Table 3: The level of pain and function of the lower limb
before and after treatment.
Method Variable Pretest Posttest Z p
STR Pain 4,75 1,85 -3,938 0,000
Function 70,15 87,45 -3,928 0,000
In Table 3, it can be seen that the STR method can
significantly reduce pain and improve lower limb
function (p = 0.000).
Soft tissue release (STR) massage method has been
applied to cure lower limb injuries. In this study, the
cases handled were sprain, strains, and DOMS in the
lower extremities. The STR method can reduce pain
levels and improve lower limb function.
The STR method involves stretching fascia and
releasing bonds between fascia and skin, muscles, and
bones with the aim of relieving pain, increasing ROM
and body balance (Namvar et al., 2016). If the pain
decreases and the ROM increases, the function will
also increase. The results
of the study which
examined the effects of 3 types of soft tissue
manipulations, one of which was the myofascial
release technique also showed that this technique
could reduce pain and improve ROM in plantar
fascitis cases (Pattanshetty, 2015).
There are at least 3 mechanisms that underlie the
effects of massage therapy on chronic pain
conditions, namely by increasing vagal activity,
reducing the inflammatory process, and reducing P
substances. Stimulation of pressure receptors will
increase vagal activity and in patients with chronic
pain show lower vagal-mediated heart rate variability
as indicated by increased vagal activity (Field, 2018).
The principle of handling with the STR method is
emphasis on trigger point points, then stretched. The
aim of STR is to free fascia and maintain network
functions. This technique is used to relieve pressure
in connective tissue. Careful myofascial stretching
and maintaining a certain amount of time are believed
to free the bond, soften and extend the fascia. By
freeing the fascia, where the nerves and blood vessels
are located, it helps increase the transmission of the
circulatory and nerves system. This technique is
widely used in chronic conditions to help change the
basic viscosity of the substance to a more fluid state
which eliminates the fascia pressure on the pain
sensitive structure and restores proper alignment
(Pattanshetyy, 2015).
The advantage of the STR method is the
involvement of patients, in other words, patients
actively participate in therapy. Methods by involving
patient activity are seen as safer, as are therapists.
This method is felt to relieve the therapist because
there is patient involvement. In addition, lotions or
lubricants are not needed so that they can be more
practically applied in the field. The effect of
relaxation is longer, although the onset of therapy is
slower and patient comfort is somewhat lacking.
The Soft Tissue Release Method is effective in
reducing the level of pain in lower extremity injuries.
The method of soft tissue release massage is effective
in improving the function of the lower limb.
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