assessment. If the performance of one of these
components has not worked optimally, it will affect
the physical education learning program in achieving
its goals (Suryobroto, 2004).
Yogyakarta Bina Tama Health Vocational School
is a newly established school and has only graduated
three generations. One of the characteristics of the
Yogyakarta Bina Tama Health Vocational School is
that the majority of students are women consisting of
2 class XII, 3 class XI, and 4 class X. The curriculum
at Health Vocational School uses the School-Based
Curriculum (SBC).
Physical education learning materials in
Yogyakarta Vocational School Bina Tama Health
that were delivered were in accordance with the SBC
syllabus, but not all material in the syllabus could be
implemented. This material cannot be implemented
due to several reasons, such as lack of facilities and
infrastructure as well as school policies.
Based on a survey that has been done previously
in the physical education learning at the Yogyakarta
Vocational School of Health, 2 teachers applied the
demonstration, lecture and observation methods. The
method used is reinforced by the use of instructional
media, such as the modification of the paralon as a
relay stick and using power point media for theory.
Based on an interview with a physical education
teacher at Yogyakarta Bina Tama Health Vocational
School, because the majority of students are girls,
they usually complain like laziness, fear of heat, fear
of fatigue, menstruation, etc., but conversely there are
students who are eager to follow physical education
learning. The least participation of female students in
physical activity is due to the frequent permission of
female students to not participate in physical
education activities at school when menstruation,
minor injuries and or perceived physical education
burdens women (Soekarno, W., 1977). It can also be
caused by existing facilities and infrastructure in
schools, especially in sports facilities such as
damaged basketball hoops. The field which is usually
used for sports is not comfortable, because it is still
used for traffic and parking for school residents. By
understanding the importance of physical education
in an effort to achieve national education goals, there
is an imbalance when there is no optimal effort in the
physical education learning program at the
Yogyakarta Vocational School of Health, as
explained above.
According to information, there has never been an
evaluation of a physical education learning program
in Yogyakarta Health Vocational School Bina Tama.
One step to achieve the goal of physical education
learning is knowing how high the supporting
components are in the physical education learning
program by evaluating these components. After the
physical education learning program is evaluated, the
teacher can find out which components need to be
increased in effectiveness. Program evaluation, is "an
effort to find out the level of implementation of a
policy carefully by knowing the effectiveness of each
component” (Arikunto and Safruddin, 2014).
According to the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the
National Education System Article 57 paragraph (1),
the evaluation is carried out in the context of
controlling the quality of education nationally as a
form of accountability of education providers to
interested parties, including among students,
institutions, and educational programs. It becomes the
basis for researchers to conduct evaluation research at
Yogyakarta Vocational High School of Health.
Yogyakarta Bina Tama Health Vocational School
is a newly developed school, therefore, to find out the
performance of the components that are less than
optimal, it is necessary to conduct an evaluation to
accelerate the achievement of physical education
goals in the school. There are several evaluation
models, including the evaluation model CIPP
(Context, Input, Process, Product) developed by
Stufflebeam. The CIPP evaluation model is carried
out systematically to evaluate whether the program
has been implemented with the right steps
(Mulyatiningsih, E, 2012). Evaluation activities
include in terms of context, input, process, product.
From the above problems, the researcher wants to
evaluate the physical education learning program in
Yogyakarta Vocational High School of Health by
using the CIPP model and therefore, this study is
entitled "Evaluation of Physical Education Learning
Programs in Yogyakarta 2016/2017 Bina Tama
Health Vocational School Using the CIPP Model."
This type of research is evaluative research.
Evaluative research is used to obtain information by
comparing the suitability of existing conditions with
predetermined criteria or standards. Evaluative
research requires certain criteria, namely a
comparison of data and the real condition of the
object under study (Arikunto S, 2014).
This evaluative study used the CIPP (Context,
Input, Process, Product) model developed by
Stufflebeam. This research used desciptive
qualitative approach. A qualitative descriptive
approach was used to describe the physical education