tension and insecurity.
Mental is related to mood, motivation, and
cognitive processes. Mentality is also associated
with specific biological processes, including
physical activities such as the performance of
certain physical activities (Sindik and Beuer, 2015).
According to Loehr (1986) mental skill consists of:
self-confidence, negative energy control,
concentration, visualization and imagery ability,
motivation, positive energy, and attitude control.
Those can influence each other in the process of
achieving an athlete's achievements.
Measuring mentality in the world of sports in
Indonesia seems to have not been quite popular,
including the college athletes. In fact, psychological
measurements or evaluations actually have often
been used in various fields of life so far. In the
psychology profession itself, the application of
psychological assessment almost reached 91%
(Groth and Marnat, 1997). Therefore, it is necessary
to apply instruments that can measure mental skills
for college athletes. Research instrument is an
instrument used to measure the variables in the form
of natural phenomena and social phenomena were
observed (Sugiyono, 2010). Meanwhile, the data
collection instruments is interpreted as an instrumen
can use to record-in-circumstances generally
quantitatively and activity attributes psychological
(Suryabrata, 2013). Psychological attributes that
technically are usually classified into attributes
cognitive and non-cognitive attributes. Suryabrata
stated that to attribute cognitive, stimuli is the
question. As for the non-cognitive attributes, stimuli
is a statement.
Experts agree that "Sport is 90-95% mental. This
is also believed by athletes and coaches. However,
in reality, many trainers or sports coaches do not
have data about the athlete's mental abilities. Mental
aspects are indeed often lacking attention, even
though they actually play an important role even as
the main factors that influence expected
Through this research, an application of mental
skills instrument would be conducted as a first step
to create a mental training model. Meanwhile, the
norms that would be used are the athlete's mental
skills norms listed as follows: a score of 24-30 is
categorized as high (excellent skills), a score of 17-
23 is categorized as moderate (room for
improvement), and a score of 10-16 is classified as
low (need special attention) (Juriana, 2016).
This norm is used to measure the seven
dimensions of mental skills for college athletes,
namely: 1) self-confidence is feeling and knowing
that you can do it, that you can perform well and be
successful (Loehr in Komarudin, 2013) or a sense of
security, and this will be seen in the attitudes and
behavior of athletes, who appear calm, not easily
hesitant or hesitant, not easily nervous, assertive,
etc. (Setyobroto, 2001); 2) Negative Energy
Control is an emotion ability to handle anxiety,
anger, hate, fear, negative thinking, frustration, and
distrust (Loehr, 1986); 3) Concentration is a
constant change that is related to two dimensions,
namely dimensions and dimensions of focus. In
other sources, it is said that there are two kinds of
attention, namely focused attention and scattered
attention (Nideffer, 2000); 4). Visualization and
Imagery Ability is a form of mental representation,
someone will try to imagine, describe a situation as
if he is doing a certain action or in a certain
environment (Plessinger in Jannah et all, 2016); 5)
Motivation is a force from outside and inside
oneself that initiates, gives direction, determines
intensity, and influences a behavior to be persistent
Vallerand and Thill (Vallerand, 2007; Weinberg and
Gould, 2011; Cucui and Cucui, 2014); 6). Positive
Energy is thinking that can create enthusiasm and
optimism in themselves, seen from the joy,
pleasure, determination, and enthusiasm in the team
(Loehr, 1986); 7). Attitude Controlis ability to
control attitudes and behavior reflects the thinking
habits of an athlete, ability of individuals to resist
desires or impulses that conflict with behavior that
is not in accordance with social norms example:
ownership, process, long-term, risk, and challenge
(Berk in Gunarsa, 2004; Taylor, 2016).
2.1 Research Type
The method used in this study was survey method,
namely by using the mental skills questionnaire
compiled by Loehr which consists of seven
dimensions including: self-confidence, negative
energy control, concentration, visualization and
imagery ability, motivation, positive energy, and
attitude control (firstly, language validity provided
through expert opinion).
2.2 Research Time and Place
This study was conducted at the Sport Science
Faculty of Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Pemuda
no. 10 Rawamangun, East Jakarta, on January-June