The discussion suggests that sports achievement
development system is a very important part of highl
level achievement, but the tennis achievement
development system in Yogyakarta has not been
Based on the explanation above, a study
regarding the evaluation of tennis achievement
development system in Yogyakarta is required. This
issue becomes the basis of the research to conduct a
research entitled as “The Evaluation of Yogyakarta
Tennis Achievement System”.
2.1 Evaluation Program
Evaluation is a tool or procedure used to find out
and measure something in an atmosphere with
predetermined ways and rules. In addition to using
tests, data can also be collected using questionnaires,
observations, and interviews or other forms of
appropriate instruments (Nurhasan, 2001: 3).
Program evaluation is a systematic investigative
activity about something valuable from an object.
Another opinion (Denzin and Lincoln, 2000: 83)
says that program evaluation is oriented around the
attention of the policy maker of the funder
characteristically including the cause question about
the degree to which the program has achieved the
desired goal. Decisions made are made as indicators
of performance appraisal at each evaluation stage in
three categories: low, moderate and high.
There are many program evaluation models
developed by experts that can be used to evaluate
programs. Evaluation of the CIPP model is a concept
offered by Stufflebeam with the view that the
important purpose of evaluation is not to prove but
to improve (Stufflebeam, H McKee and B McKee,
2003: 118).
Evaluation of the CIPP model can be applied in
various fields. Nana Sudjana and Ibrahim (2004:
246) translate each of these dimensions with the
following meanings: 1) Context: the situation or
background that influences the planning of the
development program; 2) Input: the quality of inputs
that can support the achievement of the development
program; 3) Process: implementation of the program
and use of facilities in accordance with what has
been planned; 4) Product: results achieved in the
administration of the program.
2.2 Sport Achievement Development
Sport achievment development sytsem is an effort
made consciously, planned, organized, and directed
to achieve a predetermined goal, while according to
several experts and sources about coaching,
including, the implementation of a sports coaching
includes several components namely organization,
training programs, trainers, athletes , facilities and
infrastructure, funding, support and environment
(Sajoto, 1995: 2-5).
To foster sporting achievements in educational
institutions, in each education channel sports activity
units, sports classes, training and training centers,
sports schools, and staged and sustainable sports
competitions will be held (Undang-Undang Sistem
Keolahragaan Nasional, 2005: article 25 paragraph
6). Guidance and development of educational sports
is carried out with due regard to the potential,
abilities, interests, and talents of students as a whole,
both through intracuricular and extracurricular
activities (National Sports System Act Number 3,
2005: article 25 paragraph 4). According to
Wahjoedi, et al. (2009: 12-14) fostering superior
sports is carried out using the approach of science
and technology (Science and Technology) in
accordance with the coaching cycle from beginning
to end. Sports experts from all over the world agree
on the need for coaching stages to produce high
sports achievements, namely through the stages of
massaging, breeding and achievement.
According to Junaidi (2003: 49), it is mentioned
that the promotion of early age sports is an effort to
move early childhood to do sports activities as a
whole. With the aim of involving as many athletes in
sports as achievement, awareness arises of the
importance of sports achievement as part of efforts
to improve sports nationally. In this case, it is
required to have a good strategy, namely: (1)
providing adequate sports facilities and
infrastructure in elementary schools, (2) preparing
for the provision of sports instructors who are able to
move sports in schools, (3) holding inter-class
competitions, (4) motivating, both from within and
from outside, (5) holding demonstrations against
athletes who excel, (6) stimulating children's interest
through mass media, television, video, etc. (7)
collaborating between schools and the community
especially parents.
Nurseries are a pattern that is applied in an effort
to attract talented scientists who are researched
scientifically. What is meant scientifically is to nett
athletes with scientific application (Science and