(Diener, 2000).
According to WHO, psychological well-being
shows complete physical, mental and social well-
being (Gautam and Kaur, 2018) so that individuals
can function effectively and adapt to the
environment (Huppert, 2009). Psychological well-
being shows a person's feelings that range from
negative mental conditions (such as anxiety,
depression) to positive mental conditions (such as
self-actualization, life satisfaction) (Ummu, 2014).
Discussion of psychological well-being is also often
associated with freedom from anxiety and
depression conditions (Li, Wang, and Xiao, 2014).
The development of positive relationships
between physical educators and students would
have an impact on their educational process. A
physical educator not only masters in methodology,
content, evaluation and goals, but also must build
emotional and motivational dimensions towards
students. Therefore, physical educators need to
further empower themselves, must be able to
improve a pleasant environment for their students,
and build healthy communities so as to achieve the
development of human potential as much as
possible. (Baez, Stobaus, and Masquera, 2016).
This study about psychological well-being of
physical educator candidates related to happiness as
the results of research by Ghasempour, Jodat,
Soleimani, and Shabanlo (2013). The six
dimensions of Psychological well-being used in this
study are based on Ryff and Singer (1996), namely:
1) Self-acceptance; 2) Positive relationships with
others; 3) Autonomy; 4) Environmental mastery; 5)
purpose of life; and 6) personal growth.
Self-acceptance is characterized by recognizing
and accepting various aspects of feeling good and
bad, positive feelings about life. Frustration and
anger are expressions of emotions due to lack of
self-acceptance (Ben-Zur, 2003). Positive
relationships with others are characterized by
feelings of warmth, comfort, trust in others, and
attention to the safety of others. Individuals who are
able to become understanding and supportive
listeners show healthier mental status (Thomas,
2003). Autonomy is indicated by the quality of self-
determination, freedom, and rules of behavior
originating from within ourselves. Diligence and
confidence are able to control social pressure in
thinking and acting; awareness of good behavior;
always self-evaluation with personal standards.
Environmental mastery is the ability of individuals
to choose or create an environment that suits their
psychological condition. For example, the ability to
organize the environment includes effective use of
opportunities; able to choose and create personal
needs and desires. This is also related to the ability
of individuals to express their emotions
appropriately in social interactions (Lavee and Ben-
Ari, 2004). The purpose of life is shown by the
individual with purpose in life and direction.
Meanwhile, personal growth opens new experiences
is realistic on their potential, and constantly
develops themselves and behavior throughout time.
Thus individuals are able to carry out their positive
functions both in their personal lives and in people's
lives (Negovan, 2010).
2.1 Research Type
This research is survey research, using descriptive
statistical analysis to obtain valid item items and
suitable to be used to measure psychological well-
being of physical educator candidates.
2.2 Research Time and Place
The Reserach was conducted at Sport Science
Faculty in Universitas Negeri Jakarta located in
Rawamangun, East Jakarta. It was conducted from
January to June 2019.
2.3 Research Subject
The research sample was taken by means of random
sampling from each batch of physical education
study program was 232 people.
2.4 Data, Instrument, Data Collection
Psychological well-being instruments used in this
study consist of 6 main dimensions according to
Ryff and Singer (1996) and Ryff in Gautam and
Kaur (2018), namely: 1) Self-acceptance (2 items);
2) Positive relationships with others (3 items); 3)
Autonomy (3 items); 4) Environmental mastery (4
items); 5) Purpose of life (2 items); and 6) Personal
growth (4 items). F
or favorable items, the score for each
answer is presented as follows: strongly disagree=1,
disagree=2, doubt=3, agree=4, strongly agree=5; for
unfavorable items, the score for each answer is as follows:
strongly disagree=5, disagree=4, doubt=3, agree=2,
strongly agree=1.