information about organization and products (scores,
news, ways to acquire and renew season tickets, etc.)
The effectiveness and success of these sites
depend on how consumers perceive their value and
quality provided by (X. Zhang and V. R. Prybutok,
2005). The popularity and growth of online sport
consumptions suggest a clear opportunity for sports-
related- marketers to effectively use the Internet as a
key component within an overall marketing strategy.
To effectively leverage the opportunities that the
Internet affords to an organization, organizations
must gain a clear understanding of online sport fan
behavior (Y. Hur, Y. J. Ko, and J. Valacich, 2011).
The growth of Internet usage among online sport
participants are also evidenced by traffic patterns at
popular websites.
Currenly, Internet plays a major role in the lives
of young people. Children and youngsters engage in
online activities both inside and outside the
classroom (Sefton Green, 2004). Nevertheless,
media generates profit through sports while sports
and its contents are transmitted through media.
Sports and media are developing and expanding
through this symbiotic relationship. This
interdependent phenomena and symbiotic
relationship can be referred to as sports media
(Weedon, G., Wilson, B., Yoon, L., & Lawson, S.,
2016). If a sport or game has legislation to protect it,
it will get benefit from technology. Technology
ensures fairness in sports and games. Sports are big
businesses, and there is a lot of money invested into
the design and development of sport equipment and
clothing to help athletes improve their performance
(Rothschild, P. 2011).
Even though it provides more benefit, sometimes
the negative effects occur. Some of
the disadvantages of the internet for students in
points are: students become addicted and are
dependent on internet, and may not focus on
personal works and studies. Compared with adults,
adolescents are more vulnerable to Internet
addiction, because they have high novelty-seeking
but low self-control (Spada, 2014) and are
particularly sensitive to peer influence (Somerville,
The Pew Research Center in 2014 found that
53% of internet users admitted that it is very difficult
if they do not to use their internet and smartphones.
They consider smartphones and the internet to be
very important in everyday life (Caumont, 2014).
About 1 of 8 Americans shows signs of internet
addiction and 82% of respondents who took the
survey reported that the time they spent online was
more than 5 hours per day, increasing internet
Internet addiction is referred to as pathological
internet because this lifestyle is very dependent on
normal life which is always dependent on the
internet for the users (Ozturk & Ozmen, 2011).
Internet addiction can be broadly conceptualized as
an inability to control one's use of the Internet which
leads to negative consequences in daily life (Spada,
2014). Internet addiction also means more important
on mental problems to many people around the
world. Wang et al., (2013) hopes that the formation
of internet addiction can be interpreted by internet
users who have low self-control. Internet addiction
also causes a person to become unfocused on his
work even on the study that he is currently
undergoing. Another negative impact is social
isolation due to heavy use of internet. Obesity and
depression may also occur through spending more
time on computer.
In the case of internet addiction, according to
research by (Liang, L., Zhou, D., Yuan, C., Shao, A.,
& Bian, Y. (2016) for 1,715 adolescents in grades
6-8 in China, internet addiction was caused by
depression. Internet addiction shown between
women and men are different; men use the internet
only more for entertainment and use it less on the
internet to find information compared to women.
Although men and women tend to have the same
activities in using the Internet, men prefer to go
online with friends compared to women.
For children, we can suggest many benefits from
watching sport events through internet because there
are many types of learning and teaching in
education. One of them is visual methods, imagery
which can help children to improve skills, motoric,
and their competences. Gilchrist, P., & Wheaton, B.
(2017) in his study found that sport helps children to
developmental and physical toughness. Sports shape
their bodies and make them strong and active.
Children should actively participate in sports to
avoid being tired and lethargy. This is because sports
improve their blood circulation and their physical
well-being (Wankel, L. M., & Berger, B. G. 1990).
Regarding the benefits of exercise according to
(Hassmen, Koivula, & Uutela, 2000; Salmon, 2001;
Scully, Kremer, Meade, Graham, & Dudgeon, 1998;
Warburton, Nicol, & Bredin, 2006), sports activities
have many positive effects to the body and to
psychology such as reducing stress, depression, and
anxiety because exercising can produce endorphin
hormones that make a person happier during and
after carrying out sports, and can reduce activities
that are less nature such as playing games.