3.2 Discussion
The result of the research shows that both EXP and
CON groups had significant improvement in leg
strength. The leg strength in the EXP group had more
clinical improvement than the CON group (+ 49,93
vs. + 34.7 kg).
The leg strength improvement in the EXP group
can be caused by the strength program in FIVE,
including single toe raises, nordic hamstring,
Copenhagen exercise, and bounding side.
The “single toe raises” can knowingly improve
the muscle strength in ankles and calves and reduce
the injury risk in Achilles' tendons. Thomee et al.
(2001) argue that the patients suffering chronic issue
in their Achilles’ tendons express that significant toe
raises exercise to reduce pain in Achilles' tendon
during pre or post-physical activity.
Nordic hamstring can improve hamstring muscle
strength, thus it reduces hamstring strain injury (Van
Der Horst et al. 2015). It is also described that
professional football players in the Netherland
shown the result of Nordic hamstring, having ability
to reduce the injury level of hamstring by 65% up to
70%. It is also followed by prevention effect in
reducing repeated injury.
Copenhagen is a dynamic and high-intensity
exercise that focuses on the lower extremity,
especially on the abductor muscle group (Serner et
al. 2014). Thorborg et al. (2014) show that the
Copenhagen program has succeeded in preventing
thigh injury in Danish football players.
Core strength exercise (plank and side-plank) in
the FIVE program also contributes to improve the leg
strength. A Study from Ekstrom et al. (2007) shows
that plank and side plank are effective exercises for
strengthening hip and lower extremity, improve
stability, and prevent injury.
A short period (eight weeks) of training program in
this study can improve the leg strength. The effect of
FIVE can be optimal if the program is done in 9-12
weeks as the recommendation.
Eight weeks of FIVE program can improve leg
strength in young futsal players. It can be an
alternative program to enhance physical fitness and
reduce injury. Further research to evaluate the effects
of the FIVE program on a large scale population is
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