Therefore, from the data it can be concluded that
precision with tempo exercise method was effective
to improve groundstroke accuracy in the tennis club
of UNY.
Through precision with tempo exercises, the
quality of tennis technique can be mastered well.
According to Sukadiyanto (2002: 29) the basic
principle of playing tennis is to hit the ball over the
net towards the opponent’s court side. When hitting
the ball, one needs to make it difficult for the
opponent to hit the ball back. In order to make it
difficult for the opponent in hitting the ball back,
there are some basic techniques in tennis game, one
of which is the groundstroke technique.
Groundstroke is a hit after the ball bounces off
the court (J. Brown, 2001), Groundstroke is a hit
done towards the ball touching the ground (court)
(Yudoprasetio, 1981). Based on those definitions, it
can be concluded that groundstroke is a technique to
hit the ball after it touches the ground or court. For
the right-handed, the stroke is on the right side of the
body, and it is the other way around for the left-
handed (M. Crespo and Dave Milley, 1998).
Tennis is a sport which has no age, sex, and
physical limitation disability and background
boundaries for its players. This sport can be played
by anyone, without any condition that limits anyone
to do this sport or to even make achievements in
tennis. If an athlete wants to improve the game
quality, regular and structured exercises are required.
An exercise is an application of a plan to
improve sports skills in theory and practice, with
methods and rules in accordance with the purpose
and target one wants to achieve (Sukadiyanto,
2002),. For example, for a tennis player to perform
groundstroke accurately and precisely to the target,
exercises to consistently hit the ball on target are
necessary. In exercising, we also need a purpose.
The purpose of exercises is to make an
achievement through an effective and structured
drilling process. The research on precision with
tempo exercise model has a purpose, which is to
improve the accuracy quality in forehand and
backhand groundstrokes. In the journal Test-retest
Reliability for Hitting Accuracy Tennis Test,
accuracy is one of the main mechanisms where
points can be won (Estevam Strecker et al., 2011). It
was explained in the journal that accuracy is an act
of executing a shot which lands on a certain location
in the tennis court, a tennis player may be able to
keep the tennis ball far away enough from their
opponent that the opponent cannot reach the ball (a
winning shot) or that the opponent loses their
balance, causing them to make a forced error. In the
journal Reliability, Precision, Accuracy, and
Validity of Posterior Shoulder Tightness Assessment
in Overhead Athletes that accuracy means the skill
to hit the tennis ball to a specific target in tennis
One of the aims of this exercise model is the
accuracy quality in performing forehand and
backhand groundstrokes. Precision with tempo is a
method of exercise done by two tennis players in a
tennis game with the ball going on a straight
direction for one minute and the players perform
forehand and backhand groundstrokes as many as
possible with cone as the target, players stand on the
back line and the coach stays out of the court. Then,
as the coach gives a cue to start, the players do the
groundstroke concurrently for one minute (Frank
van Fraeyenhove, 2018).
One of the purposes of this exercise model is to
improve the accuracy of forehand and backhand
groundstrokes because it is supported by some
principles of practice. Suharja (2007), there are three
principles of practice which can improve
groundstroke accuracy. The first one is progressive
overload principle, which means that the exercise
needs to be done regularly, gradually, and
progressively. Regularly means that it has to be done
continuously, not occasionally. Gradually means that
there needs to be more and more improvements.
Whereas progressively means that each practice is a
step further from the previous practice. The second
one is specificity principle, where each stimulation
will have a specific response from each athlete.
For that reason, the exercise material needs to be
suited with the needs of the sports branch. The next
one is variation principle of practice, which aims to
avoid athlete’s being bored.
Each exercise target has its own dose, thus
helping the adaptation process into the organs of the
body. An excessive dose of exercise in each session
will cause overtraining. On the other hand, too little
dose of exercise does not have any impact on the
organs of the body. The above principles are ones of
the effects of precision with tempo exercise to
forehand and backhand groundstroke accuracy.
Based on the data analysis result, the proposed
hypothesis test and the discussion of this research, it
can be concluded that precision with tempo method
of exercise has a big impact to improving the
groundstroke accuracy of the members of Fields