Developing Textbooks Sports Nutrition Science for Health Physical
Education Students and Recreation at Ikip Budi Utomo Malang
Luthfie Lufthansa
, Sigit Susilo
, Guntur Firmansyah
, Irwansyah
, Shinta Masitho Windriyani
Asri Putri Anugraini
Sport and Health Education, Budi Utomo Malang Collage, Arjuna Street No.14B, Malang City, Indonesia
Beji 1 Vocational High School, Wicaksana Street No. 22 B Pasuruan Regency, Indonesia
Keywords: Textbooks, Sports Nutrition Science, Thiagarajan 4D.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to develop a sports nutrition science textbook that is feasible and validated by
materials, media and language experts for Health Physical Education students and Recreation IKIP Budi
Utomo Malang. Research on the development of this Sports Nutrition Science textbook refers to the 4D model
developed by Thiagarajan, et al. (1974) which consists of 4 stages, namely Define, Design, Development, and
Disseminate, which were modified to be adapted to this study. This development research produced a feasible
and validated Sports Nutrition Science textbook by material, media and language experts for Health Physical
Education students and Budi Utomo IKIP Recreation Malang.
According to the Directorate General of Higher
Education (2009), textbooks are handbooks for
subjects written and compiled by experts in related
fields and fulfil the rules of textbooks. In the field of
education, textbooks are closely related to the
learning process and curriculum. Textbooks are a
means for implementing education and learning.
During learning, the teacher can manage learning
activities with the help of books. Students can
participate in learning activities through book means.
Sports Nutrition is one of the compulsory subjects
in the Health and Recreation Physical Education
Study Program. Sports Nutrition Science is the study
of the relationship between food management and
physical performance that is beneficial for health,
fitness, child growth and sports achievement
development, especially for sportsmen. The purpose
of studying sports nutrition is to understand the
relationship of nutrition, lifestyle and physical
performance. Athletes must have appropriate
nutrition to obtain optimal health and physical
abilities to enable them to endure hard physical
training and be able to maintain a good appearance
during the game.
The results of interviews with students of Health
Physical Education and Recreation IKIP Budi Utomo
Malang showed that 80% of students were less
interested in sports nutrition courses. They consider
Sports Nutrition less related to the world of sports.
This fact makes the lecture on Sports Nutrition
Science seem less meaningful. Most PJKR students
consider Sports Nutrition as a difficult subject. It is
not surprising that the nutritional science learning
outcomes of PJKR students, especially those at Budi
Utomo IKIP Malang are still relatively low. Every
final semester exam is only 45% to 55% of students
who meet the Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM).
Muslich (2010) states that books are an effective
means of achieving competence in learning.
Experiences and exercises that need to be taken, as
well as information that must be sought, are presented
in a book programmed. Books have a close
relationship with the curriculum. Writing textbooks
must pay attention and compile syllabus, determine
learning methods, and determine how to present
materials that are appropriate to the child's
development level. Adalikwu, et al. (2013) stated that
teaching material acts as a facilitator between
educators and students and develops students'
motivation during learning activities.
Lufthansa, L., Susilo, S., Firmansyah, G., Irwansyah, ., Windriyani, S. and Anugraini, A.
Developing Textbooks Sports Nutrition Science for Health Physical Education Students and Recreation at Ikip Budi Utomo Malang.
DOI: 10.5220/0009797705680571
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 568-571
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
ī€ 2020 by SCITEPRESS ā€“ Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Textbooks are currently considered to be the most
important and most widely used teaching material
(Prastowo, 2012). The existence of books cannot be
separated from learning activities, including at the
university level. Textbooks have several functions,
namely: 1) As reference material or reference
material by students; 2) As an evaluation material; 3)
As a tool for educators in implementing the
curriculum; 4) As one of the determinants of teaching
methods or techniques used by educators.
In developing books as teaching materials, the
steps that must be carried out according to the
Ministry of National Education (2008) are: 1) Study
the curriculum by analysing it; 2) Determine the title
of the book to be written in accordance with the
decree that the book will provide; 3) Design a book
outline so that the contents of the full book cover all
aspects needed to achieve a competency; 4) Gather
references as writing material, try to use the latest
references and relevant to the study material; 5)
Writing a book is done by paying attention to the
presentation of sentences that are adjusted to the age
and experience of the reader; 6) Evaluate / edit the
results of writing by rereading. If there are
deficiencies, additions are immediately made; 7)
Improve writing.
The development of statistical textbooks for
sports education is an effort to produce new products
in the form of statistical books according to the stages
mentioned. The books developed are designed for
PJKR students, especially at the IKIP Budi Utomo
Malang. Statistics teaching books have been
developed so far statistics book specifically for sports
education. This is in line with Wibowo's statement
(2012: 24) which mentions the importance of
textbooks containing conceptual ideas and theoretical
studies and applications related to the daily lives of
The purpose of the development statistic
textbooks for sports education is to maximize the
important functions of textbooks that help students to
recognize, remember and apply the knowledge taught
by lecturers (Wibowo, 2012: 12). The short-term
target of this development is to produce printed
textbooks that can be used in lecture. Meanwhile, the
long-term target is to increase the competence of
students (prospective sports teachers) to using
statistic in their fields.
The development of this Sports Nutrition Science
teaching book refers to 4D model developed by
Thiagarajan, et al. (1974) which consisted of 4 stages,
namely Define, Design, Development, and
Disseminate, which were modified to be adapted to
this study.
3.1 Define Stage
At this define stage, it is about conducting an
instructional needs analysis needed for the
development of textbooks which includes steps: (1)
Analyzing basic competencies in Sports Nutrition
Science courses, (2) Identifying learning problems,
and (3) Identifying weaknesses and shortcomings of
textbooks Sports Nutrition.
3.2 Design Stage
The design phase was carried out to produce an initial
draft of the Sports Nutrition Science textbook.
3.3 Stage Develop
This design phase aims to revise the initial draft
textbook that has been prepared at the design stage.
Revisions are based on the validation process carried
out by material, media and language experts. After
the validation and revision is complete, a
development test is carried out which includes
individual testing, small groups and Classroom
Action Research (CAR).
3.4 Stage Disseminate
In this disseminate stage, dissemination of textbooks
to be used in lectures on Sports Nutrition, especially
for Health Physical Education Study Program and
Recreation IKIP Budi Utomo Malang.
4.1 The Results of Define Phase
At this define stage, conducting an instructional needs
analysis needed for the development of textbooks
which includes steps of: (1) Analyzing basic
competencies in Sports Nutrition Science courses, (2)
Identifying learning problems, and (3) Identifying
weaknesses and shortcomings of textbooks Sports
Developing Textbooks Sports Nutrition Science for Health Physical Education Students and Recreation at Ikip Budi Utomo Malang
4.2 Results of the Design Stage
The results of this design phase are to produce a draft
textbook consisting of cover (cover page), preface,
table of contents, instructions for use, and basic
competencies in each chapter. The contents section
consists of introductory material, main material,
sample questions and exercises.
The cover section is given a blue color reflecting the
color identity of the IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
campus. The front cover contains the titles of books,
authors, and institutions. Meanwhile, the back cover
contains a brief description of the sports nutrition
science textbook.
4.3 The Results of the Develop Phase
This textbook is validated by three experts, namely
material, media and language experts. The results of
the assessment of each validator are calculated and
made in the form of percentages.
Table 1: Validation Result of Materials Expert.
Material Expert
feasible in very
good category.
Table 2: Validation Result of Media Expert.
Media Expert
feasible in good
Table 3: Validation Result of Language Expert.
feasible in good
The average validation results from the three
validators were 84.7% in the criteria of decent and
good. From the results of individual and small group
trials, there are several things that need to be revised
especially related to the way of writing and writing
limits. This has been followed up and revised. Based
on the implementation of Sports Nutrition Science
textbooks in learning, the learning goes well. Based
on the motivation questionnaire, the motivation of
students of the Health and Recreation Education
Study Program at IKIP Budi Utomo Malang
increased from before. Based on the results of the
final test, it was found that studentsā€™ completeness
reached 82%.
4.4 The Results of Disseminate Phase
The result of the desiminate stage is the dissemination
of textbooks to be used in lectures on Sports
Nutrition, especially for the Biology Study Program
of IKIP Budi Utomo Malang.
This development research resulted in a feasible and
validated Sports Nutrition Science textbook by
material, media, and language experts for Health
Physical Education and Recreation IKIP Budi Utomo
Malang students.
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Developing Textbooks Sports Nutrition Science for Health Physical Education Students and Recreation at Ikip Budi Utomo Malang