Effect of Giving Left Oblique Position to Changes in the Scale of Back
Pain in Post Patients Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Arfah May Syara, Anita Srigandaria Purba, Pitriani, Samuel Ginting
Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam
Keywords: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Pain, Oblique left
Abstract: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention is an intervention or non-surgical action to open or dilate the coronary
arteries that experience narrowing of the arteries. The impact of this action is back pain due to long bed rest
or immobilization. Back pain can be reduced by practicing a slanted sleeping position with a pillow or support
between the two legs. The purpose of this study was to determine the scale of back pain before and after
treatment of left oblique position in post PCI patients. This study uses a quasy-experimental design Pre test
and Post test. Measuring the scale of back pain in this study used the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). The
population in this studywere post PCI patients at GrandMed Hospital. The number of respondens in this study
were 10 respondens. Data was collected using an observation sheet to measure the scale of pain, then the data
was analyzed using the Paired Sample t-test to get the value p=0,081>(α=0,05). The results showed that there
was no effect on giving the left sloping position to changes in the scale of back pain in post PCI patients.
Based on the results of the study it was concluded that the administration of the left oblique position in post
PCI patients could not reduce the scale of back pain. Recommendations for futher research can be added to
back massage interventions to reduce back muscle tension or the intensity of back pain.
According to world statistics there are 9.4 million
deaths each year caused by cardiovascular disease
and 45% of these deaths are caused by coronary heart
disease (Kundasamy, 2014). Coronary arteries are
vessels blood that supplies oxygen and nurtition to the
heart muscle have metabolic needs high on both
While the 2014 World Health Statistics, there
were 17.5 million or 46.2% of all deaths worldwide
due to cardiovascular disease and it is estimated that
the number will increase until 2030 to 23.4 million
deaths (WHO, 2014). The World Health Organization
(WHO) defines cardiovascular disease as a disease
related to the heart and blood vessels, about 50% of
the world's population experiences death each year.
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention is an
intervention or non-surgical action to open / dilate /
dilate the coronary arteries that are narrowed so that
blood flow can return to the heart muscle and usually
often done through the femoral artery in more than
95% of cases (Chair, et al., 2007). Percutaneous
Coronary Intervention can cause some post-
complications complications because of using arterial
access (Kern, 2009). Transfemoral PCI procedures
can cause 5-10% complications, including hematoma,
infection, arterial venous fistula or retroperineal
hemorrhage. Reduction of complications after PCI
can be done with immobilization such as sleeping for
6-8 hours.
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI,
formerly known as angioplasty with stent) is a non-
surgical procedure that uses a catheter (a thin flexible
tube) to place a small structure called a stent to open
up blood vessels in the heart that have been narrowed
by plaque buildup, a condition known as
atherosclerosis. PCI improves blood flow, thus
decreasing heart-related chest pain (angina), making
you feel better and increasing your ability to be active.
PCI is usually scheduled ahead of time. A catheter is
inserted into the blood vessels either in the groin or in
the arm., Using a special type of X-ray called
fluoroscopy, the catheter is threaded through the
blood vessels into the heart where the coronary artery
is narrowed, When the tip is in place, a balloon tip
covered with a stent is inflated, The balloon tip
compresses the plaque and expands the stent, Once
the plaque is compressed and the stent is in place, the
balloon is deflated and withdrawn, The stent stays in
the artery, holding it open.
Through this process the patient feels pain and
discomfort in the back of the body due to
Syara, A., Purba, A., Pitriani, . and Ginting, S.
Effect of Giving Left Oblique Position to Changes in the Scale of Back Pain in Post Patients Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.
DOI: 10.5220/0009838104520458
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 452-458
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
immobilization (EBN, 2004 in Silber, 2006).
Changing the position of the bed using a pillow after
the post PCI action can effectively reduce back pain
and stabilize hemodynamics without increasing
vascular complications Razaei, Morteza, Ahmadi,
Mohamadi & Jafarabadi (2008). The complications
that may arise such as bleeding, hematoma coronary
artery rupture, aneurysm and arterial fistula (Hoek, et
al., 2010). According to the Heart Lung and Blood
Institute, complications include bleeding, infection
and pain, damage to blood vessels and allergies to the
contrast agents used.
According to Brunner and Suddarth (2002)
states that the factors are affect the pain as follows:
meaning of pain towards individuals (every
individual has a different meaning in looked at the
pain response, both on time different in the same
individual nor the same complaints. Some individuals
have positive responses and faster than other
individuals, pit depends on the conditions and
individual interpretation of the pain). The second
factor is individual tolerance of pain, tolerance of
someone related with the intensity of pain wherein the
individual can respond well or otherwise. The third
factor is threshold there is a limit to one's ability to
want to adapt and respond to pain which influences
behavior someone and the fourth factor is age, the age
difference someone has different influences in
looking at pain. At age adults are usually better able
to tolerate pain well, but in children the upper pain
threshold is low for distinguish pain and pressure,
while people who are elderly experience failure in
feeling tissue damage, due to changes degenerative
pain in the nerve pathway compared to young age.
Risk factors for vascular complications after
PCI action according to Lins, et al., (2006) include
old age, female sex, low body weight, concomitant
diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, kidney
failure and others, drugs used such as thrombolytic
therapy, heparin and PCI procedural actions such as
length of procedure duration and large sheats size
7F. To avoid complications, patients are required to
immobilate in supine or bed rest positions for 8-12
hours (Chair, et al., 2007). This causes complaints in
patients with discomfort such as back pain (Agustin,
et al., 2010).
To reduce complaints and patient discomforts
nursing measures to improve patient comfort with
changes in left tilt position do not affect the
complications that will occur and can reduce back
pain (Mohammady, et al., 2014). Client comfort and
safety are one of the goals of post-catheterization
nursing care management.
Progressive relaxation techniques are one of the
non-pharmacological therapies to deal with pain
developed by Edmun Jacobson (1930) in Banks
(2005). In addition, the benefits of progressive
relaxation techniques for patients include reducing
tension and anxiety (Paula, 2002).
Back pain can be reduced by practicing the
sleeping position on the side with a pillow or a
support between the legs (Archard, 2007). With the
left side sleeping position using a pad can reduce the
pressure on the large veins (inferior vena cava) in the
front of the spine which returns blood from the lower
body to the heart. This position will also ensure
healthy blood circulation.
The left tilt position not only maximizes blood
flow but also improves kidney function, which means
better disposal of residual fluid products (Heidi,
2006). The role of nurses in dealing with back pain
complaints is to provide health education about non-
pharmacological therapies to reduce back pain,
especially after PCI.
The patient immobilization process will because
back pain complaints as pain receptor triggers
(nociceptor) for influences the release of bradykinin,
histamine and prostaglandins, ingredients that are is
sensitive to pain. Pain signal this will be passed on by
sensory neurons in spinal cord, triggering the release
of glutamate as a neurotransmitter that delivers pain
signals from one neuron to one neuron other. This
pain signal will be received by thalamus, then passed
on to somato sensory cortex in the cerebrum where
pain will be localized. Through this process the
patient feels pain and feels no comfortable on the
back of the body due to from immobilization (EBN,
2004 in Silber, 2006).
Based on preliminary survey results found the
number of patients post percutaneous coronary
intervention (pci) in grandmed hospital in the january
2019 period as many as 36 people. to reduce back
pain in post pci patients, many factors are needed,
including left tilting mobilization.
This research was conducted at the Grandmed Poly
Physiotherapy Hospital, located at Jl Raya Medan,
No.66, Lubuk Pakam. The research was conducted in
February - July 2019. This type of research is a quasi-
experimental research design with pre-test and post-
test one group. The research sample of 10 people.
Effect of Giving Left Oblique Position to Changes in the Scale of Back Pain in Post Patients Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Figure 1: Research flow.
Pain measurement is performed using Verbal
Anolog Scale (VAS). VAS has been widely used in
diverse adult populations, including those suffering
from rheumatic diseases. VAS is an instrument used
to assess pain intensity using a line 10 cm long
(Figure 1) with a scale reading of 0-10 cm with a
range of meanings: no pain (0.9 cm), mild pain (1-3
cm) moderate pain (3.1 -7 cm), and severe pain (7.1-
8.9 cm). Pain measurement can be done by the
respondent himself. Determination of VAS score is
done by measuring the distance between the end of
the line on the painless line to the point indicated by
the patient, (Gillian A., Hawker, Mian, et all, 2011).
Pain examination procedure with VAS:
1. Explain to the patient about the purpose of the
measurement carried out
2. Explain to sufferers that right angle means no
pain, middle means moderate pain and left angle
means very painful (front VAS)
3. Telling the patient to choose or move the direction
of the VAS arrow on the pain scale in accordance
with the intensity of pain felt before changing
positions. Adjust the patient's position tilted to the
left by using a pillow under the back as a support
carried out for 15 minutes.
4. Record the pain scale expressed by the patient by
using a VAS pain gauge.
Pain measurement in this study was done before
and after treatment. Measurement data will be tested
by Paired Sample t-test and independent t-test. The
flow of this research can be seen in Figure 2.
0 10 mm
No pain Several pain
Figure 2: Visual Analogue Scale.
2.1 Mobilization
Mobilization is the ability to move freely, easily,
regularly, has the goal of fulfilling the needs of a
healthy life, and is important for independence
(Koizer, 2010). Mobilization aims to improve blood
circulation, maintain muscle tone and restore certain
activities so that it can meet the needs of daily
movement (Garrison, 2004). Left tilted position is a
position given to bed rest patients to reduce the
pressure for too long and prevent pressure sores
(Effendi, 2011).
Figure 3: Draw Position.
2.2 Back Pain
Pain is a multidimensional phenomenon and it is very
difficult to interpret because pain is a subjective and
personal experience (Black & Hawks, 2009). The
McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) is a
multidimensional assessment scale consisting of pain
relief, pain index (PRI), pain questions regarding past
pain and its location, and pain intensity index
experienced at this time.
Back pain is one of the most common reasons
people go to the doctor or miss work, and it is a
leading cause of disability worldwide. Most people
have back pain at least once.
Fortunately, you can take measures to prevent or
relieve most back pain episodes. If prevention fails,
simple home treatment and proper body mechanics
often will heal your back within a few weeks and keep
it functional. Surgery is rarely needed to treat back
2.3 Percutaneous Coronary
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention is an invasive
diagnostic procedure where one or more catheters are
inserted into the heart and blood vessels to measure
the pressure of the heart's chamber to determine
oxygen saturation in the blood (Smeltzer & Bare,
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
2010). Angioplasty works by stretching the arteries
and pressing the plaque toward the vessel wall, away
from the lumen, widening the entire vessel. This
procedure rarely causes the embolization of
atherosclerotic material.
Figure 4: Back Pain.
3.1 Characteristics of Respondents
Data distribution of respondents based on the age of
majority aged 50-60 years as many as 5 people (50%).
Based on gender, there were 7 male respondents
(70%). In Table 1. This is consistent with the theory
that the average age of back pain post Percutaneous
Coronary Intervention is between 57 to 60 years
(Mohammady et al, 2013). Price and Wilson (2006);
Woods, et al., (2005), which states that men have a
higher risk factor suffering from CAD associated with
patterns / lifestyles such as smoking and eating habits,
and activities / breaks that are less regular.
Table 1: Characteristics Table of Respondents.
Age Frequency (f)
4 40,0
5 50,0
1 10,0
10 100
Gender Frequency (f)
Male 7 70,0
Female 3 30,0
Total 10 100
3.2 Mean before and after
Administration of Left Tilt Position
to the Scale of Back Pain in Post
Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention Patients
The results of back pain scale analysis in post
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention patients before
being given a left tilt position treatment were 1.90
with a standard deviation (large difference from the
sample value to the average) 0.994 and the average
after being given a left tilt position treatment were
1.30 with a standard deviation of 0.483
Table 2: Pain Measurement Scale Results.
Pain Scale
Pre Test Post Test
1 R1 6 3
2 R2 6 2
3 R3 5 3
4 R4 5 3
5 R5 7 3
6 R6 6 3
7 R7 5 2
8 R8 6 3
9 R9 6 3
10 R10 5 2
Table 3: Mean Pain Scale Table Before and After Left
Tilting Position Intervention.
Mean n
Std. Error
Before 1.90 10 0.994 0.314
After 1.30 10 0.483 0.153
Back pain is a problem that often occurs in
patients with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
related to immobilization and limited position.
Prolonged bed rest causes muscle weakness due to
continuous pressure being applied to the same
muscle, while muscle weakness is what causes back
pain. Given the left tilt position, it is expected to
relieve muscle tension, and most of all is able to
overcome back pain (Razaei et al, 2008).
Mobilization in bed includes changes in position
(tilted to the left and right, sitting in bed), passive and
active movements (Suardika, 2005). Mobilization
should be done in stages to help the patient cure.
Psychologically mobilization can increase confidence
in patients to feel better. This change in movement
and position must be explained to the patient and
family to find out the benefits of mobilization, so as
to participate in the implementation of mobilization.
Effect of Giving Left Oblique Position to Changes in the Scale of Back Pain in Post Patients Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
The addition of progressive relaxation
techniques, optimizing stimulation in muscle spindles
and organ tendon golgi is maximal because there is an
authogenic inhibition response arising from the
presence of isometric principles that provide a relaxed
response through tension in the muscles then assisted
with expiration at the end of isometric
implementation. This will cause optimal release of
adhesion to the connective tissue of the muscles
(fasciadan tendons), so that optimal relaxation of the
muscles occurs then pain decreases (Silbernagl,
Active movement can cause contractions in
large skeletal muscle fibers which involve the
influence of where the function of the muscle spindle
is to control any changes in muscle length and the
tendon of the organ functions to inhibit muscle
contraction. Both of these components will work
consciously and then there is an adaptation response
to the muscles with a reduction in tension in the
muscles, repairing ischemia in the tissue so that it will
eventually cause a decrease in pain (Guyton, 2006).
Progressive relaxation is a skill that can be learned
and used to reduce or eliminate tension and
experience comfort without relying on things /
subjects outside of him. According to Jacobson,
tension has to do with shrinking muscle fibers, while
the opposite of tension is the absence of contractions
(Soesmalijah Soewondo, 2016). This progressive
relaxation is a method of relaxation technique that
combines deep breathing exercises and a series of
series of contractions and certain muscle relaxation
(Kustanti & Widodo, 2008 in Setyoadi &
Kushariyadi, 20
3.3 Effect of Giving Left Slanted
Position on Changes in Back Pain
Scale in Post Percutaneous
Coronary Intervention Patients
The results of data processing using paired t-test,
before and after the administration of the intervention
in the experimental group got p = 0.081> (α = 0.05),
it can be concluded that the hypothesis in the study
was rejected, ie there was no effect of giving a left tilt
to changes in the scale of back pain in Post
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) patients at
GrandMed Lubuk Pakam Hospital in 2019.
In addition, muscle relaxation movements
progressives can stimulate spending endorphin
hormone which gives comfort on the body. This
hormone can function as a natural sedative which is
produced in the brain and structure spinal cord.
Endorphin works by binding to existing opiate
receptors in the limbic system, midbrain, medulla
spinal cord and intestine. Opiate and opiate receptors
This endogenous then forms a intrinsic pain
suppression system. Bond between opiates and these
receptors will be able to reduce pain with prevent his
release as pain-producing neirotransmitters (Price &
Wilson, 2006).
Table 4: Effect of Giving Left Tilting Position on Changes
in Back Pain Scale in Post Percutaneous Coronary Patients.
in back
Paired Sample t - Test
95% Interval
Pre Test
– Post
0.600 0.966
According to the researchers' assumptions, it
was concluded that the treatment of the left sloping
position could not provide a response to a significant
decrease in back pain in post Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention (PCI) patients and increased comfort for
patients by reducing pressure on the back and long
bed rest in bed without increasing the incidence of
complications such as bleeding in the area of cardiac
According to Setyoadi & Kushariyadi, (2011)
progressive muscle relaxation is one of the
complementary therapies that can be given by nurses
or midwives in the process of providing care can be
given to clients who experience sleep disorders
(insomnia), stress, anxiety, neck muscle pain and
upper back and down, and depression so that it can
provide a relaxing effect to smooth the blood flow,
reduce muscle tension.
The principle that underlies muscle relaxation in
the body's mind approach is anything that relaxes our
muscles and mind. Stretching and relaxing each
muscle group at a time will result in progressive
relaxation of the entire body, as well as calming the
mind by stretching each muscle group for five
seconds and focusing. This is followed by breathing
deeply then releasing tension so that the muscles
become completely limp, (Bruce Goldberg, 2007).
Exercise therapy is body movement, physical
activity carried out systematically with the aim of: 1)
correcting or avoiding complaints, 2) improving or
increasing functional activity 3) avoiding or
preventing preventive measures from decreasing the
health status of risk factors 4) optimizing healthy
status, fitness or good condition (Kisner, 2007).
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
Provision of tilted position left with post PCI is
a combination of changes in position during
immobilization in patients with tilt and helps reduce
complaints back pain and help fulfill patient needs
such as eating, drinking and patient elimination needs
(Benson in Bigatello, 2006).
Provision of tilted position left and head elevation
given to Post PCI patients with vascular closure
device affects the reduction in pain (back pain). In
patients who are immobilized then the patient must
lie on the bed, gravity pressure will increased, the
burden is on the back so the microcirculation is
disrupted, the patient's pain response will appear
(EBN, 2004).
a. Based on the results of the statistical tests and the
discussion above, it can be concluded that the
administration of the left tilt position has no effect
on the change in the scale of back pain in post
percutaneous coronary intervention patients at
Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital in 2019.
b. Progressive muscle relaxation has so far been one
of the cheapest methods of relaxation, requires no
imagination, has no side effects, and is easy to do.
Relaxation therapy with tightening and relaxing
muscles at a time to give a feeling of physical
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to get a decrease in the scale of back pain in post
percutaneous coronary intervention patients and look
for other interventions related to the reduction in back
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