Factors Associated with Diarrhea Events in Toddlers Aged 6-59
Months in Teluknaga Health Center in 2019
Wulan Suci Nadia and Devi Angeliana Kusumaningtiar
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Sciences, Universitas Esa Unggul, Indonesia
Keywords: Diarrhea, Education Capital, Knowledge Capital, Hand Washing Behavior, Asi Exclusive, Nutritional Status,
Abstract: Diarrhea was the incidence of bowel movements with a more liquid consistency than usual, with a frequency
of three times or more within a 24 hour period. In Puskesmas Teluknaga in getting cases of diarrhea in infants
in 2018 increased by 16.80% from 2017. While in the last month data of February 2019, cases of diarrhea in
infants were found as much as 54.93% of cases. This study aims to determine facto factors associated with
the occurrence of diarrhea 6-59 months in Puskesmas Teluknaga Year 2019. This type of research is
quantitative descriptive with cross-sectional approach. The population is mothers who have children in
Puskesmas Teluknaga. Samples were taken as many as 80 respondents using systematic random sampling
technique performed included analysis of univariate and bivariate analysis using the Chi-Square test. The
research results obtained factors associated with the incidence of diarrhea are maternal education (0,001),
Pengetahuan Capital (0,000) and Asi Exclusive (0,003).
Diarrheal disease is still one of the major causes of
morbidity and mortality. Almost all geographical
regions of the world and all age groups attacked
diarrhea, but a severe disease with high mortality
mainly found in infants and toddlers. Diarrhea was
the incidence of bowel movements with a more liquid
consistency than usual, with a frequency of three
times or more within a 24 hour period. Diarrhea is
environmentally based disease caused by infectious
microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, parasites,
protozoa, and is transmitted by the fecal-oral route.
Diarrhea may affect any age group both toddlers,
children and adults with various social groups (WHO,
According to the World Health Organization
(WHO) diarrhea is the leading cause of death and 5%
of morbidity worldwide, approximately 2.2 million
people worldwide die due to diarrhea, the largest
population occurs in infants, especially in developing
countries. In Southeast Asia mortality due to diarrhea
as much as 8.5% and Africa, diarrhea is responsible
7.7% of all deaths. Worldwide approximately 1.1
billion people lack access to clean water sources and
2.4 billion people lack basic sanitation. Nearly 1.7
billion cases of diarrhea occur in children with a
mortality rate of about 525,000 children under five
every year(WHO, 2017).
Diarrheal disease is still a public health problem
in developing countries such as Indonesia, because of
its morbidity and mortality are still high. Morbidity
survey conducted by the Sub-Directorate of Diarrhea,
the Ministry of Health from 2000 s / d in 2010, the
tendency incidence rises. In 2000 IR Diarrhea
301/1000 of the population, in 2003 rose to 374/1000
population, 2006 rose to 423/1000 population and the
population in 2010 to 411/1000. Extraordinary
Events (KLB) diarrhea is still often the case, the CFR
is still high. In 2017, outbreaks of diarrhea occurs 21
times throughout 12 provinces, 17 districts/cities.
Polewali Mandar, Pohuwato, Central Lampung and
Merauke each outbreak occurs 2 times. Number of
patients 1,725 people and 34 deaths (CFR
1.97%)(MoH RI, 2017).
According to the results in a group of diseases
Riskesda infectious diseases, diarrhea is the No. 1
cause of death in infants post-neonatal (31.4%) and
children under five (25.2%) whereas in all age groups
is the No. 4 cause of death (13.2% ) in 2007 and
according to the results of the study of health
problems in 2011 based on the life cycle of diarrheal
disease to the death of No. 2 in the postneonatal
infants (17.4%) and in children under five (13.3%).
Based Riskesdas in 2013, the incidence of diarrhea in
Nadia, W. and Kusumaningtiar, D.
Factors Associated with Diarrhea Events in Toddlers Aged 6-59 Months in Teluknaga Health Center in 2019.
DOI: 10.5220/0009825703970405
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health (ICOH 2019), pages 397-405
ISBN: 978-989-758-454-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
infants was 6.7%. The incidence of diarrhea in all age
groups is 3.5%, while the period prevalence of
diarrhea in all ages was 7.0%. From the results of data
collection through the recapitulation monthly reports
of diarrhea in the Tangerang region, indicating that
based on the results of activities Diarrhea Rapid
Survey conducted in 2015, ("Profiles District Health
Bureau," 2017)
According to research in 2017 Nurfita correlation
with the incidence of exclusive breastfeeding infant
diarrhea (Nurfita, 2017), According to research
Hartati & Nurazila. in 2018 there is a relationship
with the mother's knowledge of toddler diarrhea and
there is also a relationship with a parent education
diarrhea in infants (Hartati & Nurazila, 2018).
According to other studies also show that there is
a significant association between maternal behavior
with the incidence of diarrhea infants, toddlers will be
at risk by 5.44 times more likely to suffer from
diarrhea in mothers who behave badly compared to
mothers who behaved (Nuraeni, 2012), In addition,
other studies also indicate that there is a relationship
between nutritional status of children with diarrhea in
infants(Irawan, 2016).
Teluknaga Health Center is the first level health
center located at Jalan Kampung Melayu Raya No.32,
Kp. Malay East, Teluknaga, Tangerang. Diarrhea
tends to increase every year and includes 10 issues the
biggest disease in Puskesmas Teluknaga Tangerang
District, this disease affects all age groups, especially
toddlers. In 2016, cases of diarrhea toddlers are found
and dealt with by the health center Teluknaga as many
as 940 cases of an increase in 2017 in 1319 cases and
re-increased by 2018 ie 1852 cases or 16.80% and the
last month's data of February 2019 which contained
162 visits toddler ("Profiles Health Center
Teluknaga," 2017).
This research uses a quantitative approach with a
view to getting the picture by studying the correlation
or relationship between independent variables and the
dependent variable. This study uses a cross-sectional
design for this study data collection is done at the
same time. The research was conducted in February
until August 2019.
The sample in this study are mothers who have
children (systematic random sampling). The number
of samples in this study was as many as 80 samples.
The results of this study were analyzed using the Chi-
Square test.
3.1 Univariate Analysis
Table 1: Distribution Diarrhea, Education Capital,
Knowledge Capital, Hand Washing Behavior, exclusive
breastfeeding, nutrition status in Puskesmas Teluknaga
type Analysis
Number (n) Percentage
80 100%
53 66.3%
not Diarrhea
27 33.8%
2 Mother
80 100%
51 63,7%
29 36.3%
3 knowledge
80 100%
37 46.3%
43 53.8%
Hand Washing
80 100%
Not good
27 33.8%
53 66.3%
80 100%
28 35.0%
Not exclusive
52 65.0%
6 Nutritional
80 100%
18 22.5%
62 75.5%
3.1.1 Distribution Overview Diarrhea
Toddler in Puskesmas Teluknaga 2019
From the table above it can be seen that out of 80
respondents toddler hit by diarrhea with the highest
proportion in the amount of 53 infants (66.3%), while
the rest are not of diarrhea that 27 infants (33.8%).
3.1.2 Overview Distribution of Capital
Education in PHC Teluknaga 2019
From the table above it can be seen that out of 80
respondents, the level of education of respondents in
Puskesmas Teluknaga with the highest proportion of
respondents with lower education were 51 people
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
(63.7%) while the remaining 29 had higher education
3.1.3 Overview Distribution of Knowledge
Capital in Puskesmas Teluknaga 2019
From the above table can be seen that the highest
proportion of respondents ie 80 respondents good
knowledge totaling 43 people (53.8%). whereas the
lack of knowledge many as 37 people (46.3%)
3.1.4 Distribution Overview Hand Washing
Behavior in Puskesmas Teluknaga 2019
From the table above it can be seen that out of 80
respondents are the highest proportion of respondents
with good behavior as many as 53 people (66.3%).
While the rest are not good behavior as much as 27
people (33.8%).
3.1.5 Exclusive Breastfeeding Picture
Toddler in Puskesmas Teluknaga 2019
From the table above it can be seen that the highest
proportion of 80 respondents that are not exclusive
breastfeeding at 52 infants (65.0%), while the
remaining 28 infants (35.0%) of exclusive
3.1.6 Distribution Picture Toddler
Nutritional Status in Puskesmas
Teluknaga 2019
From the table above it can be seen that from a total
of 80 respondents, the highest proportion who had a
normal nutritional status that is equal to 62 infants
(75.5%) while the rest is not normal that 18 infants
3.2 Bivariate Analysis
Table 2 Relationship Education Capital, Knowledge
Capital, Hand Washing Behavior, exclusive
breastfeeding, nutrition status with Genesis Ages 6-
59 Months Toddler Diarrhea in Puskesmas Teluknaga
Table 2: Bivariate Analysis.
No. Variables Category
P-Valu e PR (95% CI)Yes, Diarrhea Not Diarrheaa
1 Mother education
N % N % N %
Low (No school,
elementary, junior)
41 80.4 10 19.6 51 100
High (School, D3, PT) 12 41.4 17 58.6 29 100
2 Knowledge Capital
Lack of knowledge 36 97.3 1 2.7 37 100
Good knowledge 17 39.5 26 60.5 43 100
Hand Washing
Behavior Not Good 19 70.4 8 29.6 27 100
Good behavior 34 64.2 19 35.8 53 100
Not exclusive
41 78.8 11 21.2 52 100
12 42.9 16 57.1 28 100
5 Nutritional status
Abnormal 12 66.7 6 33.3 18 100
Normal 41 66.1 21 33.9 62 100
Factors Associated with Diarrhea Events in Toddlers Aged 6-59 Months in Teluknaga Health Center in 2019
3.2.1 Mother's Relationship with Genesis
Education Age 6-59 Months Toddler
Diarrhea in Puskesmas Teluknaga
According to table 2 it can be seen that the highest
proportion of respondents with lower education is 41
(80.4%). While higher education is 12 people
(41.4%). Based on the test results with chi-square
statistic is 0.001 or (p<0.05), then Ho is rejected and
Ha accepted which means that there is a correlation
between the incidence of diarrhea with a toddler in
Puskesmas Teluknaga Year 2019. Prevalence or PR
value obtained by 1,943.
3.2.2 Analysis of Knowledge Capital
Relationship with Genesis Diarrhea in
Toddlers 6-59 Months in Pusksmas
Teluknaga 2019
According to the table 2 it can be seen that the highest
proportion of respondents who possess less knowledge
that 36 (97.3%), while children who had diarrhea with
good knowledge of respondents ie 17 (39.5%). Based
on the test results statistically with chi-square test was
obtained, namely 0,000 or (p <0.05), then Ho is
rejected and Ha accepted which means there is a
relationship between the Knowledge Capital with
diarrhea toddler in Puskesmas Teluknaga Year 2019.
Prevalence or PR value obtained by the 2,461.
3.2.3 Analysis of Behavior Relationships
Handwashing with the Incidence of
Diarrhea in Toddlers 6-59 Months in
Pusksmas Teluknaga 2019
According to table 2 can be in the know that the
highest proportion found in respondents who have
good behavior to 34 people (64.2%). While toddlers
with diarrhea with bad behavior respondents ie 19
(70.4%). Based on the test results statistically with
chi-square test or obtained by 0.759 (p> 0.05) Ha Ho
accepted and rejected, which means there is no
relationship between the behavior of washing hands
with toddler diarrhea in health centers Prevalence
Teluknaga year or PR, 2019. Values obtained namely
3.2.4 Analysis of Exclusive Breastfeeding
Relationship with Genesis Toddler
Diarrhea in Toddlers Ages 6-59
Months in Pusksmas Teluknaga 2019
According to the table 2 can be in the know that the
highest proportion found in infants who are not
breastfed Exclusive ie 41 (78.8%), while children
under five with diarrhea that exclusive breastfeeding
is 12 people (42.9%). Based on the test results
statistically with chi square test was obtained, namely
0,003 or (p<0.05), then Ho is rejected and Ha
accepted which means there is a relationship between
exclusive breastfeeding with infant diarrhea in health
centers Prevalence Teluknaga year or PR, 2019.
Values obtained by 1.840.
3.2.5 Relationship Analysis Nutritional
Status Toddlers with Diarrhea in
Toddlers Genesis 6-59 Months in
Pusksmas Teluknaga 2019
According to table 2 can be in the know proportion is
highest in infants who have normal nutritional status
is 41 (66.1%). While toddlers with diarrhea and
nutritional status are not normal that 12 (66.7%).
Based on the test results statistically with chi-square
test was obtained, namely 1,000 or (p> 0.05) Ha Ho
accepted and rejected, which means there is no
relationship between the nutritional status of children
under five with diarrhea in health centers Prevalence
Teluknaga year or PR, 2019. Values obtained by the
4.1 Univariate Analysis
4.1.1 Overview Distribution of Capital
Education in PHC Teluknaga 2019
The study is based on 80 respondents in Puskesmas
Teluknaga, in getting the highest proportion of
respondents with lower education were 51 people
(63.7%). The results are consistent with research
conducted byHartati et al. (2018) The get that the
highest proportion with low education are 64 (59.8%)
and is supported by Siauta (2015) that the highest
proportion of low education was 54 (52.2%).
According to Sander (2005) It is a basic
educational need, education can be obtained from
formal education (elementary education, middle
education and higher education) and informal
education (courses, training and education and
training). Qualification holds an important role in
public health. Based on interviews conducted with
respondents the cause of the low education
respondents in Puskesmas Teluknaga namely because
of the cost of Education high is not supported by an
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
adequate income and cause the respondent did not
continue their education to a higher level and prefer
straight married and working, the respondents take
the view on education
4.1.2 Overview Distribution of Knowledge
Capital in Puskesmas Teluknaga 2019
Based on a study of 80 respondents in Puskesmas
Teluknaga, respondents showed the highest
frequency distribution of the knowledge of good as
many as 43 people (53.8%). This is in line with
research Amin, R (2012) of the 171 respondents
whose knowledge is good, as many as 84 infants
(49.12%) and is supported by research Khikmah
(2012) most respondents good knowledge many as 53
people (53%). Lack of knowledge or understanding
of diarrhea and handling become one of the factors
increasing the incidence of diarrhea in children under
five. Knowledge about the prevention of diarrhea is
important because it helps spread the first treatment
in a child with diarrhea (Notoatmodjo, 2007).
Based on interviews with some respondents either
the cause of the knowledge possessed by the
respondents, some respondents admitted to frequently
get information or explanation of diarrhea from direct
health officer at the time of treatment to the clinic.
4.1.3 Distribution Overview Hand Washing
Behavior in Puskesmas Teluknaga
Based on a study of 80 respondents in Puskesmas
Teluknaga show that the highest proportion of
respondents in the can by good conduct as many as
53 (66.3%). This study is in line with research
conducted by Nuraeni (2012)that the majority
responded have handwashing with both categories are
a number of 42 (82.3%) and is supported by Hartati
et al. (2018) that the respondents have handwashing
with good category as many as 43 people (43.3%).
According to the MOH (2007), Conduct hand
washing is a behavior that is very important in the
spread of diarrheal diseases, because the hand is a
medium that was instrumental in the spread of disease
through the fecal-oral route. Not washing hands
before eating or before feeding the food in children,
after a bowel movement, and do not wash your hands
before preparing food or prepare milk for the child,
this can increase the risk of diarrheal disease.
The frequency of handwashing respondents in
Puskesmas Teluknaga have demonstrated good
behavior for interviews, several respondents, they
claimed to have information from health workers
directly. Health care workers often claim to do
counseling to patients at the health center about
handwashing with soap (CPTS) and the benefits to
the practice of direct measures of washing hands
4.1.4 Asi Picture Exclusive Distribution in
Puskesmas Teluknaga 2019
Based on the results of study of 80 respondents in
Teluknaga health centers showed that the highest
proportion in the can by a toddler who does not Asi
Exclusive as many as 52 infants (65.0%), in line with
a study done by Maretha et al. (2016)which is the
highest proportion of children who are not acquired
by Exclusive Asi (70.5%) and is supported by
research Amin, R (2012) that the highest proportion
of respondents who did not give breast milk to their
babies as much (70.0%).
Breast milk is the best food for the baby, because
of the components of nutrients available in the form
of an ideal and balanced to digest and absorb
optimally by baby’s digestion tool alone is enough to
keep growth up to 6-month old baby. The existence
of protective factors and nutrients in breast milk
corresponding guarantee good nutritional status of
infants and child morbidity and mortality decreased.
Several epidemiological studies state that
breastfeeding protects infants and children from
infectious diseases, such as diarrhea, otitis media, and
acute respiratory infections bottom. Kekebelan
substance found in breast milk among others would
protect babies from diarrhea (MoH RI, 2014).
Based on the interview a few respondents causes
toddlers exclusive breastfeeding because breast milk
incurred mother very little and often do not meet the
needs of toddlers, some respondents also claimed that
the mother does not give milk to their babies because
of sore nipples and do not know how to breastfeed
right so that the milk does not come out, exclusive
breastfeeding toddlers who are not usually given
supplementary formula instead.
4.1.5 Distribution Overview Nutritional
Status in Puskesmas Teluknaga 2019
Based on the results of a study of 80 respondents,
shows that the highest proportion of children under
five good nutritional status, 60 infants (75.0%). This
is in line with research conducted by Nuraeni (2012)
that good nutrition toddlers as many as 91 infants
(91.0%) and is supported by dance (2012) research
that almost half of respondents (56.5%) have good
nutrition. According to the Ministry of Health (2011),
The toddler years are a decisive period of growth to
be fully human in the future comes growth and
Factors Associated with Diarrhea Events in Toddlers Aged 6-59 Months in Teluknaga Health Center in 2019
development would be good if the toddler has the
status of good health, a healthy environment and
family/caregiver well in his upbringing. Weighing
long illness and death risk of diarrhea will be
increased in children who are malnourished,
especially malnutrition.
Based on interviews with respondents most
toddlers in foster care by the mother so that the needs
and eating toddler adequate and based on observation
programs of nutrition that has been running in
Pusekesmas Teluknaga been running well one of
them is program nutrition counseling is done once a
month on a regular basis by health workers from
health centers,
4.2 Analysis Bivariate
4.2.1 Analysis of Capital Education
Relations with Genesis Diarrhea
Toddler Age 6-59 Months in
Puskesmas Teluknaga 2019
Based on analysis of the relationship between the
education of mothers with infant diarrhea, it can be
seen that the proportion of respondents with lower
education, a toddler with diarrhea as many as 41
people (80.4%) and respondents with higher
education under five with diarrhea as many as 12
people (41.4 %).
This is in line with research conducted by
Rohmah Z (2014) showed an association between
maternal education level with the incidence of infant
diarrhea. It is also supported by Siauta (2015) that one
of the factors that influence the incidence of diarrhea
in infants is the rank of parental education. Parents or
less educated mothers tend to have less knowledge
about how to prevent diarrhea. theoretical Sander
(2005) too low public education makes them difficult
to tell about the importance of individual hygiene and
environmental sanitation to prevent the spread of
infectious diseases, including diarrhea. And the
difficulty they received counseling, cause they do not
care about the prevention of infectious diseases.
Therefore should Puskesmas Teluknaga cooperat-
ion with intense Education to conduct socialization to
the public about the importance of education for the
community in order to broaden the public early on, in
addition to conveying information or a message of
health messages goal of socialization is to pay
attention and encourage people to school without
thinking about the cost because the government
already has a 12-year compulsory education starting
from elementary school (SD) to High school (SMA)
free without charging school fees.
4.2.2 Analysis of Knowledge Capital
Relationship with Genesis Diarrhea
Toddler 6-59 Months in Puskesmas
Teluknaga 2019
Based on analysis of the relationship between
knowledge of mothers with toddlers diarrhea can be
seen that the proportion of respondents with less
knowledge, infants with diarrhea as many as 36
people (97.3%) and respondents with good
knowledge, infants with diarrhea as many as 17
people (39.5 %). The results are consistent with
research conducted by Amin (2012) that there was a
significant relationship with the mother's knowledge
of toddler diarrhea. It is also supported by research
conducted byFitriyanih (2005) that there is a
significant relationship between knowledge mother
with toddler diarrhea.
The results also supported by the Notoatmodjo
theory (2007), Knowledge is the result out and this
happened after sensing to a particular object. Sensing
occurs through the five senses, the vast majority of
human knowledge is obtained through the eyes
(vision) and the ear (hearing). Knowledge is
something that is known to anyone with any roads and
something new from the experience gained.
By Therefore should PHC Teluknaga provide
counseling in the form of knowledge regularly 1
month and uneven in some posyandu not only during
the treatment course, the problems related to diarrhea
by providing material about the factors that cause
diarrhea, prevention of diarrhea and infections of
diarrhea and is expected to puskesmas at the time of
counseling material added with posters, pamphlets
and interesting images of the diarrhea to be more
easily understood by the public.
4.2.3 Analysis of Behavior Relationships
Handwashing with Genesis Diarrhea
Toddler in Puskesmas Teluknaga
Based on analysis of the relationship between
handwashing with toddler diarrhea can be seen that
the proportion of respondents with good behavior,
children who have diarrhea as many as 19 people
(70.4%) and respondents with good behavior under
five with diarrhea as many as 34 people (64, 2%).
This is in line with research conducted by Majid
(2006), That the study does not prove a link between
handwashing with the incidence of diarrhea in
infants, as well as research Fitriyanih (2005), stating
that there is no significant relationship between
handwashing with toddler diarrhea.
ICOH 2019 - 1st International Conference on Health
According to the theory of MOH (2007),
handwashing behavior is a behavior that is very
important in the spread of diarrheal diseases, because
the hand is a medium that was instrumental in the
spread of disease through the fecal-oral route. Not
washing hands before eating or before feeding the
food in children, after a bowel movement, and do not
wash your hands before preparing food or prepare
milk for the child, this can increase the risk of
diarrheal disease.
Based on the results of the questionnaire, the
respondents have shown good behavior regarding
handwashing. But although there is no significant
relationship between handwashing with toddler
diarrhea in Puskesmas Teluknaga mother's behavior
in washing hands with soap should still get the
attention of health officials
4.2.4 Analysis of the Relationship between
Exclusive Breastfeeding with Genesis
Diarrhea Toddler Age 6-59 Months in
Puskesmas Teluknaga
Based on an analysis of the relationship between
exclusive breastfeeding with infant diarrhea can be
seen that the proportion of infants who are not
breastfed Exclusive diarrheal many as 41 people
(78.8%) and exclusive breastfeeding toddlers with
diarrhea as many as 12 people (42.9%).
Research at PHC Teluknaga line with research
conducted by Nurfita (2017) that there is a relationship
between exclusive breastfeeding with the incidence of
diarrhea in infants. This is also supported by Winda
(2010) that toddlers who are not breastfed are at risk of
diarrhea is greater than the infants who are breastfed.
It is also in accordance with the Ministry of
Health of Indonesia (2014) which says that
breastfeeding is the best food for the baby, because of
the components of nutrients available in the form of
an ideal and balanced to digest and absorb optimally
by means of baby’s digestion. ASI exclusive alone
enough to keep growth up to 6-month old baby.
Based on observations conducted health centers
lack of education in providing information about the
importance of exclusive breastfeeding. Therefore, to
increase the exclusive breastfeeding in infants should
health centers to educate early to pregnant women at
the time pregnant mothers check its contents to the
clinic on how to treat breast and breastfeeding true
that exclusive breastfeeding out and the nipple is not
sore and explain the exposure of information about
the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding and the
differences in breast milk with formula in order not
switch to formula.
4.2.5 Relationship Analysis of Nutritional
Status with Genesis Diarrhea Toddler
Toddler Age 6-59 Months in
Puskesmas Teluknaga 2019
Based on analysis of the relationship between the
nutritional status of children under five with diarrhea
can be seen that the proportion of infants whose
nutritional status is not normal with diarrhea as many
as 12 people (66.7%) and normal nutritional status of
children under five with diarrhea as many as 41
people (66.1% ).
Research at PHC Teluknaga is according to
research conducted by Nuraeni (2012), there is no
relationship between nutritional status and the
incidence of diarrhea toddler and the research was
also supported by Majid (2006), that there is no
significant relationship between nutritional status and
the incidence of diarrhea toddler.
According to the theory of the Indonesian
Ministry of Health (2011), Toddlers are children
under five years of age, at this time there are growth
and development is very rapid. The toddler years are
a decisive period of growth to be fully human in the
future datang.pertumbuhan and development would
be good if the toddler has the status of good health, a
healthy environment and family/caregiver well in his
Based on the results of questionnaires and
calculations in nutritional status using the W/
nutritional status of children in the health center
Teluknaga quite normal, because most toddlers in
foster care by the parents so that the food and the
needs of toddlers adequate, although not shown a
meaningful relationship, but in principle, the
extension officers must still be done to reduce or
prevent the incidence of diarrhea through nutrition
education in the community, especially the mothers.
1. Picture of the distribution of the incidence of
diarrhea infants with the highest proportion of as
many as 53 people (66.3%) and diarrhea were
not as many as 27 people (33.8%).
2. Picture distribution maternal education higher
education as many as 29 people (36.3%) and low
were 51 people (63.7%).
3. Overview of the distribution of knowledge
mothers lack knowledge of 37 people (46.3%)
and good knowledge of 43 people (53.8%)
4. Overview of the distribution of handwashing
Factors Associated with Diarrhea Events in Toddlers Aged 6-59 Months in Teluknaga Health Center in 2019
behavior is not good behavior as much as 27
people (33.8%) and the good behavior as much
5. The exclusive distribution picture asi asi
exclusive as many as 28 people (35.0%) and that
no exclusive breastfeeding as many as 52 people
6. Picture of the distribution of nutritional status
has the poor nutritional status of as many as five
people (6.3%), malnutrition 14 persons (17.5%),
good nutrition 60 (75.0%) and nutrition 1 (1.3%).
7. There is a relationship between maternal
education with diarrhea incidence of 6-59
months in Puskesmas Teluknaga
8. There is a relationship between knowledge of
mothers with diarrhea keKadian 6-59 months in
Puskesmas Teluknaga
9. There is no relationship between handwashing
with diarrhea incidence of 6-59 months in
Puskesmas Teluknaga
10. There is a relationship between the incidence
of diarrhea exclusive breastfeeding of 6-59
months in Puskesmas Teluknaga
11. There was no association between nutritional
status and the incidence of diarrhea 6-59
months in Puskesmas Teluknaga
1. Teluknaga PHC is expected to make the control
of diarrhea by making governance diarrhea
patients, one of them with a five-step process
tuntangkan diarrhea (diarrhea CROSS). namely
1) Give ORS, 2) Give the medications Zinc, 3)
Breastfeeding/food, 4) Antibiotics are an only
indication, 5) Provision of advice to the mother
or caregiver.
2. Preferably PHC Teluknaga cooperation with
intansi Education to conduct socialization to the
public about the importance of education for the
community in order to broaden the public early
on, in addition to conveying information or a
message of health messages goal of
socialization is to pay attention and encourage
people to school without thinking about the cost
because of government's own 12-year
compulsory education starting from elementary
school (SD) to High school (SMA) free without
charging school fees.
3. should Puskesmas Teluknaga provide
counseling in the form of knowledge regularly
1 month and uneven in some posyandu not
only during the treatment course, the problems
related to diarrhea by providing material about
the factors that cause diarrhea, prevention of
diarrhea and infections of diarrhea and is
expected to puskesmas at the time extension of
material added with posters, pamphlets and
interesting images of the diarrhea to be more
easily understood by the public.
4. Therefore, to increase the exclusive
breastfeeding in infants should health centers
to educate early to pregnant women at the time
pregnant mothers check its contents to the
clinic on how to treat breast and breastfeeding
true that exclusive breastfeeding out and the
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