athlete is anxious during or prior to a match, such as
his tendency to use the toilet several times, hot and
cold sweat before playing, and being confused of
what to do before the game.
In the condition and situation of the court
during or prior to the match, calmness is a main
factor in athlete’s mentality. However, in reality
there are still many athletes who are nervous or
anxious before or towards the game. Among the
factors causing this anxiety are being afraid of the
opponents, not feeling confidence, being afraid of
the situation of the match or other things that worry
This mental training is very important for
athletes in the court due to athlete’s lack of mental
development practice to prepare him during a match.
This could result in unstable anxiety, and reduce
athlete’s skills in the court. To overcome athlete’s
anxiety level in the court, audio-based imagery
method is used. Audio was chosen because it can
make the athletes happy to listen to some music,
games, and videos, so it will be easier to adjust the
athlete’s anxiety level. Audio became the right
choice because electronics become the first choice
for all groups of people in this global era, from
children to adults. There are some ways to overcome
anxiety in athletes. For example, by using their
favorite equipment, having their favorite drink or
snack, or listening to their favorite music. However,
the fact that there are still many athletes who feel
anxious describes a particular result because the
result is even achieved. With visualization, it is as
though someone were to make an abstract sketch of
the desired result.
Mental imagery is a process or an event when
an individual feels an object, an event, or even a
particular scene, even though the object, event, and
scene are not present to the senses during mental
imagery process (Richardson, 1969).
In order to understand the experience before the
match, individuals form a mental representation
related to their experience. Mental representation or
mental imagery process is an activity which involves
stimulus, senses, and memory. Eyes and ears which
receive information from stimuli are sent to visual
cortex and auditory cortex consecutively (Solso et
al., 2008).
Then it is sent again for the information received
in the frontal area of the brain to be processed
further to find out if a work describes an animate or
an inanimate object. While information processing is
on progress, the understood information will be go
into or stored in short term memory (STM) as a
transitory or temporary storage (Solso et al., 2008).
When a person feels that the information that he
has received is a happy experience or traumatic one
before or towards the game. Therefore, one of the
alternatives to overcome the problem is by audio-
based imagery practice. Mental imagery is
remembered instead of other experiences, so that the
information stored in STM will be rehearsed to be
then stored in long term memory (LTM) (Korn &
Johnson, 1983). LTM also functions as a human
skill to understand the past and use the information
to process “the present” or to relate past experiences
to current experiences.
Mnemonic technique is a technique of improving
storage and retaking information in memory (Solso
et al., 2008). It is from this process that human can
imagine or describe and retrieve past information or
event in memory and connect them with the present
or future events. This is in line with the definition of
mental imagery itself, which is a mental
Feeling anxious is a general condition faced by
anyone when they are about to face an important
thing, including athletes prior to matches. Anxiety
occurs because there are wrong images of how the
matches will be. Pictures of more powerful
opponents, poor physical condition, a big event or
how everybody expects too much can cause anxiety.
Therefore, the research Audio-Based Imagery
practice Development to Decrease Anxiety Level of
Tennis Athletes in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
is conducted.
2.1 Research Type
This is a Research and Development (R&D)
research. The steps in this research are adapted from
Sugiyono’s research consisting of 13 steps.
However, due to limited time and fund, the
researchers only adopted 7 steps in line with the
purpose of the developmental research. The
instruments used are assessments and
2.2 Research Time and Place
This research was conducted on October 17 -18,
2018 which took place in indoor tennis court of
UNY and on FIK campus of west UNY.