The Effect of Methods 5 S: Swaddling, Side/Stomach Position,
Sushing, Swingging, Sucking with Pain Responce on Baby after HB-0
Syatriawati*, Juni Mariati Simarmata, Anita Purba, Abdi Lestari Sitepu, Samuel Ginting, Arfah May
*Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy, Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam, Indonesia
Keywords: Baby, 5’S Method, Pain.
Abstract: Immunization is a source of acute pain in infants that can cause trauma, non-pharmacological techniques that
can be done is by giving of 5'S method (swaddling, side/stomach position, sushing, swinging, and sucking)
which are effective and easy to do and the purpose of this study was to find out whether there is an effect of
5'S method (swaddling, side /stomach position, sushing, swinging and sucking) on pain response in infants
after Hb-0 immunization at Grandmed Hospital Lubuk Pakam 2019, the method and design of this study was
Quasy Experiment with one group pretest and posttest design. the population in this study were infants aged
0-7 days who received Hb-0 immunization, amounting to 40 people with purposive sampling technique
according to inclusion criteria and pain measurement uses the NIPS (Neonatal Infant Pain Scale) pain scale
the data analysis was performed by Paired Sample t-test with a confidence level of 0.05%, the results of the
study were lower pain in the treatment group with p = 0.0000 <0.05 (<ɑ), the conclusion of this study is that
there was an effect of the 5'S method (swaddling, side / stomach position, sushing, swinging, and sucking) on
pain response in infants after Hb-0 immunization.
Degenerative phase for growth and development and
is very susceptible to contracting infections during
infection because the baby's immune system has not
been formed and functions optimally (Trimawati,
2016). Efforts that can be made to prevent this are by
immunization. Immunization is an attempt to provide
immunity to infants and children by introducing
vaccines into the body to prevent certain diseases.
Howeverin carrying out immunization
procedures often cause pain in infants, especially
when doing injection procedures during
immunization, so immunization is often referred to as
one source of acute pain in infants. Pain experienced
by infants during immunization is caused by low
levels of endorphine in infants which causes the
infant's defense mechanism to pain is very
limited.Therefore, nurses need to consider how to
minimize the discomfort and painfelt by the baby
because improper handling will have an impact that
is not good for the baby, both in the short term and
the impact in the long term.
Treatment that can be taken to manage pain non-
pharmacologically to reduce pain during
immunization are using the intervention method 5'S.
5'S action is one of the efforts that can be done to
provide comfort to the baby the new findings state
that newborns up to 3 months of age are not fully
ready in the world, so babies who cry can be
conditioned as in the mother's womb. Dr.Karp
teaches techniques to "re-condition as in the womb"
so that the baby is calm and comfortable, with the 5's
method which includes swaddling, side/stomach
position (left tilted position/stomach), shushing sound
(giving sshhhh sound), swinging (swinging
movements), sucking (sucking / giving ASI). The
technique is done because in the first 3 months after
birth, babies miss the comfortable sensations they
experience while in the mother's womb.The table
below shows high interest of mothers immunizing
Hepatitis HB O against their infants teaching
techniques to "re-condition as in the womb" so that
the baby is calm and comfortable, with method 5's
which includes swaddling, side / stomach position
Syatriawati, ., Simarmata, J., Purba, A., Sitepu, A., Ginting, S. and Sarah, A.
The Effect of Methods 5 S: Swaddling, Side/Stomach Position, Sushing, Swingging, Sucking with Pain Responce on Baby after HB-0 Immunization.
DOI: 10.5220/0009837804440451
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 444-451
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
stomach), shushing sound (giving sound), swinging
(moveswinging), sucking (suck/given ASI), as soon
as the vaccine is given, the baby is wrapped snuggly
in a blanket, then placed on her side or stomach and
gently “shushed” and rocked a bit. If that doesn’t do
the trick, she’s given a pacifier.
Figure 1: Immunization on Baby
Technique is done because the first 3 months after
birth, babies miss the comfortable sensations they
experience while in the mother's womb. Based on the
results of research conducted by Dr. Harrington in
Norfolk, Virginia, United States (2012) Stated that
most infants who get the intervention of the 5's
method stop crying with 45 seconds, while those who
receive a sugar solution still cry within 2 minutes after
invasive vaccination. This is cause babies need
comfort. Based on research conducted by Shu, Lee, et
al in China (2014) Stated that babies who get medical
treatment will cry because they have not been able to
control pain. However, when applying the 5'S
method, Lee found it surprising because the baby who
initially cried quietly quietly and the oxygen
saturation which initially decreased returned to
normal and the baby's Heart Rate which initially
increased slowly returned to normal.
Table 1: HB Vaccine coverage
Based on the results of a survey conducted by the
Ministry of Health (2018) it was found that there was
still a high incidence of hepatitis sufferers. In 2013
the largest region affected by hepatitis was North
Sulawesi province, but in 2018 the biggest area
affected by hepatitis was Papua Province, but both
regions were still in the same percentage at 0.7%.
This research was carried out based on the number of
provinces in Indonesia. due to the high incidence of
hepatitis, the government is calling for this problem
to be taken seriously, and it is hoped that this problem
can be overcome by administering immunizations
that begin at birth in the world. It’s no secret that
vaccine jabs create distress, for infants and parents
alike. The usual routine in pediatricians’ offices is to
get the shots done quickly and then pass the baby into
mom’s arms for some comfort. Some physical
comfort and a soothing voice may make routine
vaccinations a little easier on babies without resorting
to painkillers like acetaminophen, a new study
suggests. Overall, the researchers found, the 5-S
groups showed fewer signs of pain — less grimacing
and frowning. And their crying faded sooner.
Provision of the 5's method of intervention is
effective in reducing the pain response in infants
when taking blood.
Based on the new study, the result is less pain and
a lot less crying, said Dr. John W. Harrington, of
Eastern Virginia Medical School and Children’s
Hospital of the King’s Daughters in Norfolk, who led
the study.Crying is part of normal infant behavior
and plays an important role in the mutual regulation
between infant and parent. However, up to 20% of
infants cry excessively. Wessel’s definition of infant
excessive crying is often used: crying for at least
three hours per day for at least three days per week,
and at least for three weeks in a row. In clinical
practice, this definition is not very useful as parents
may also perceive less frequent crying as a problem.
Crying is therefore considered excessive when
parents experience it as such.
Crying problems are burdening to infants and
parents and are associated among others with
impaired infant sleep, parental exhaustion and
depression, and shaken baby syndrome. For some
families, the excessive crying is so unbearable that
infants are hospitalized to alleviate parental stress and
family disturbance. Only in 5% of excessively crying
infants, however, a medical cause for the crying can
be found. Effects of behavioral methods to reduce
infant cry and fuss problems in infants younger than
six months have rarely been reported and do not take
into account the immaturity of newborn babies. New
solutions that reduce infant crying are therefore
The Effect of Methods 5 S: Swaddling, Side/Stomach Position, Sushing, Swingging, Sucking with Pain Responce on Baby after HB-0
Type of research was quantitative research. This
study used a Quasy Experiment research design with
a one group pretestpost test design, because this study
is directed to find out how the 5'S method
(Swaddling, Side / Stomach Position, Swinging,
Sushing and Sucking) on the pain response in infants
after immunization HB-0. Design of Research.
A1 : Group before 5’S method
X : Group treatment 5’S method
A2 : Group after 5’S method
Figure 2: Treatment 5’S method swingging
The location of this research at Grandmed Lubuk
Pakam Hospital.There are some reason researcher
doing this research:
The number of babies receiving Hb-0
immunization at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam
No research has been conducted on the effect of
the 5'S method on pain responses in infants after
Hb-0 immunization at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam
The location of the study is close to the residence
of the researcher, so that researchers will more
easily conduct research.
Based on preliminary studies conducted by
researchers note that there are 270 babies who get
Hb-0 immunization for 3 last month (January,
February, March) 2019 at the Grandmed Lubuk
Pakam Hospital.
Population was a large number of subjects or
possesses certain characteristics, the subject can be
humans, animal experiments, data from laboratories,
hospitals, etc, and the characteristics of the subject
itself are determined according to theplace and
purpose of the study (Sastroasmoro, 2017). The
population in this study based on the results of a
preliminary study of the study is 270 babies who
received Hb-0 immunization in the last 3 months 3
(January, February, March) in 2019.
Based on the survey, there were estimated to be
40 babies who get Hb-0 immunizations every month.
Sample is a portion of population selected in a
particular way, technique of sampling in this research
was done by purposive sampling technique that is
how to choose a sample among population
accordance with the specific sample inclusion
criteria (Sastroasmoro, 2017). To determine the
number of samples in this research used calculations
through the Lameshow formula (Firdaus, 2015)
sample size obtained from the formula above was 40
people. Inclusion Criteria, 1) Baby 0 – 7 day, 2) The
baby’s parents allowed if the baby be a sample for
research, 3) Baby with normal weight (2500-4000
gram), 4) Baby with stable condition (didn’t fever,
normally breath). Ekslusion Criteria, 1) Babies
mounted on a ventilator, 2) Babies mounted on a
ventilator who have cyanosis, 3) Babies with immune
system disorders, 4) Babieswho have congenital
heart abnormalities. Infants’ CR was assessed with
an experimental task that consisted of two conditions
each composed of three phases. Each phase lasted
two minutes. During the baseline phase of the parent
condition, the parent sat on a chair with the infant on
his lap.
Method Collecting the Data, Primary data in this
research were obtained from the results of direct
observation sheets about the pain response
experienced by infants after getting Hb-0
immunization at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital,
Secondary data of this research were obtained the
data Medical Record at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam
Hospital. Data measurement method is a method
used to measure variables so that the characteristics
of these variables are found, on the dependent
variable the effect of the 5'S method (Swaddling,
Side / Stomach position, Sushing, Swinging, and
Sucking) is measured when the baby is immunized
Hb-0 and the measurement results will be included
in the observation period of the NIPS (Neonatal
Infant Pain Scale) pain measurement scale and an
assessment is given based on the baby's response in
accordance with the NIPS pain scale. The greater the
score obtained, the greater the perceived pain
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
While the smaller the score obtained, the smaller the
perceived pain response.If the score is 0 then the pain
is not felt if the score is 1-3 then the pain is felt a little
(mildpain) if the score is 4-6 then the pain is felt and
disturbs comfort (moderate pain) whereas if the score
is obtained 7-8 then the pain is felt and very disturbing
(severe pain). In this resrach the data analysis was
carried out in stages, namely: 1) Univariate Analysis,
The analysis is used to obtain a description of the
frequency distribution or the magnitude of the
proportions based on the variables studied, namely
the independent variable (5'S method) and the
dependent variable (infant pain response during
Table 2: Showed the Percentage of each baby age
who is doing Hb-0 Immunization
Usia Responden Frekuensi Percentage
(Days) (People ) (%)
0 7 17.5
1 12 30
2 6 15
3 5 12.5
4 4 10
5 3 7.5
6 2 5
7 1 2.5
Total 40 100
We care about your child’s comfort. You are an
important member of your child’s healthcare team.
You know your child best. We want to partner with
you to help control your child’s pain. If you have
questions or concerns, please speak up and let your
child’s nurse know. While we may not be able to
make your child pain free, this is what we can do.
Assess your child’s pain. This is the first step to
understand and treat pain.oWeuse pain scalesbased
on the child’s age, ability to communicate and
preference. We work with you and your child to
decide which one works best. The pain scale you
choose is used the whole time your child is in the
hospital. unlessyourchild’scondition changes.Work
with you and your child to come up with a goal for
pain control. Learn what has worked before to control
your child’s pain and put that information in your
child’s plan of care. Use medicine and non-drug
methods to control your child’s pain. Teach you about
other methods you can use to control your child’s
pain. Often a combination of medicine and comfort
methods will give the best pain relief.
In this study data were obtained from the
observation sheet on the NIPS pain scale for pain
response. The measurement results are compared to
test the research hypothesis. The statistical test in this
study uses paired sample t-test with a significant
value <0.05, if the results of the study p value <0.05,
then the null hypothesis is rejected, meaning that the
alternative hypothesis is accepted, which means that
there is an effect of the 5'S method on the pain
response in infants when immunizing the
Distribution of Respondents Based on Age
Characteristic in Infants Receiving Hb-0
If you think medicine is needed, please let your
child’s nurse know. In the hospital a doctormust order
pain medicine before a nurse can give it to a patient.
Your child’s nurse works with you to decide what is
needed. In clinic your child’s doctor or nurse talks
with you aboutthepain medicine plan. You can start
using some simple methods if your child seems
uncomfortable or in pain. These methods are often
able to provide comfort and distraction that may
decrease your child’s pain. At the hospital we have
options to provide pain control without medicine.
The nurse, nursing assistant or child life therapist can
work with you to choosethe best tools for your child.
They can give youtipsabout how to use the tools
that are chosen.We also have another Health Fact for
You titled Non-drug Pain Control for Kidsthat gives
tipsbased on your child’s age. These methods can be
used with or without medicine. Pain control research
teaches us that the best pain control happens when we
combine medicines that work in different ways, and
non-drug methods of pain control. We suggest you
try these non-drug methods with your child when you
feel they may be helpful. Neonatal Infant Pain Scale
(NIPS)At the American Family Children’s Hospital
(AFCH) the NIPS is used in children less than one
year of age. Children at this age are not able to tell us
if they are in pain. This scale uses body language to
help us to understand if a child is in pain. A child is
evaluated and either scored a 0 or 1 in each category
based on their behavior. A total score is calculated.
Most of the time a score greater than 3 tells us a child
is likely to be experiencing pain or discomfort. If you
notice this, you could try some of the comfort
methods listed, Repositioning, Singing or soft music,
Gentle stroking, Rocking with the child in a rocking
chair, Swaddling, Pacifier, Holding a comfort item or
The Effect of Methods 5 S: Swaddling, Side/Stomach Position, Sushing, Swingging, Sucking with Pain Responce on Baby after HB-0
Table 3: Scale Pain Neonatal Infant Pain Scale
NO Parameter Condition Skor
ression Rileks 0
of Face Cr
Crying Not Crying 0
Loud cr
Rileks 0
Arm Restrained 0
Rileks 0
Fleksi 1
Ekstensi 2
Rileks 0
Fleksi 1
Ekstensi 2
Aroused Sleep
Wake up 0
Talktative 1
Skor 0 : No Pain
Skor 1 – 3 : Mild Pain
Skor 4 – 6 : Moderate Pain
Skor 7 – 8 : Severe Pain
This study, Harrington said, was designed to test
whether the measures work — not how effectively
they can be done in everyday practice. Harrington had
pediatric residents on hand to do the 5 S’s, which is a
luxury not available in the real world.But ideally,
parents can be taught over the course of their routine
well-child visits to perform at least some of the 5 S’s,
according to Harrington. That way, parents will learn
some extra tools for soothing their baby anytime, and
not just after a needle stick.
Swaddling recreates the snug packaging inside the
womb and is the cornerstone of calming. It decreases
startling and increases sleep. And, wrapped babies
respond faster to the other 4 S’s and stay soothed
longer because their arms can’t wriggle around. Table
4 found that Pretest Swaddling Pain Scale is Mild
pain (1-3) of 8 people (20%), Moderate pain scale (4-
6) of 9 people (22.5%), severe pain ((7-8) ) as many
as 23 people (57.5%) and the Posttest Swaddling pain
Scale ie no pain (0) as many as 6 people (15%), Mild
pain scale (1-3) as many as 28 people (70%) and
Moderate pain scale (4-6) as many as 6 people (15%).
Table 4: Pain Scale Pretest and Post swaddling
Pain Scale Pre test Pos test
o Pain
8 6
Middle Pain (1-3)
9 28
Moderate Pain (4-6)
23 6
40 40
Table 5 getting that Pretest Side/Stomach Position
no pain (0) as many as 8 people (20%), Mild pain (1-
3) as many as 12 people (30%), Moderate pain scale
(4-6) as many as 18people (45%) and severe pain (7-
8) as many as 2 people (5%) and scale of mild pain
and scale pain Posttest Side/Stomach Position
namely no pain (0) as many as 21 people (52,5%),
Mild pain (1-3) as many as 18 people (45%), and
Moderate pain (4-6) as many as 1 people (2,5). The
back is the only safe position for sleeping, but it’s the
worst position for calming fussiness. This S can be
activated by holding a baby on her side, on her
stomach or over your shoulder. You’ll see your baby
mellow in no time.
Table 5: Pain Scale Pretest and Pos tside/Stomach
Pain Scale Pre test Post test
o Pain
8 21
Middle Pain (1-3) 12 18
Moderate Pain (4-6) 18 1
Severe Pain (7-8) 2 -
Total 40 40
Table 6 getting that Pret est Shushing and
Swingging namely no pain (0) as many as 5 people
(12,5%), Mild pain (1-3) as many as 8 people 20%),
Mild pain (4-6) as many as 21 people (52,5%), and scale
severe pain
as many as 6 people (15%)and scale pain
Post Test Swingging and Shushing no pain (0) as
many as 13 people (32,5%), Mild pain (1-3) as many
as 23 people (57,5%), and scale mild pain (4-6) as
many as 4 people (10%)
Table 6: Scale Pain Pretest and Post sushing and
Pain Scale Pre test Post test
o Pain
5 13
Middle Pain (1-3)
8 23
Moderate Pain (4-6)
21 4
Severe Pain (7-8)
40 40
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
Table 7 found that the Pre Test sucking was no pain
of 3 people (7.5%), Mild pain (1-3) of 5 people
(12.5%), Moderate pain (4-6) of 7 people (17.5%)and
severe pain (7-8) as many as 25 people (62.5%) and Pain
Test Post Sucking Scale no pain (0) as many as 7 people
(17.5), Mild pain (1- 3) as many as 25 people (62.5),
Moderate pain (4-6) as many as 7 people
(17.5%) and
severe pain (7-8) as many as 10 people (2.5%)
Swaddling, Side/Stomach Position, Sushing,
Swinging and Sucking Against pain. Pain Response
in Infants After Hb-0 Immunization at Grandmed
Lubuk Pakam Hospital 2019.That the significant
value of pre-test and post-test Sucking = 0,000 (ɑ
<0.05) which means that there was an influence
before and after the Sucking treatment. Based on the
results of data analysis using paired sample t test
obtained p value (0.005) <ɑ (0.05), which means that
the Alternative Hypothesis was accepted, which
means there was an effect of Method 5'S (Swaddling,
Table 7: Scale Pain Pretest and postsucking
Pain Scale Pretest Posttes
o Pain (0) 3 7
Middle Pain (1-3) 5 25
Moderate Pain (4-6) 7 7
Severe Pain (7-8) 25 1
Total 40 40
It’s no secret that vaccine jabs create distress, for
infants and parents alike. The usual routine in
pediatricians’ offices is to get the shots done quickly
and then pass the baby into mom’s arms for some
comfort. But in the new study, researchers tested the
so-called “5 S’s” approach — a method of soothing a
fussy baby popularized by pediatrician Dr. Harvey
Karp in the book “The Happiest Baby on the Block
Based Overall, our study concluded that the
physical intervention of the 5 S’s (swaddling,
side/stomach position, shushing, swinging, and
sucking) provided
decreased pain scores on a validated pain scale
and decreased crying time among 2- and 4-month-old
infants immediately after routine vaccinations. The
use of 5 S’s did not differ from the use of 5 S’s and
sucrose. This simple physical intervention will
require additional studies to see whether it is
reproducible for other painful procedures and
whether parents can be taught to perform the 5 S’s
reliably.Parental and mechanical soothing using
swaddling, sound, and movement promptly induced a
CR in infants. This has important clinical
implications for soothing fussy and crying infants.
Future studies should investigate the effects of
parental versus mechanical soothing in the home
Based on the study, the 5S's physical intervention
are effective toward pain and length of crying after
immunization injection. By providing effective 5S's
physical intervention education and training to
parents will contribute to decrease pain after
immunizations injection.
There are Effect of 5’S Method (Swaddling,
Side/Stomach Position, Swinging, Sushin and
sucking) on pain response in infants after Hb-0 at
Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital 2019 with p
Physical intervention of the 5 S’s (swaddling,
side/stomach position, shushing, swinging, and
sucking) provided decreased pain scores on a
validated pain scale and decreased crying time among
2- and 4-month-old infants during routine
vaccinations. The use of 5S’s did not differ from 5S’s
and sucrose.
We thank the nursing staff at General Academic
Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital of the King’s
Daughters and our patients for allowing us to perform
this study during normal working hours.
Researcher are grateful to all participants and staff
who have been helping and can be used as input and
source of information in overcoming pain in infant
after Hb 0 immunization at Grandmed Lubuk Pakam
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