adequate income and cause the respondent did not
continue their education to a higher level and prefer
straight married and working, the respondents take
the view on education
4.1.2 Overview Distribution of Knowledge
Capital in Puskesmas Teluknaga 2019
Based on a study of 80 respondents in Puskesmas
Teluknaga, respondents showed the highest
frequency distribution of the knowledge of good as
many as 43 people (53.8%). This is in line with
research Amin, R (2012) of the 171 respondents
whose knowledge is good, as many as 84 infants
(49.12%) and is supported by research Khikmah
(2012) most respondents good knowledge many as 53
people (53%). Lack of knowledge or understanding
of diarrhea and handling become one of the factors
increasing the incidence of diarrhea in children under
five. Knowledge about the prevention of diarrhea is
important because it helps spread the first treatment
in a child with diarrhea (Notoatmodjo, 2007).
Based on interviews with some respondents either
the cause of the knowledge possessed by the
respondents, some respondents admitted to frequently
get information or explanation of diarrhea from direct
health officer at the time of treatment to the clinic.
4.1.3 Distribution Overview Hand Washing
Behavior in Puskesmas Teluknaga
Based on a study of 80 respondents in Puskesmas
Teluknaga show that the highest proportion of
respondents in the can by good conduct as many as
53 (66.3%). This study is in line with research
conducted by Nuraeni (2012)that the majority
responded have handwashing with both categories are
a number of 42 (82.3%) and is supported by Hartati
et al. (2018) that the respondents have handwashing
with good category as many as 43 people (43.3%).
According to the MOH (2007), Conduct hand
washing is a behavior that is very important in the
spread of diarrheal diseases, because the hand is a
medium that was instrumental in the spread of disease
through the fecal-oral route. Not washing hands
before eating or before feeding the food in children,
after a bowel movement, and do not wash your hands
before preparing food or prepare milk for the child,
this can increase the risk of diarrheal disease.
The frequency of handwashing respondents in
Puskesmas Teluknaga have demonstrated good
behavior for interviews, several respondents, they
claimed to have information from health workers
directly. Health care workers often claim to do
counseling to patients at the health center about
handwashing with soap (CPTS) and the benefits to
the practice of direct measures of washing hands
4.1.4 Asi Picture Exclusive Distribution in
Puskesmas Teluknaga 2019
Based on the results of study of 80 respondents in
Teluknaga health centers showed that the highest
proportion in the can by a toddler who does not Asi
Exclusive as many as 52 infants (65.0%), in line with
a study done by Maretha et al. (2016)which is the
highest proportion of children who are not acquired
by Exclusive Asi (70.5%) and is supported by
research Amin, R (2012) that the highest proportion
of respondents who did not give breast milk to their
babies as much (70.0%).
Breast milk is the best food for the baby, because
of the components of nutrients available in the form
of an ideal and balanced to digest and absorb
optimally by baby’s digestion tool alone is enough to
keep growth up to 6-month old baby. The existence
of protective factors and nutrients in breast milk
corresponding guarantee good nutritional status of
infants and child morbidity and mortality decreased.
Several epidemiological studies state that
breastfeeding protects infants and children from
infectious diseases, such as diarrhea, otitis media, and
acute respiratory infections bottom. Kekebelan
substance found in breast milk among others would
protect babies from diarrhea (MoH RI, 2014).
Based on the interview a few respondents causes
toddlers exclusive breastfeeding because breast milk
incurred mother very little and often do not meet the
needs of toddlers, some respondents also claimed that
the mother does not give milk to their babies because
of sore nipples and do not know how to breastfeed
right so that the milk does not come out, exclusive
breastfeeding toddlers who are not usually given
supplementary formula instead.
4.1.5 Distribution Overview Nutritional
Status in Puskesmas Teluknaga 2019
Based on the results of a study of 80 respondents,
shows that the highest proportion of children under
five good nutritional status, 60 infants (75.0%). This
is in line with research conducted by Nuraeni (2012)
that good nutrition toddlers as many as 91 infants
(91.0%) and is supported by dance (2012) research
that almost half of respondents (56.5%) have good
nutrition. According to the Ministry of Health (2011),
The toddler years are a decisive period of growth to
be fully human in the future comes growth and