examples, (5) rules must be
consistent with school rules, (6) develop the
consequence and clearly identify their relationship to
rules violation, (7) reinforce the rules consistently
and fairly, and (8) make sure the students understand
the rules
Physical education classes may be slightly
different compared to regular classroom settings. In
addition, the unique context of physical education
learning requires additional rules to make the
learning meaningful and positive. Siedentop and
Tannehil (2000) suggest that the rules for physical
education class must include the following
categories: (1) safety, (2) respect for other, (3)
respect for the learning environment, (4) support for
other learning, and (5) trying hard.
According to Rink (2006) in (Evridiki, et al.,
2010), the following rules are generally the basis for
making positive and safe environment in physical
education: (1) when others are talking, we try not to
talk, (2) we are supportive of our classmate’ effort,
(3) we respect the rights of others, (4) we take care
equipment, and (5) we try our best.
Rules consist of written rules and unwritten rules
in which written rules have legal or formal legal
power while unwritten rules are limited to verbal
agreement. Good way to teach students about class
rules and let them do a review is to publish the rules
in a public area, such as locker room or the entrance
of a gymnasium (Matzler, 2005) explains that a.
Brenny and Martin (2005) also suggests several
consideration in implementing rules: (1) spend time
introducing classroom rules by explaining,
modeling, and practicing the rules, (2) post the rules
of the classroom on the wall near the designated area
where you will talk to students who misbehave, (3)