that they are hypertensive so they do not get
Hypertension can be overcome with
pharmacological treatment and non-pharmacological
treatment. Pharmacological treatment is by taking
antihypertensive drugs. Pharmacological treatment is
by taking antihypertensive drugs and non-
pharmacological treatment by implementing a
healthy lifestyle in the form of weight loss, exercise,
smoking cessation, diet modification such as
consuming fruits and vegetables, reducing salt intake,
and reducing alcohol consumption (PERKI, 2016).
One way to make lifestyle modifications in people
with hypertension is by eating settings. The DASH
(Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet is a
lifelong approach to healthy eating that is designed to
help treat or prevent high blood pressure. The DASH
diet encourages reducing sodium in the diet and
eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods that help lower
blood pressure, such as potassium, calcium and
magnesium. The DASH diet is also in line with
dietary recommendations to prevent osteoporosis,
cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
According to Mama Lubna (2016), one of the
carrots that is good for reducing or controlling blood
pressure is potassium. Potassium is a strong diuretic
that helps maintain blood pressure balance. Potassium
also has a function as a vasodilation in blood vessels.
Vasodilation in blood vessels can reduce peripheral
pressure and increase cardiac output so that blood
pressure can be normal. Research conducted by Nurul
Fitriani Haris (2012), shows that carrot juice has an
effect on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive
patients and research conducted by Fitri Parwanti
(2010) also shows that administration of carrot juice
is effective in reducing systolic blood pressure and
diastolic pressure in hypertensive patients. Based on
Zul Fikar Ahmad (2017), lowering blood pressure can
be done by drinking cucumber juice. Cucumber is a
fruit that is found in many communities and has been
widely consumed as a complement to dishes. Based
on the report of the United State Department of
Agriculture (USDA) every 100 grams of cucumber
contains 147 mg of potassium and does not contain
sodium, and many other nutritional content. The high
potassium content, making cucumbers as one of the
choices in efforts to treat nonpharmacological
hypertension. Based on research conducted by
Kusumastuty, et al (2016) about potassium intake on
blood pressure, found that potassium intake is
associated with systolic blood pressure and diastolic
blood pressure with a negative correlation direction,
it shows that the higher the consumption of
potassium, it can reduce blood pressure in patients
hypertension. The absence of sodium content also
makes clear the benefits of cucumbers. Based on
research conducted Riyadi, et al (2016), that
excessive sodium consumption is four times the risk
of suffering from essential hypertension when
compared with those who consume less sodium.
Sweet star fruit can also be sweet star fruit has a
diuretic effect that can facilitate urine so that it can
reduce the workload of the heart. A food is said to be
healthy food for the heart and blood vessels, if it
contains a ratio of potassium to sodium of at least 5:
1. Star fruit contains potassium and sodium with a
ratio of 66: 1, so it is very good for people with
hypertension (Astawan, 2016). Based on the
explanation above, the researchers aimed to
comparison the effectiveness of sweet star fruit juice,
carrot juice, cucumber juice in patients with
The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare two
free samples from two different populations. The
Kruskal-Wallis test was chosen if the data were not
normally distributed and the data variance was
different. The Kruskal-Wallis test, also called the H
test, is an alternative procedure to one-way ANOVA.
The Kruskal-Wallis test also assumes that the
variance between the population k (treatment) is the
same, but the population k has a continuous
distribution and has the same shape (while the shape
can be skewed, bimodal, or whatever). And unlike the
ANOVA test, Kruskal-Wallis, which is an alternative
nonparametric method, can be used for ordinal or
ranked data response. The p-value is less than the
critical limit of alpha, generally 0.05, which means
rejecting Ho or accepting H1, meaning that the
treatment has a significant effect. Kruskall Wallis is
an omnibus test that is a test that can only find out if
there are statistically significant differences without
being able to know which treatments differ, so a Post
Hoc test or a further test is needed. As in the previous
discussion that the Post Hoc test after Kruskall Wallis
can use the Mann Whitney U Test, which is to test the
difference in mean between one group or treatment
with other treatments.
This research was conducted at the Namorambe
Health Center, Namorambe District, Deli Serdang
Regency. From Table 1 it can be seen that this study
used a sample of 54 adults with a non-probability
sampling technique that is purposive sampling. This
study used 3 groups of juice therapy samples: the first
group 18 samples using star fruit juice, the second