3.2 Discussion
The social perceptions and efforts of sports people to
build fairplay character in football in DIY province
were found as follows: 8 respondents (1.07%) were
identified to have very low perceptions, 46
respondents (6.13%) with low perceptions, 109
(14.53%) with medium perception, 492 respondents
(65.60%) with high perceptions, and 95 respondents
(12.67%) with very high perceptions.
The internal factors (from within individual)
consisted of individual feelings, attitudes, and
personalities, prejudices, desires or expectations,
attention (focus), learning processes, physical
conditions, psychiatric disorders, scores and needs,
interests, and motivations. Whereas the external
factors (from outside individual) consisted of family
background, information obtained, knowledge and
needs in the vicinity, intensity, size, resistance,
repetition of movement, new and familiar things or
unfamiliarity with an object.
The highest social perceptions and the efforts of
sports people to build fairplay character in football
in DIY province were found from the supporters,
then followed by community, coaches, referees,
parents, and finally athletes. Apparently, by
providing support to the team was considered as a
method from the supporters in perceiving that
football had a high value. Whereas, athletes were
found to have the lowest social perceptions and
efforts of sports people to build fairplay character in
football in DIY province. It was possible for athletes
to feel harmed/ cheated by referee or –
administratively cheated by the opposing team,
management pressure, supporter pressure to internal
conditions within the team which sometimes was
regulated by stakeholders, political managerial and
so on. The quality of infrastructure security,
guarding authorities, excessive media coverage, tight
competiveness and competition, and motivation of
achievement that legalize various methods were
sometimes experienced by players / athletes.
Social perceptions and efforts of sportspeople to
build fairplay character in football in DIY province
in detail were: 8 respondents (1.07%) perceived very
low perceptions, 46 respondents (6.13%) perceived
low perceptions, 109 respondents (14.53%) with
medium perceptions, 492 respondents (65.60%) with
high perceptions, and 95 respondents (12.67%) with
very high perceptions.
Respecting the results of the present research on
social perceptions and efforts of sportspeople to
build fairplay character in football in DIY province,
the researchers proposed some suggestions as
follow: (1) To sport people, especially football. It is
suggested to help maintain, build and implement
noble scores of sportmanship, character of
sportsmanship and fair play both inside and outside
of the field in order to create conducive and
harmonious atmosphere to achieve the best sport
achievements, especially in football, (2) For future
researcher. An in-depth research should be
conducted about social perceptions and efforts of
sports people to build fairplay character in football
in DIY province by increasing the number and
subjects of sports such as sponsors, team managers,
committee members, event organizers (EO ), match
officials, authorities, etc. or compare them with
other variables not included in this research. (3) To
other parties (academic community). It is suggested
to teach their students both theoretically and
practically about noble scores in sports,
sportmanship, character of sportsmanship and fair
play especially in football.
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