The effect of learning by using part method is better
than learning through the whole method. In addition,
(Subama, 2015) shows that learning by using the
part method has more meaningful learning effects
than the whole method on increasing mastery of
spike skills in volleyball at volleyball extracurricular
in MA Plus Al Munir, Sumedang.
The part method really helped the students who
have not learned the long jump movement series
properly. The movement series were simplified from
the starting part, implementation part, to following-
through part. Those series were done to help
students learn and understand the movements. This
method is more effective if the students have
understood and mastered a part of movement before
learning the other parts, and combine them into a
series of movement (Adiesta & Tuasikal, 2017). On
the other hand, this method is not effective if the
students directly learn the whole movement series
(Adiesta & Tuasikal, 2017). Based on the statements
above, it can be concluded that the part method is
more suitable to teach long jump techniques. It is
because there are some movement stages in the long
jump techniques which can be taught separately.
Thus, the results of the long jump will be maximized
when the components or stages are trained
continuously and programmatically.
Based on the research findings and discussions, the
three following conclusions can be drawn. Those
are: (1) There is significant influence of the part
learning method on the long jump achievement of
grade XI students at SMK Muhammadiyah 1
Kalirejo in Central Lampung.
(2) There is also significant influence of the
whole learning method on the long jump
achievement of grade XI students at SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Kalirejo in Central Lampung.
(3) There are differences between the influence
of part learning method and the whole learning
method on the long jump achievement of grade XI
students at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kalirejo in
Central Lampung. 82.76% students who belonged to
part method group could pass the standard of
achievement. Meanwhile, there were only 75.86%
students of the whole method group who could pass
the standard of achievement.
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2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)