Developing Learning Media in the Form of Floor Gymnastics Picture
Cards for Elementary School Students
Iksan Sudibya
, Tomoliyus
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No.1 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Gymnastic, Learning Media, Elementary School
Abstract: Gymnastics learning in the fourth grade at SDN Palbapang Baru was not optimal; many students were not
enthusiastic. The teacher did not use learning media when teaching floor exercises. This study aims to
develop learning media in the form of floor gymnastics picture cards. This research was a development
study that went through 10 stages to produce a learning media product in the form of floor gymnastics
picture cards. This research was taken place in SDN Palbapang Baru, Bantul regency, and involved 40
fourth-grade students. The instrument in this study was a questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire
were calculated using percentage method and then put in a category system to determine the level of
eligibility. Based on the results of the research, it is concluded that the developed learning media in the form
of floor gymnastics picture cards falls into the category of decent. It is proven from the results of the trial,
that the product gets a worthiness of 100% with a very decent category.
The implementation of the floor gymnastics learning
materials has been conducted according to the ability
of each student towards the learning subjects without
breaking the rules of the regulation towards the
materials that have been set. In the fourth grade of
Palbapang Baru Public Elementary School, the floor
gymnastics learning materials has been adjusted
according to the ability of the students. Several
gymnastics for fourth-grade students at Palbapang
Baru elementary school include; forward roll,
backward roll, rolling/ wheels, and bridge. The floor
gymnastic materials are already adjusted based on
the ability level of fourth-grade students’ physical
activities. Moreover, the infrastructure that has been
used in the floor gymnastics exercise at Palbapang
Baru Elementary School is also sufficient. This
school has four mattresses in a good condition and a
wide place for the learning excercises.
Eventhough the floor gymnastics materials for
fourth-grade students in Palbapang Baru public
elementary school have been adjusted according to
the ability level of fourth-grade students and
sufficient facilities and infrastructure have been
provided, the researcher still found some problems
regarding the floor gymnastics activities. From the
research that has been conducted, the researcher
found three main problems. Firstly, there are 28
students out of 40 students who feel they are not
motivated to follow the floor gymnastics learning.
Secondly, there are 29 out of 40 students who feel
deep fear to do floor gymnastics movements.
Thirdly, there are 30 students out of 40 students who
find it is difficult to do floor gymnastics movements.
From the above problems, the researcher found a
solution towards the problem that is by utilizing
picture cards as learning media. From the results of
the questionnaire among the teachers and the
students, there are 40 students and 2 teachers who
are willing to use card learning media in the floor
gymnastics learning. The questionnaire is then
calculated using the percentage method. The results
show that there is 95.24% of teachers and students
who want to use card learning media in the floor
gymnastics learning.
2.1 Time and the Place of the Research
This research is conducted in 6 months (November
2018-June 2019). This research was done in two
Sudibya, I. and , T.
Developing Learning Media in the Form of Floor Gymnastics Picture Cards for Elementary School Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0009789304990502
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 499-502
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
steps. The first step involved the preparation stage.
In this stage, the researcher compiled a research
proposal and research instruments, and made
agreement and ratification of the proposal. The
second step was the implementation of the research.
In this step, the researcher conducted the research
which is in the form of testing media product card in
learning floor gymnastics picture. This research was
conducted at Palbapang Baru elementary school.
2.2 Subject and Object of the Research
The subjects of this research are 40 fourth-grade
students of Palbapang Baru elementary school who
have problems in the floor gymnastics learning. The
object of this research is picture card as floor
gymnastics learning materials.
2.3 Design of the Research
This research was carried out through several steps,
including exploring potential and problems,
collecting the materials, designing the product,
printing the product, and validating the product done
by material and media experts.
2.4 Data Collection Technique
This research used a questionnaire as the data
collection technique. This research used the
questionnaire method of Guttman scale that contains
only yes and no answer, positive negatives, right or
wrong (Sugiyono, 2015). Questionnaire in this
research is used for several purposes: to explore
problems and the potential solutions; to review the
product which was done by experts; to assess the
product done by students after conducting trials on
2.5 Data Analysis Technique
Data analysis techniques in this study employed
percentage method (Suharsimi Arikunto, 1996). The
percentage can be written using this following
Percentage of eligibility
 
 
x 100%
After the data were calculated, the results were
presented in the form of percentage. The following
table shows the result of the calculation:
Table 1: The percentage scale of expert judgement
(Suharsimi Arikunto, 1996).
Percentage Value Intepretation
76%-100% 16 - 20 Very Eligible
56%-75% 12 - 15 Eligible
40%-50% 9 - 11 Fai
0%-39% 0 - 8 Eli
ible less
Furthermore, the percentage scale of the
students’ according to Suharsimi Arikunto is
presented below:
Table 2: Percentage table scale for students (Suharsimi
Arikunto, 1996).
e Value Inte
76%-100% 13 - 16 Ver
56%-75% 9 - 12 Eligible
40%-50% 7 - 8 Fai
0%-39% 0 - 6 Eligible less
3.1 Result
The results of the research are presented in three
parts. Firstly, the result of the research at the
collection stage data to find out the level of need of
the students and teachers in using picture card for
floor gymnastics learning. The results of the
research are as follows.
Figure 1: Chart bar of the questionnaire results to know
the level of students and teachers’ need towards the
The second part is the result of the validation
process by floor gymnastics material experts and
learning media experts. The function of this
validation process is to get the eligibility of the
product. The result of the validation is presented
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Figure 2: The chart of the eligibility validation result by
floor gymanstics learning experts.
Below is the validation result of the product by
learning media experts:
Figure 3: The chart of the eligibility of the product by
learning media experts.
The result of product testing divided into two
scales, namely small scale and big scale, as
explained in the charts below:
Figure 4: The chart of the trial result in the first scale that
conducted towards 2 students.
Figure 5: The chart of the trial result in the small scale that
conducted towards 20 students.
Figure 6: The chart of the trial result in the big scale that
conducted towards 40 students.
3.2 Discussion
The result of the learning media trials towards the
fourth-grade students of Palbapang Baru elementary
school in the Bantul regency was significant. The
product had a positive impact on both students and
teachers. By using the product, the teacher could
easily teach the materials to the students. On the
other side, the students also felt easier to learn the
materials. It can be seen from the enthusiasim of the
students during the implementation of the learning
materials. There are 40 students who stated that by
using the product, it easier for them to understand
the floor gymnastics learning materials. Moreover,
they also stated that they can remember the learning
materials better. Besides, they also could practice the
materials easily by using the learning media.
According to Kemp and Dayton (Hamdani 2011),
learning media can make the learning process more
clearly, interesting, and efficient.
In the implementation of the learning media
product, the teachers found it easier to teach the
materials and the students also found it easier to
understand the materials. This happened because the
product is a kind of learning media that can be
visually understood. By relying on the vision,
teachers will more easily convey lessons to students
Developing Learning Media in the Form of Floor Gymnastics Picture Cards for Elementary School Students
and the students will also be easier to learn the
lessons delivered by the teacher, thus the learners’
learning goals can be achieved effectively. This is in
line with Daryanto’s opinion (2010) that vision has
the percentage of stimulus absorption of 82%.
Vision has a superior absorption rate of stimulus
compared to other sensings. The results of product
trials for fourth-grade students at SD Negeri
Palbapang Baru show that the use of the product
increased students’ interest and activity. The
students were interested in the product, and it is
found that the product had a positive impact on the
students and added new experience to their learning.
The use of picture cards could improve students
enthusiasm in learning. It made the students feel
happy and do not get bored quickly during the
learning process, resulting in more effective
learning. The students looked more active during
learning activities: they actively asked and answered
questions and made various floor gymnastics
The use of floor gymnastics learning media in
the form of picture cards made the learning methods
used by teachers become more varied. It also made it
easier for the teacher to present an object that is not
possible to be brought into the classroom in its
original form. By using the media, the teacher was
able to present mock objects from the actual ones.
Students found it easier to understand the teacher's
explanation than when the teacher used conventional
method (lecturing).
Based on the results of the research, it can be
concluded that the instructional media product in the
form of picture cards of floor gymnastics movement
falls into a very decent category. The product
viability has been proven from the results of product
trials and assessment that got the eligibility
percentage of 100%.
This research proposes some recomendation: (1)
picture cards with other themes are suggested to be
made (2) picture cards will last longer if its base
material is plastic (3) validation from learning
experts is suggested for further research (4) it is
suggested for other researchers to use research steps
in a coherent and complete manner.
Daryanto, 2013. Media pembelajaran peranannya sangat
penting dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Gava
Media. Yogyakarta.
Hamdani, 2011. Strategi belajar mengajar. Pustaka Setia.
Sugiyono, 2015. Metode penelitian dan pengembangan:
research and development. Alfabeta. Bandung.
Suharsimi Arikunto, 1996. Prosedur penelitian suatu
pendekatan praktek. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)