Provision of tilted position left with post PCI is
a combination of changes in position during
immobilization in patients with tilt and helps reduce
complaints back pain and help fulfill patient needs
such as eating, drinking and patient elimination needs
(Benson in Bigatello, 2006).
Provision of tilted position left and head elevation
given to Post PCI patients with vascular closure
device affects the reduction in pain (back pain). In
patients who are immobilized then the patient must
lie on the bed, gravity pressure will increased, the
burden is on the back so the microcirculation is
disrupted, the patient's pain response will appear
(EBN, 2004).
a. Based on the results of the statistical tests and the
discussion above, it can be concluded that the
administration of the left tilt position has no effect
on the change in the scale of back pain in post
percutaneous coronary intervention patients at
Grandmed Lubuk Pakam Hospital in 2019.
b. Progressive muscle relaxation has so far been one
of the cheapest methods of relaxation, requires no
imagination, has no side effects, and is easy to do.
Relaxation therapy with tightening and relaxing
muscles at a time to give a feeling of physical
Do not apply the left sloping position as a nursing care
to get a decrease in the scale of back pain in post
percutaneous coronary intervention patients and look
for other interventions related to the reduction in back
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