Furthermore, based on the ANAVA test’s result
above, it can be seen that the p significance is 0,000.
Because of the p significance 0,000 < 0,05, this
means that Ho is rejected. This means that the
hypothesis statement “there is a significant
relationship between practice methods (block
practice and series practice) and eye-feet
coordination skill (high and low) with the
improvement of basic football skill” is proven right.
The diagram that shows the relationship between
practice method (block practice and series practice)
and eye-feet coordination skill (high and low) with
the improvement of basic football skill can be seen
in Figure 1 below:
Figure 1. The Result of the Relationship between Method
(Block Practice and Series Practice) and Eye-Feet
Coordination (High and Low)
Thus, based on the Tukey test’s result, the
asterisk mark (*) shows that the pairs that have
relationship or the pairs that show significant
difference are: (1) A1B1-A2B1, (2) A1B1-A1B2,
and (3) A1B1-A2B2, while the other pairs that do
not share difference on the effect are: (1) A2B1-
A1B2, (2) A2B1-A2B2, and (3) A1B2-A2B2.
3.2.1 The Effect of Block Practice Method
and Series Practice Method on Basic
Football Skill.
Based on the hypothesis testing, it is found that
block practice and series practice method have a
significantly different effect on the improvement of
basic football skill. Block practice method resulted
in a better improvement than series practice method.
This is caused by the fact that block practice method
has lower contextual level, so that athlete can adapt
to the given training. Meanwhile, in the series
practice method, the arrangement of the skill
practice contains more than one skill aspect with
practice arrangement order that is always the same
or consecutive in every practice session.
3.2.2 The Effect of Eye-Feet Coordination
Skill (High and Low) on Basic Football
The analysis shows that players with higher eye-feet
coordination level show better basic skill than
players with lower eye-feet coordination level. As
we all know, football is a branch of sports that is
relatively more difficult than other. For example,
football players in the wing position are expected to
be able to do crossing (cross passing) while running
fast or sprinting. Football players who have a really
good coordination can do this technique easily,
while those who have poor coordination will find it
difficult. The main purpose of coordination is to
create a harmonious, rithmic, and complex
movement pattern. Thus, coordination practice is
very important to improve those skills.
Eye-feet coordination is an integration between
eye that holds the main function, which is to spot the
ball and to study the game’s situation when the
player is kicking the ball, and feet that holds the
function of moving or kicking the ball from the
previous spot. This is why a good eye-feet
coordination can result in a good game. We can
judge a player’s level of coordination skill by the
smoothness, acuracy, speed, and efficiency of his or
her movement. An athlete who has a good
coordination will not only perform certain skill
perfectly, but also will master new skill faster and
easier. Having good coordination allows a player to
move quickly from one movement pattern to the
other, so that his or her movement will be more
3.2.3 The Relationship between Practice
Method (Block Practice and Series
Practice) and Eye-Feet Coordination
Skill (High and Low).
As stated above, there is a significant relationship
between practice method (block practice and series
practice) and eye-feet coordination skill (high and
low) to improve basic football skill. The research
shows that the group of players trained with block
practice method and have higher coordination skill
performed better than those who have lower
coordination skill. This is because block practice
method demands the players to do a series of harder
movement than serial practice method does.