management in DIY showed the lack of facilities
and infrastructure; 4) Evaluation of the achievement
training program showed that the process undertaken
by the DIY Puslatda has been carried out based on
procedures. Training, monitoring and evaluation
programs have been well implemented, and it
implies that the programs set by the Puslatda
management has been optimally carried out; 5)
Evaluation of achievement training programs in
terms of products showed good achievements at the
national and international levels for several sport
Based on the results of the KONI DIY puslatda
management evaluation, some suggestions/
recommendations are presented as follows.1)The
Regional Government, in this case KONI DIY, must
provide a more maximum contribution, especially in
terms of providing funding, infrastructure, and
facilities for achieving the expected results; 2)
Managers and trainers in sports must improve the
implementation of the Puslatda program and
improve its performance; 3) Recruitment of Puslatda
athletes must be carried out in accordance with the
established procedures; 4) The relationship between
administrators, coaches, athletes and parents of
KONI DIY puslatda can be better established so
they can work together to progress training and
achievement at a higher level.
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