2. Item 6 (Temperature of culinary products
served), when presenting culinary products the
management has paid attention to the
temperature of the food temperature so it is
comfortable for consumption by tourists.
3. Item 8 (Culinary products are presented
reflecting local wisdom / local culture), tourists
have felt the food and culinary peculiarities of
the area or place they visited and visited.
4. Item 10 (Culinary products that are served are
safe for consumption), the manager has
produced quality food products, safe for
consumption and in accordance with tourist
Quadrant C shows several factors that are less
important influence for tourists. Its implementation
by ordinary companies and is considered less
important and less satisfying. There are four
attributes included in this quadrant, namely:
1. Item 3 (Presentation of culinary products
presented), the layout (plating) of culinary
product dishes has not fulfilled the wishes of
tourists because tourists not only pay attention
to the taste of the food but also enjoy the food
through its appearance.
2. Item 4 (Maturity level of food served),
according to tourists is still not right. The level
of maturity will certainly affect the taste of
food, and the level of maturity must also be
adjusted to the type of food ingredients.
3. Item 5 (Texture of culinary products presented),
according to tourists' perceptions is not as
expected, so compositions such as textures need
to be considered properly.
4. Item 7 (Appearance of color from culinary
products), tourists consider the color play of
food to be considered lacking because
contrasting, bright and bright colors can give a
fresh and tempting impression.
Quadrant D shows several factors that are
considered not too important and or not too
expected, so the management needs to allocate the
resources associated with these factors to other
factors that have higher priority management. There
is one attribute that is included in this quadrant is as
follows: Item 1 (The taste of the food served),
according to tourists the taste of food is too
excessive for example when giving spices, saltiness,
and other flavorings.
The level of perception of tourists is measured in
expectations and performance aimed at Traditional
Culinary Products in Borobudur Priority Tourism
Destinations in Central Java, with an average
expectation of 4.64 while the perceived performance
of tourists with an average score of 3.78. Then it can
be concluded that the perception of tourists about the
quality of culinary products is still not good because
the average value of expectations is greater than the
average value of performance.
Based on research using Important Performance
Analysis (IPA) in the Cartesian diagram there are
one main priority attribute in quadrant A, four
attributes with low priority in quadrant C and one
redundant attribute in quadrant D that must be
improved to improve tourist perceptions of the
quality of culinary products. At the gap level (GAP)
between performance and expectations, each
statement indicator item has a gap level (GAP),
because all the scores are negative. This shows that
the actual level of performance is still below the
expectations of tourists. This shows that tourist
perceptions of product quality are still not good, so
the company must be able to improve all the
attributes of each indicator of the statement.
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