(Harold et al, 2013). The 2009 Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) and WHO reported
an increase in the prevalence of cardiovascular and
metabolic diseases such as high blood pressure,
stroke, obesity, and diabetes mellitus in children and
adolescents. Several related studies have succeeded
in identifying the factors that cause obesity in
children and adolescents, including the consumption
of foods that contain excessive high calories and less
physical activity levels (Rivera et al., 2009).
Other impacts of physical activity do not only
affect physical factors but also other factors.
Ecological factors are generally used to examine
physical activity carried out in certain places (Sallis
et al., 2006). Other factors include socio-ecological
factors, where participation factors in physical
activity research are generally aligned with
intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational,
environmental and local regulatory factors in the
place (Sallis et al., 2006). Participation in sports and
physical activity has various benefits for
adolescents, including increasing the ability to learn,
physical health, mental health, cooperation,
discipline, leadership and socialization (Field,
Diego, and Sanders, 2001). Indeed, a person's level
of physical activity is influenced by many factors,
one of which is life habit, especially with the current
changes in the school curriculum and playing habits
which are responsible for students' lack of
movements. Games played by the children to
adolescents have even shifted toward the digital
ones. This has become one of the causes of low level
of the first-semester students' fitness in ITB (Didi
Sunadi, 2017). Data from the Basic Health Research
in 2018 shows that the level of physical activity of
Indonesian people is classified as moderate.
Physical activity became the spotlight in the United
States in 2000, when low physical activity resulted
in the increase of obesity rate. The data was the basis
for America to intensify the promotion of various
types of sports in order to increase public interest in
sports and increase physical activity.
Improvement in physical activity is the basis to
improve one's fitness. The basic component of
physical fitness is cardiorespiratory endurance,
where maximal oxygen uptake or VO2 Max
becomes the main standard for evaluating it
(Baumann, 2005). VO2 Max is the maximum
oxygen volume a person can consume in a matter of
minutes and is usually relevant to body mass.
Therefore, the VO2 Max size unit is ml / kg /
The purpose of this study is to determine the
extent of differences in physical activity and VO2
Max of high school students and of pre-teaching
program students who are vulnerable to their age in
their adolescent category. Then, other items are
added, such as daily habits, to determine differences
in lifestyle that are the basis for analysing the final
results of differences in physical activity and VO2
Max high of school students and pre-teaching
program students.
In this study, data were collected from 46 high
school students and 46 pre-teaching program
students. High school students were selected from
various regions in West Java, while pre-teaching
program students were selected from pre-teaching
programs in West Java province (the students come
from different regions). The range of age is limited
to 14 to 18 years old. In taking physical activity
data, the International Physical Activity
Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used. The questionnaire
is divided into 12 core questions to determine the
level of physical activity of a person. Other
questions such as the duration of sleep, study, and
playing online game were also added in the
questionnaire to support the data. The
anthropometric testing includes height and weight.
The VO
Max test used the 2.4 KM cooper test
3.1 Result
In testing physical activity, the sample were asked to
fill in a questionnaire consisting of initial biodata.
From the biodata, it can be seen that the average age
of high school students is 16.2 years while pre-
teaching program students is 15.7 years.
Furthermore, from anthropometry tests which
obtained data on height, weight, and Body Mass
Index (BMI), the average heigh of high school
students' is 168.1 cm while it is 168.4 cm for pre-
teaching program students. The next test is IPAQ
which produces data called Metabolic Equivalent
(METs). There is a significant difference on the high
school students’ and pre-teaching program students’
METs; the high school students’ METs is 3520
while the pre-teaching program students’ reach
6137. In the questionnaire, there are questions which
are aimed to find out the daily activities’ samples
An Analysis of Physical Activity, VO2 Max, and Daily Activity of Senior High School Students and West Java PPLP (Training Center)