Trial Offer Snack Menu of Consumer Buying Interest of Kereta Api
Indonesia Passengers
Lisda Aulia Sari, Caria Ningsih, Dewi Turgarini
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keyword: Customer interest, Passenger train, Snack, Roti Kecik
Abstract: This research background is limited consumer knowledge of history and a traditional snack philosophy
which is potential if offered to passenger trains. This research aims to recommend a snack menu for
passenger trains that can affect the interest of buying consumers. The method used is a method mix that is
quantitative and qualitative. The independent variable in this study is the snack menu and dependent
variables are the buying interest of consumers. The samples in this study were as much as 100 respondents.
The results of this research show that based on the simultaneous hypothesis test the snack menu influences
the consumer's buying interest has a positive and significant influence, while partial indicators have a partial
influence on Consumers buying interest. Based on a panelist test carried out against 30 panelists obtained
the result that the panelist agrees with the Snack menu (roti kecik) that is tested for recommendation.
According to panelist the recommended snack menu (roti kecik) has a good quality product to be served in
the train with attention to 5 aspects such as flavor, aroma, color, portion, and appearance.
Tourism is one of the important factors in the effort
to increase economic income in Indonesia. In
addition, tourism is a promising and reliable source
of income, rapid progress, as well as from the
economic side of tourism can create business
opportunities or very much work especially in the
field of transportation and Telecommunications,
tourism services, accommodation and so forth cause
people to go on tour and business or work in the
field of tourism. According to the law No. 10 of
2009 on tourism, there is a variety of tourism
activities supported by various facilities and services
provided by the community, entrepreneurs,
governments and local governments. As an
archipelagic country, Indonesia has a great
capability or potential to improve the tourism
industry. Indonesia itself has a wide variety of
tourism objects that are rich in natural beauty,
diversity of cultures, customs and culinary more and
interesting. This is what makes travellers interested
in sightseeing. Tourists certainly want to travel with
a sense of security, comfort and certainly the
impression. Therefore, necessary facilities,
infrastructure, promotion, accommodation and so
forth. Hotels, transport, eateries or restaurants are
part of the property to support the needs of tourists.
Generally the restaurant is the general term of
gastronomic business that provides food and drinks
to the community. The restaurant is a food service
operation that can give you a profit where the main
base is the sale of food or drink to individuals as
well as guests in small groups (Ninemeier and Hays,
2011). Transportation is an important
accommodation in the journey to the place or
attraction, especially for the people of Indonesia
who have many islands allow transportation carried
out by land, water and air to Reach the entire region
of Indonesia or the place to go. PT Kereta Api
Indonesia as a transport or land transportation
Service provides travel services from an area to
other regions. As a transportation service, trains
have an advantage as energy-saving and fuel-
efficient transportation and pathways without any
obstacles such as traffic jams. In 2013, PT Kereta
API Indonesia not only became a permanent
transportation service providing food and beverage
services to the passenger trains by inaugurating a
subsidiary of PT Kereta Api Persero Indonesia,
namely PT Reska Multi Usaha.
Food is a fundamental need for human power. Of
course, the train passengers, especially on the
Aulia Sari, L., Ningsih, C. and Turgarini, D.
Trial Offer Snack Menu of Consumer Buying Interest of Kereta Api Indonesia Passengers.
DOI: 10.5220/0009803901060110
In Proceedings of the 1st NHI Tourism Forum (NTF 2019) - Enhancing Innovation in Gastronomic for Millennials , pages 106-110
ISBN: 978-989-758-495-4
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
journey outside the area far enough and long time
will require food intake to keep the body endurance
stable. One type of food is snacks or snacks that
have the benefit of withholding a temporary hunger.
Quoting from an Agricultural and Food
Economics study (Migliore, Farina, Tinervia,
Matranga, & Schifani, 2017) that factors affecting
consumer interest are (1) psychological (2) Habits
(3) product quality divided into Two parts, namely,
intrinsic and Extracinsik. Intrinsic attributes refer to
the physical characteristics of a product, such as
flavor, color, aroma, portion and appearance (Badr,
2015). While extrinsic attributes do not refer to
physical characteristics but are seen from food safety
and production with eco-friendly (Moor, 2014).
The purpose of this research is to know the
influence of snack on the interest of buying
consumers of train passengers.
This article is compiled under the heading " Test
the application menu snacks to customer interest
passenger trains", case study PT. Reska Multi Usaha
Bandung Branch Office 2 which is expected to
expand the knowledge about the Menu of bread
snacks Kecik that is tested and recommended to PT.
Reska Multi Usaha as well as the interest in buying
consumers and useful for PT. Reska Multi Usaha as
the manager of the restaurant in the train on the
menu of the appropriate snack to attract the interest
of consumer passengers Train.
2.1 Tourism
According to Richard Sihite's opinion in Marpaung
and Bahar (2000), tourism is a journey that is only
temporarily left, to leave the place of original to
another place with a plan not intended to seek A
living in a place to visit, but only to enjoy leisure
and recreational activities to cater to the diverse
desires. The World Tourism Organization (WTO)
mentions that tourism is an activity of one who
travels or lives somewhere outside the original
environment in not more than one year continuously
for pleasure, business and others. Meanwhile,
according to (Sinaga, 2010) tourism is a planned or
arranged journey that is done individually or group
from one place to another with the purpose of
getting satisfaction and pleasure. According to the
Leiper in (Ningsih, 2014) Tourism is an open system
of elements that interact with each other in a wide
environment, ranging from human elements such as
tourists, three geographical elements: the country of
origin of tourists, the country that As a transit place
and tourist destination, as well as economic
elements, namely the tourism industry. (Turgarini,
2016) explained that tourism objectives according to
David and Tozser (2009) refers to the concept of
Carter and Fabricius (2007) as a physical location
where tourists spend a minimum of one night at the
tourist site.
2.2 Gastronomy
Gastronomic or culinary is an art, a science that is
well-connected (good eating) (Gilleisole, 2001).
Before A.D. precisely in the 4th century
archeshundred in Turgarini (2018) looked at the
gastronomic as "a delight to pursue delicacy" of
food. Archeshundred also wrote in "Gastronomia" or
literally as a "rule for the stomach" that contained a
food guide (Santich, 1996). Gastronomy was first
introduced by Jasques Berchoux in France in 1803.
He wrote a poem on gastronomic titled "La
gastronomie ou l'homme des Champs a table
(Gastronomy or the peasant at the table;
Gastronomic or farmer at the table) ". Gastronomy is
an art and science of even appreciation of cross-
ethnic, racial, ethnic, religious, group, gender and
culture by studying in detail about eating, food and
beverages used in various situations and conditions.
2.3 Transportation
Transportation as a basis for economic development
and Development of the community and the growth
of an industry. While according to (Nasution, 2004),
transportation is a transfer of goods and people from
the place of origin to the place to be intended.
Transportation is an important element in supporting
tourism activities both on land, sea and air.
2.4 Railways
According to Law No. 23 of 2007 about railways,
the definition of trains is a vehicle with mobility,
either running alone or with the other railway
facility that will or is moving on the rail Road
Related to rail travel. Trains consist of locomotives,
trains and carriages.
2.5 Snack
The snack comes from the word "kudap" which
means hawker or snack. The function of the snack is
to relieve hunger. A great Dictionary of English
mentions that snack is the term for food that is not
Trial Offer Snack Menu of Consumer Buying Interest of Kereta Api Indonesia Passengers
the main food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) but
small meals, in English called Snack. Snacks are a
person's food hungry for a while, giving a little
energy supply to the body or something eaten for the
taste. The snack or snack also has the benefits to
relieve stress when we do the work both in the house
and in the street conditions. In addition, snacks can
also be a medium of interaction that has social
functions such as sharing food. According to Muaris
(2004) mention that snack or snack is a type of food
that is eaten outside the main meal time, other terms
can be called as a food distraction.
Types of snacks such as snacks, wet food,
porridge or drinks. The traditional growing group of
food snacks that were anciently sold in traditional
2.6 Consumer Interest
According to Bilson (2002) interest is something
personal and related to attitudes, individuals who are
interested in objects that have the power or
encouragement to do a series of behaviors to get the
object. Interest is one of the psychological aspects
that have a considerable influence on behavioural
attitudes and interests is also a source of motivation
that will lead someone in doing what they will do.
Consumer interest is an initiative of respondents
in decision making to purchase a product.
2.7 Quality Food Products
Define the quality of the product as a characteristic
of the product or service that on its ability to endure
appointments or inserts to satisfy the needs of
customers. The product in question is a snack.
Meanwhile, according to Margareta and Edwin
(2012), the quality of food is an important role in
making consumer purchase decisions, so it can be
known that the quality of food increases, so the
decision of a purchase will increase. Therefore, it
can be noted that the quality of a food product has a
close relationship with the purchase decision.
The product referred to in this research is a
snack. There are 5 aspects or factors affecting the
quality of the food in the outline is the color, aroma,
portion, appearance, and flavor.
2.8 Hypotesis
The hypothesis tested in this study is that Kecik
snacks have a positive and significant impact on the
buying interest of consumers.
The object of this study consists of a free variable
(independent variable) and a variable bound
(variable dependent) as the free variable (X) that is
snack menu while the variable bound (Y) is the
interest of buying consumers. Research was
conducted on the train restaurant PT. Reska Multi
Usaha where passenger trains become the subject of
The methods used in this study are quantitative
and qualitative. The author determines and
calculates the sample size, i.e. by using the formula
Slovin because in the sample withdrawal, the
number should be representative or sample
characteristics are almost the same as the population
has, so that the research results can Generalized and
the calculation does not require the table number of
samples but can be done with simple formulas and
calculations. The number of the population in this
study was 34,737 passenger trains so that the
samples were taken as many as 100 people. The
research instrument is a questionnaire with four
Likert-scale categories.
Table 1: Size of research criteria
Answer options
Strongly Agree(SS) 4
Agree(S) 3
Disagree(TS) 2
Highly Disagree (STS) 1
Source: Data processed authors, 2019
Testing of research instruments is conducted by
the validity and reliability test. Based on the results
of the validity test on the snack variable and the
buying interest of the consumer is valid and there is
no stated item of statement. While the reliability test
results in the snack variable of 0880 and the
consumer interest variable buy by 0885. The amount
of reliability is more than alpha minimum (α = 0.60),
so the snack variable and buying interest of
consumers is considered reliable. This research uses
simple linear regression analysis techniques, because
it consists of only two variables namely snack and
buying interest of consumers. As well as a
hypothesis test aimed at whether there is a fairly
clear and trustworthy relationship between the
snacks to the buying interest of consumers.
NTF 2019 - The NHI Tourism Forum
4.1 Research Object Overview
PT. Reska Multi Usaha or called RMU, is one of the
subsidiaries of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero)
which was established from 2003. RMU is the best
service provider company to support the
implementation of railways, implementing and
supporting the policies and programmes of PT
Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) as the parent
company. Starting from the Restaurant On Train
RMU is now continuously expanding to expand
various business areas such as Service On Train, Res
Parking, Loko Café, Loko canteen, Catering, Res
Clean, Reska Entertaiment and general trading.
Currently, RMU has 11 branch offices in Java Island
and Sumatra Island. Have a mission to provide high
quality service to organize the railway and provide
satisfaction to customers and fulfill the expectations
of stakeholders with the resources that trust, fresh,
and cheerful to the foundation of the spirit of the
4.2 Description of Snack Menu
Typical of Solo which has existed since 1881. Made
with the main ingredient is glutinous rice, it has
crisp, crispy texture. Often this roti kecik is served
or consumed while drinking a cup of coffee or even
warm tea. It has a distinctive aroma. Located on Jl.
Sutan Syahrir 176, Tambaksegaran, Solo. Made
from glutinous rice, eggs, granulated sugar, butter.
Without using any chemicals so it is good to
consume. The first maker of roti kecik is a Chinese
woman named Auw Liek Nio or often called Nyah
4.3 Description of Respondent
The characteristics of the male gender are as much
as 43 people and women as many as 57 people.
Based on the most age of respondents who are 20-25
years of age, which is 46 people or as much as 46%.
Based on the work of the most respondents were
students with a total of 34 people or 34%. The
highest income is the respondents with a income of
< 1 million and between Rp. 3000.000-Rp.
4.000.000 31 people or 31%.
4.4 Descriptive Testing Results
From the results of the descriptive test on the overall
snack variable obtained a score of 1729, if the
percentage into the ideal score then the percentage
gained 86.45%. It can be concluded that most of the
respondents stated that the snack in the category is
very good.
In the variable to buy a consumer overall the
statement gets a score of 1655, when it is centred
into the ideal score then it is derived percentage of
82.75%. It can be concluded that most of the
respondents stated that the interest in buying
consumers in good category.
4.5 Verificative Test Results
Based on the simple linear regression equation, the
effect of snack Menu on consumers interest can be
expressed in the simple regression equation formula
is as follows.
Y = a + bX
Y = 3,585 + 0, 711X
Consumer interest = 3,585 +0,711 snack Menu A
constant of 3.585; Meaning if the snack Menu (X)
value is 0, then the consumer interest (Y) value is
3.585. Variable regression coefficient Menu snack
(X) of 0.711; means that if the snack Menu has
increased by 1%, then the consumer interest (Y) will
have an increase of 0.711. Coefficient of positive
value means there is a positive relationship between
snack Menu and consumer buy interest, the more up
the snack Menu then the increase in consumer buy
Hypothesis testing is performed with partial T-
tests and simultaneous F tests. Based on T-test
results It is known that the T-test result results in a
calculated t value of 8,943 and a significance value
of 0.000. Table value = 1,984 Then it can be
concluded that Thitung 8,943 > This 1,984 then H0
rejected Ha acceptable. So it can be interpreted
partially that the menu snack positively affects the
interest of buying consumers of railway passengers.
Based on the test results F can be noted that the
Fcount obtained is 79.975. The value is the Fcount
value of the correlation between the snack and the
overall buying interest of the consumer with a
probability level of sig 0.000. Fcount > Ftabel value
of 79.975 > 3.94 then H0 rejected and Ha accepted,
meaning there is significant influence between snack
(X) on consumer interest (Y). So from this case it
Trial Offer Snack Menu of Consumer Buying Interest of Kereta Api Indonesia Passengers
can be concluded that the snack (X) jointly affects
the interest of consumer buy (Y) passenger trains.
4.6 Discussion
kecik is influenced positively and significantly by
the interest in buying consumers of train passengers
with a correlation of 0.670 which means belonging
to the strong category because it is at the range of
0.60-0,80. The simultaneous snack has significant
influence on consumer interest, this is evidenced by
the value of Fcount obtained 79.975 whereas the
value of Ftable 3.94 with a significant rate of 0.000
because of the significant rate is less than 0.05 with
the word Others can be said that the snack variable
has significant effect on the buying interest of
consumers. While the Rsquare value of 0.449
indicates that each dimension of snack (X)
contributed 44.9% to the consumer interest (Y)
variable of 55.1%, the rest is the influence of other
factors outside the snack variables.
Based on the results of studies that have been
conducted using a descriptive and verictively simple
regression on the snack on the buying interest of
consumers in a train passenger can be concluded that
the snacks are influential Positive and significant to
the consumer's buying interest, so it can be
concluded that a roti kecik snack will make a good
contribution to the buying interest of consumers.
Then the snack of roti kecik is a recommendation to
be sold by PT. Reska Multi Usaha.
Roti kecik snack can contribute to the education
of gastronomic tourism because information about
the history, raw materials, how to make tasting and
others are available in the package QR code so that
the train passengers in addition can feel or
Consuming Roti Kecik can also educate gastronomic
tourism about the roti kecik. So the train passengers
are aware of this traditional Solo snack.
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